Chapter 1490

"Boy, I'll fight you! Oh, dear Roaring Luo Yunshan just called out this sentence, he was knocked by a small hand.

"How old are you? All day long or how In Luo's family, although Luo Shanshan is Luo Yunshan's heart and soul, she is not qualified and has no courage to do this to Luo Yunshan. And there is only one person who is qualified to knock Luoyun mountain, that is yunyuran.

And Luo Yunshan can be beaten, but also obediently as what did not happen, it is only yunyuran.

"My God, not to mention that after acupuncture, the body feels different." When yunyuran finishes cleaning up LUOYUNSHAN and turns to face Yang Xiaotian, the indifference on his face has become mild.

"Acupuncture is a very important benchmark for testing the level of traditional Chinese medicine, and it is also one of the important reasons why traditional Chinese medicine can become the most mysterious medicine in the medical field. It's just that learning acupuncture requires a good teacher's instruction and a long time of training, so that the needle can be put in a divine state. " Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"This is true." Yun Yuran still knows something about traditional Chinese medicine. After hearing Yang Xiaotian's words, he nods in praise.

She also knows that some of the Chinese medicine, younger, have more than 40 years old, older have more than 70 years old. But among so many traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, none of them has the courage to use gold needles for acupuncture.

At the beginning, because of fear, Yang Xiaotian covered Yun Yuran's eyes with gauze.

After taking the needle, Yun Yuran noticed that the needle Yang Xiaotian used for his acupuncture was actually the most difficult one to control.

You know, although the effect of gold needle is the best in acupuncture, it is also the most difficult to control. And if at the beginning, I saw that Yang Xiaotian was using a gold needle, in fact, Yun Yuran would not be nervous.

Acupuncture and moxibustion is a completely dependent on talent and experience to complete things. If you don't have enough assurance, if you want to use the gold needle to give people acupuncture, if you don't have enough ability, if you want to control the gold needle, it is an extremely energy consuming task.

And want to use gold needle to acupuncture, itself is very confident in their acupuncture ability.

In fact, it can be said that anyone who dares to use gold needles can not be said to be a miracle doctor or something, but they are either arrogant lunatics or real miracle doctors. Combined with what I heard before, Yang Xiaotian used acupuncture in the first people's Hospital of luo'an city to detoxify dozens of food poisoning patients.

Yunyuran is not difficult to guess, Yang Xiaotian definitely belongs to the latter.

"My God, why don't you give Shanshan a physical examination?" Cloud feather naturally thought, then suddenly open a way“ Shanshan experienced an event a few years ago. After that event, her body became not particularly good. Do you think you can... "

"Mom, I don't want to talk about that again." But has been facing the cloud feather Ran's time, is all obedient female Luo Shanshan, at this time of voice suddenly sharp many. Yang Xiaotian could hear that there was even a little hoarseness and hysteria in Luo Shanshan's voice.

"Yunshan, let Shanshan have a rest in her room." Of course, Yun Yuran will not give Luo Shanshan a chance to refute, unless he thinks it is necessary to listen to Luo Shanshan, he will be a patient listener and a wise guide.

But now, after seeing Yang Xiaotian's medical skills, Yun Yuran has made up his mind to match Yang Xiaotian and Luo Shanshan. At this time, Yun Yuran would never allow Luo Shanshan to intervene.

"This..." Luo Yunshan hesitated a little. It was not only the pain in Luo Shanshan's heart for a lifetime, but also the pain in Luo Yunshan's heart for a lifetime.

When Yun Yuran mentioned that, Luo Yunshan actually wanted to dissuade him. But what Yun Yuran has determined, even Luo Yunshan can't change.

They respect each other like guests, but they will not unconditionally obey each other's words and behaviors because they love each other. Yunyuran is like this to LUOYUNSHAN, and so is LUOYUNSHAN to yunyuran.

But now what is the reason why Yun Yuran raised this issue in front of Yang Xiaotian? As a person who has lived with Yun Yuran for decades, Luo Yunshan is very clear.

To be honest, Luo Yunshan is also quite satisfied with Yang Xiaotian. Although before, because of many factors, for Yang Xiaotian, Luo Yunshan's mood is more complex.

