After looking at his father's appearance, Prince Wang finally laughed and laughed. After laughing, he sat up straight and told us all about the process of eating today.

"I invited Mr. Zhang to dinner first and apologized as soon as we met. After all, I made a mistake in this matter. I really lost so much cooperation in the past. My purpose was to apologize to the other party and get a good relationship back. But when I wanted to cooperate, I was still a little nervous."

"If Mr. Zhang doesn't give me this cooperation, I have nothing to say. After all, it's because I was such a jerk before and some of my family's childishness made a mess of it. Now the other party doesn't want to move forward and starts the cooperation for us again. That's also a kind of trust for us."

After hearing his son bowing and apologizing, the Wang family owner looked relieved and even moved. He didn't expect that his son was just a big man. He was able to bend and stretch. When he did something wrong, he brought back the loss, which was his pride.

"Yes, I appreciate what you have done today, and I should encourage you. After all, you have to take responsibility for what you have done wrong. Now it is also a kind of experience for you."

Prince Wang used to be the one who couldn't listen to these words. He always felt that these sermons were useless to him. They were all vague principles. But today, after listening to them, he still nodded seriously, because he was sensible. After understanding these sorrows, he could know how absurd what he had done before.

"Good son, I'm so glad that you've done so many things. It seems that you've really grown up and have the ability to take on your own responsibilities. That's great!"

The Wang family is not stingy of their praise at all. When they see that their son has done so many things, they are certainly happy. The happiest thing is that the lost cooperation is brought back by his son. Even when he grows up, his son knows how to take responsibility and work for the interests of the family.

Prince Wang laughed when he heard his father boasting about himself, but he picked his eyebrows.

"Who said before that I was not a talent and good for nothing? I was a dandy and put my family in a place of no return?"

When the Wang family owner saw that his son asked about this sentence, he laughed twice and said nothing. He looked at his son happily.

"In any case, you have already taken the first step and handed over the whole family to you. I hope you can take it step by step. There is still something to learn about the business in this market. As long as you are willing to take practical steps and don't think about opportunism, you will certainly make great achievements in the future!"

Mr. Wang nodded and looked very clever. Mr. Wang went on, following today's incident, and the conversation atmosphere between father and son was quite good.

"In the future, the life of the family needs to be involved. Today, this matter has been handled quite well. In the future, it seems that other businesses of the family can also be handled very well."

"I'm old. The business of this family will be handed over to you in the end. Then you can deal with it slowly. Learn more from Mr. Zhang. This person is not a thing in the pool. Now we can be afraid of it. Moreover, a powerful family like the Su family is already lonely. It's conceivable that it can't be said in one sentence or two. Some of them are East I'll let you learn! "

After hearing this, Prince Wang nodded his head.

"I learned something when I had dinner with Mr. Zhang today. Although the meal time is not very long, I can still feel something in the middle of the meal."

"Moreover, Mr. Zhang's grand way of doing things made me feel that I was too stingy before, and some of them were not on the table. Now looking back, I feel that I don't want to admit that experience, but I really thank myself for being such a jerk. Only in this way can we have this understanding. "

The family members of the Wang family are just so happy. The surprise that their son gave them today is wave after wave. Before, his son said that he would change his ways. Although he believed it, he was still worried. Especially when he saw that his son invited Zhang Cheng to dinner, he was afraid that his son would go the old way.

"You don't know that when I heard that you were going to invite people to dinner, I was afraid. I was afraid that you would make a mistake and do what you used to do. Then our whole family would be ruined!"

But after hearing about the resumption of the contract, my heart became excited. Although I knew that it was my son's credit, I still wanted to hear about how my son had done it. I was not so happy with such cooperation. My son changed his ways, and the prodigal son turned back to be excited.

"Fortunately, you've done a right thing now, otherwise I won't let you go. Then the boss will beat you, and it won't hurt you for a year!"

This sentence in the end is the truth, when I know my son to make a mess, I want to catch people back and beat them up.

But now I heard my son say that he was such a jerk before, and now he's going back to normal, and so on. Such words make me very excited, full of emotion and pride.

"I will study more with Mr. Zhang in the future. During the meal today, I have realized the mistakes in the past and the narrowness of my city and county. I believe that I will gain more from contacting Mr. Zhang for a period of time."The Wang family joined and nodded. They also agreed with the young man. Many old guys can't compare with this young man. It's like that they also depend on their breath, so they don't depend on each other. However, with the cooperation of the other party, they can only add to the cake and be invincible. Such a thing is also a fact.

"As you said, if the other party gives us this cooperation again, it is not only for our reputation, but also for your trust. If you win this cooperation back by yourself, then you will be fully responsible for everything. Don't let down the trust of the other party, and let our company go further."

After looking at his brother's expression, Mr. Wang suddenly thought that he did not listen to the old man's words and suffered losses in front of his eyes. In the past, if he could listen to a word of advice, he would not have such twists and turns. Fortunately, the result is still good. He was relieved and nodded his head seriously. Zhang Cheng has no special feelings about the re cooperation between the two companies, but he was surprised to see the prince and himself apologizing today. He didn't expect that a prodigal son could turn back in such a short time. He was really surprised.