Chapter 1926

"Yang Xiaotian, how can this boy do so much trouble?" Middle aged people's hearts can not help but secretly complain.

"Sneeze!" Yang Xiaotian is eating, suddenly feel a nose itch, and then a sneeze down. The stuffy things in his nose sprayed directly into James's bowl

"This meal can't be eaten..." James looked at the sticky mucus in the bowl, and his stomach was tumbling.

"Sorry, this sneezing is uncontrollable." Yang Xiaotian said with a smile, but there is not much sincerity in the tone.

"Ha ha..." for Yang Xiaotian this obviously not how careless apology, James just ha ha a smile, and then lazy to pay attention to Yang Xiaotian.

"But vice Bureau, we are..."

"Since wells is sent by the U.S. government to carry out the task, if we detain wells for too long, then the U.S. government will not blow up immediately?" The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly“ Fortunately, wells is still in our country, so if he really wants to get some information from us in the name of buying medicine, we can just leak a little bit of things in the past. "

"Vice Bureau, it's wrong of you to do so!" Xiao Liu said solemnly at once.

"But as for what to leak, it's up to us." The middle-aged man gave Xiao Liu a brain breakdown, and then laughed and scolded“ Do you think I might be careless and let it out? "

"If you dare, I'll go to your house and complain to the old chief!" Xiao Liu said seriously.

"Smelly boy, they are already twenty-three or forty-four people. Now they are still like children. They will go to complain at any time!" I didn't give Xiao Liu a bad look all year round.

"It's all forced by the vice Bureau." Xiao Liu said very seriously“ However, I feel that the people who can make the U.S. government fight so hard to buy so many medicinal materials in China are certainly not small roles. "

"Yes, it won't be a small role. If it's a small role, how can the American government, who doesn't see rabbits and doesn't scatter eagles, so casually let people of wells' status come to China? " The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"By the way, I remember wells and Yang before..."

"Well, that's all for today's discussion." Xiao Liu is not a fool if he can be liked. Although the child's EQ is a little low, his IQ is not low. Now he actually and infers who is the person who can let the U.S. government direct wells to purchase medicinal materials in China.

But there are some things that you can't talk about, even if you already know.

"Yes..." after seeing the stern look in the vice Bureau's eyes, Xiao Liu realized that his conclusion should be correct.

But this conclusion can't be told to a third person, as long as you know. When the middle-aged man covers his mouth, he has already realized this.

Xiao Liu is from an ordinary family and has a clean foundation. There was no such thing as the landlord class or the capitulators in our ancestors.

And what's more valuable is that the boy's mind is very simple. Although sometimes, because EQ is too low, it is easy to make a lot of problems, and even make some jokes.

But after all, Xiao Liu is extremely loyal to middle-aged people.

Middle aged people seem to be in their thirties, but they are actually 45 years old. It's just that you don't need to run all the year round at the NSA. So the maintenance is very good. The 45 year old middle-aged uncle looks like a person in his early 30s who has just stepped into the uncle level.

The smile on his face made him look like a very gentle person. But if you really think so, it's a big mistake.

Anyone who dares to have such an idea has been fooled by the middle-aged people because of this idea, and the color of his underwear has not been said. If there is nothing of great value out of the interrogation, the person will naturally be released.

If someone is fooled into saying something extraordinary, then naturally, this person's life will come to an end.

At the beginning, Xiao Liu saw with his own eyes that a middle-aged man personally executed a traitor.

In order to let Xiao Liu experience it, the middle-aged man also asked Xiao Liu to collect the body of the prisoner who was shot in the head by Sam, and then put it in the refrigerator.

Of course, this is only here.

Xiao Liu is responsible for assisting the middle-aged people, not the criminal police to execute the shooting of prisoners. So as long as his courage can be trained, all this is enough. There is no need to do anything superfluous.

And because Xiao Liu will be offline from time to time because of EQ, make some jokes, even accidents. So the middle-aged people have already made an agreement with Xiao Liu.

