Chapter 2204

"What do you mean?" Yang Xiaotian's eyebrows wrinkled deeper.

"You'd better go and see for yourself." James shook his head.

What shampoot touches has become a taboo at the top of the Rost family. To be able to save shampoot's life is the point where James can do his best. For this reason, he gave up the qualification of inheriting the family.

Because of this, Landry was so angry that he didn't have a good meal for several days.

It's just James's temper, Landry knows. This stinky boy has decided things, no matter who is not trying to persuade back. Just as he chose to join the army in the beginning, and now he wants to protect xiangporter.

In this incident, if James had not transferred an army from the army, I'm afraid that the success rate of this attack would have increased by at least 40%. The loss to the Rost family should be increased at least three times!

The importance of his role in quelling civil strife this time alone came after Landry's abdication. As long as James shows signs that he wants to compete for the patriarch, the rest of us can simply announce their exit.

Not to mention James, Landry is the patriarch who has solved the problem that has troubled the Rost family for more than a century. Not to mention, James is still carrying the rank of major general of the United States?

This time from the Rost family to get a lot of oil and water, and in exchange, Landry put forward to let James as major general conditions. Now James has set all the records of the youngest senior management in American military history.

No matter what the reason, but once you can sit in the position of major general, unless James committed a crime similar to treason. Otherwise, there will be no possibility of collapse.

If a major general wants to do something, for example, let the children of his family with good qualifications enter the next stage more smoothly than the soldiers of the same level, or even advance. It's not that difficult, in any country.

If one gets the right way, the dog and the rooster will rise to heaven. In the case of the above people, and you pass the standard of people, is not comparable to the speed of your promotion. At any time, at any place, there can be no absolute fairness. Even in the face of the same disease, people of different classes can enjoy different treatment.

So it can be predicted that even if James does not participate in the race for the position of patriarch. His influence on the family will never be worse than that of the patriarch. If the target is the children of the family who want to join the army, James can play a more attractive role than the patriarch.

So if James doesn't say it, no one dares to let him not participate in the patriarchal election as a condition to release shampoot. Moreover, even if James uses this as a condition, they can't really release shampoos intact.

They have been tossing about shampoos for three or four months, until shampoos have been tortured by no human form. Just "reluctantly" agreed to James, with give up to participate in the patriarchal election as an exchange, let shampoot free proposal.

And for the next few months, James sent people to take care of shampoot. After this experience, shampoot also thoroughly understood why Yang Xiaotian advised him to give up.

Maybe he's not the right person to play the game of trickery, maybe he's really wrong

It's just that when he realized this, though not too late. But when he realized this, he paid a price that he could not erase all his life.

Originally, after saving shampoot, James wanted to find Yang Xiaotian - the only person he could think of who could accept or dare to accept xiangbote was Yang Xiaotian.

But at that time, the epidemic broke out in Canada, and it was impossible for Yang Xiaotian to come back. Of course, there is no time to come back. In addition, there was a quarrel between shampoot and Yang Xiaotian. James also heard about it.

Before the end of Canada, James can't guarantee that Yang Xiaotian will agree to accept shampoos.

James has always been concerned about the Canadian side, and with the relationship between Canada and the United States, if James wants to, he can go there every minute.

But James did not want to go, after all, this time the epidemic, is a mutant. If he is infected, although as a major general, he is basically impossible to appear on the battlefield. However, a major general who has suffered from tuberculosis will eventually have some problems. According to the situation of patients who have recovered from tuberculosis treatment before, it is really possible. But this kind of risk, is James dare not take.

He wanted to serve his motherland, but years of military career made him realize it. Before there is enough status. One cavity of his blood, after all, can not be in accordance with their wishes to pour.

Things should be done by professional people.

Of course, it's just self consolation. In fact, what's the reason why he won't go there. James himself knows best.

"I don't think I have that obligation." Yang Xiaotian shook his head and then drank softly“ This road is his own choice, at the beginning, I have advised him. But at that time, he refused. Now the pain he has to bear is also his own choice. "

"But, sky." James murmured“ He is still young, a child, and he is entitled to be forgiven after his mistakes! "

"You tell me, a man in his twenties, or a child?" Yang Xiaotian drinks low“ The so-called adult, is to understand the consequences of any thing they do, must bear the possible consequences and responsibilities after doing this thing. If he doesn't know, he's not a child, he's just mentally disabled. "

Yang Xiaotian likes shampoot very much. Smart, respect yourself.

It's not just a simple saying that teachers should be respected. If a person can't even respect his teacher, he won't be sincere when listening to the teacher.

Shampoot respects himself and even asks himself about many important questions. This is why Yang Xiaotian knew that shampoos had used themselves to achieve some goals. But still can't help, mouth reminds the next fragrant Potter.

But that time, it was Yang Xiaotian's last chance to give xiangporter. At that time, Yang Xiaotian could see that shampoo was not Landry's rival at all. In addition, James had come back at that time, so he had no chance to succeed in usurping power.

If we have to persist, we will only fail. If the shampoos at that time gave up their greed and softened to Yang Xiaotian, Yang Xiaotian might hesitate for a while. In the end, they agreed.

But after the opportunity was given, he was rejected by shampoot. In Yang Xiaotian's view, this means that. Shambalt has made it clear that no matter what happens in the future, the result is what he can bear.

To be exact, in Yang Xiaotian's opinion. Anyone who can understand the meaning of normal words is a person who can take responsibility. After making a mistake, everyone must bear the serious consequences caused by this mistake and be responsible for the consequences.

At this time, James obviously just wanted to find a reason for shampoot, but he forgot. He was not James who could let Yang Xiaotian give him the responsibility of protecting the oil well at the beginning, so what he said and the person he hoped to let Yang Xiaotian take care of, Yang Xiaotian would not, let alone agreed without hesitation.

What's more, this time, the person entrusted by James is still shampoot, who used Yang Xiaotian at the beginning. After that, who didn't listen to Yang Xiaotian's persuasion?

"I hope you can have a look. He's really different." James pleaded“ He lost his brother as a child, and then his parents. It was his childhood experience that led him to be the culprit of his present character. In the family, there are not a few people who can form this kind of character. Shampoos are not the first, and they will never be the last. "

"So? Are you going to donate your family property to me and completely destroy other people to become shampoos? " Yang Xiaotian looks at James playfully.

"It's impossible." Although I heard that Yang Xiaotian was joking with himself, of course, he was more sarcastic. But James, however, explained very seriously“ But I can tell you very clearly that if you go to see him, I will give you 100 million dollars. If you can help me take care of him, let him pick up the hope to continue to live. I'll give you 500 million dollars. If you can fix him and get him back on his feet, I'll give you a billion dollars. "

"Deal." These are three things that Yang Xiaotian can do if he only meets one side. After all, one hundred million US dollars is just for meeting. Why don't you do such a clean and profitable thing?

"Let's go tomorrow." James handed Yang Xiaotian a ticket. Obviously, he was well prepared for persuading Yang Xiaotian.

"Oh?" Looking at the ticket in hand, Yang Xiaotian looks at James playfully“ You seem very confident in persuading me. "

"I've bought all the tickets for a month, but it's the only one that can't make it back." James took the mobile phone booking page, let Yang Xiaotian look.

Sure enough, James ordered all the flights except this one.