If at some time, the middle-aged man covers his mouth - in fact, it can be replaced by winking or coughing.

However, there is another common problem for people with low EQ, that is, they don't like to look at people's faces.

At the beginning, the middle-aged people did make an appointment with Xiao Liu to wink or cough.

But this natural little Liu is very serious when he infers. When a person focuses on doing something seriously, it is easy to completely ignore the surrounding environment.

Just like in school, if a student wants to read some extra-curricular books, he will subconsciously ignore them when he is fascinated. In fact, he is in class.

At this time, it is also the most easy time for students who read extracurricular books to be caught.

I believe that anyone who has ever read extra-curricular books in class will have the experience of being caught by the head teacher or the teacher in charge of a class and feeling cold all over.

The middle-aged people originally hoped that they could use more moderate means to remind Xiao Liu.

However, although the intelligence quotient of Comrade Liu exceeds one hundred and seven, his EQ is estimated to be less than fifty

Sometimes, he would not notice that what he said actually touched something very sensitive.

But if Xiao Liu can realize this, the middle-aged people will not have such a headache.

After work, the middle-aged man invited Xiao Liu to have dinner with him. In the private room, Xiao Liu asked in a low voice“ Deputy bureau, you covered my mouth at that time. I said it again? "

"What do you say?" The middle-aged man gave Xiao Liu a white eye.

Xiao Liu, a simple child, makes middle-aged people laugh and cry.

Let's say he is simple. When he deduces the cause and effect of things, it is absolutely a leverage. Even middle-aged people sometimes have to admire Xiao Liu's meticulous logical ability.

From many seemingly unrelated clues, he can infer many things.

At the beginning, it was because of Liu's ability that middle-aged people promoted this young man who had just graduated from university to work in the National Security Bureau.

The other thing that middle-aged people like about Xiao Liu is his quality of being out of mud but not dyed.

Although in the police school, it is basically a world where the strong are respected. But Xiao Liu has not been affected by his complex school interpersonal relationship.

This kind of simple character, but the ability is very strong subordinates, many bosses want to have subordinates. Of course, it's easy for the subordinates with EQ offline to make a lot of jokes or even problems.

If a boss can't bear such subordinates, it's better to find one with EQ online. After all, not everyone is magnanimous, and not everyone can afford to live with this kind of subordinates who are easy to get into trouble.

"Well, you should not speculate in the Bureau or talk to anyone about this matter. You don't know anything if I didn't ask, do you? "

"Well, I see." Xiao Liu nodded.

Although middle-aged people seem to be very strict with him, Xiao Liu knows it. In fact, middle-aged people are doing good for him.

EQ, though it can also be cultivated the day after tomorrow. But some people, some things, are not necessarily successful. Obviously, Comrade Liu belongs to this kind of person.

"Well, let's have dinner. What do you want to eat? It's my treat." Xiao Liu's family is not bad. Although the salary of the national security bureau is not bad, there is an old sick mother in Xiao Liu's family.

Otherwise, according to Xiao Liu's achievements, he can continue to study. Even he has been qualified to walk, but in order not to let the family's financial burden is too heavy, so Xiao Liu decided to work.

It's because of this that middle-aged people talk to Xiao Liu when they are basically free. When we talk about things, naturally we talk about them in the hotel.

Now that I'm in the hotel, I have to eat.

Although Xiao Liu also wanted to pay for it, the middle-aged man refused severely.

"I invited you here to talk about things, that is, you are here to help me. If I ask you to pay, isn't that hitting me in the face? "

Xiao Liu's EQ is relatively low, but he is not a fool.

Naturally, he knows that the reason why middle-aged people do this is clear. His monthly salary, except that he left 500 Chinese dollars as his daily expenses, was sent to his home.

At the beginning, Xiao Liu basically went to work every day to eat. On holidays, they are eating steamed bread and salted vegetables at home