But after all, after seeing Yang Xiaotian's medical skills today, Luo Yunshan, like Yun Yuran, has been conquered by Yang Xiaotian's medical skills.

So although Luo Yunshan felt a little bit wrong when he heard Yun Yuran mention that thing, this time, he chose to believe Yun Yuran.

"Shanshan, let's go back to the room." Luo Yunshan's tone is very mild, and his attitude towards Yang Xiaotian is quite different from before.

"I don't want it!" This time, Roxanne didn't mean to be obedient at all. What happened at the beginning had a great influence on rosantha, and also caused great harm to her heart.

It can be said that in the past, rosantha was a gentle, smiling and confident little girl. But after experiencing that event, she became a girl with a short temper and a violent personality. And more importantly, she is no longer as confident as she was at the beginning.

"Yunshan!" Seeing that Luo Shanshan didn't cooperate, Yun Yuran's voice line immediately increased a few syllables.

"Alas..." Luo Yunshan hesitated, and then raised his hand to Luo Shanshan's neck. Luo Shanshan, who was still fighting fiercely, fainted under Luo Yunshan's knife.

"Well, you can talk. I'll stay with her for a while." Luo Yunshan took Luo Shanshan to her bedroom, but his back looked bleak.

"Isn't that..." Yang Xiaotian is a little surprised to see that yunyuran should let LUOYUNSHAN pass through luoshanshan directly. In his heart, although rosantha was a little grumpy, she was also a little unreasonable.

But Yang Xiaotian can feel that Luo Shanshan's heart is actually a very simple girl.

"Thirty years ago, when I was 13 years old, I met Shanshan's father, Yunshan." Yunyuran did not answer Yang Xiaotian's question, but began his own narration.

Thirty years ago, yunyuran was still a little girl, but she was already graceful. Because they are beautiful, they are naturally pursued by many boys. Among them, there is Luoyun mountain.

It's just that Yun Yuran is the best girl in heaven. Although she is beautiful, she is definitely not a vase. Whether it is appearance, academic performance, Yun Yuran is the top of luo'an experimental middle school.

Luo Yunshan is two years older than Yun Yuran. Although his grades are OK, he is already the object of being dissuaded by the school because he often fights.

As the pride of heaven, yunyuran naturally won't take a fancy to the little gangster Luo Yunshan.

This situation lasted for a year and a half. During this period, another boy attacked Yun Yuran. This boy is different from Luo Yunshan. He is the son of a big family. No matter in appearance, cultivation or study, he is as good as yunyuran.

Yunyuran was moved, but because he didn't want to delay his study because of love, yunyuran politely refused. But she told him that if he could be admitted to Imperial University with himself after graduating from high school, then she would be willing to be his girlfriend.

This kind of commitment, if given to others, is absolutely ecstatic. But when the object is the young man, things become different.

After all, it really didn't take much effort for the girl that he wanted to pursue!

Although yunyuran is the proud woman of heaven, her family background is just an ordinary wage family. Because of his family background, appearance and good academic performance, the boy never wanted to pick up a girl for more than three days.

And spent nearly three months on Yun Yuran, invested countless energy, time and money, but not even Yun Yuran's hand!

Although it can't be said that there is no result at all, how can it be possible to make an agreement that still needs five years to wait!

So one day, he sent a dozen gangsters to kidnap Yun Yuran, who was still in the third grade of the experimental middle school.

He is tired of pursuing, so he doesn't pay attention to whether he can get Yun Yuran's heart. As long as you can get yunyuran's body, the rest is not important!

Yunyuran at this moment to recognize the real face of the childe brother, but everything is too late. At least in Yun Yuran's heart, it is.

Because what she was brought to was an abandoned gas station, which was called "every day should not" and "no work". Unless it's a miracle, no one will come to save her.

But the miracle still happened. Although he didn't get into No.1 middle school, he got into No.3 middle school in luo'an city. Luo Yunshan, the famous hunhun Hun high school in luo'an City, has replaced the former senior high school and become the new three kinds of Hun.

However, after learning that the opponent is that childe brother, all the younger brothers shrink back. In desperation, Luo Yunshan has to go alone.

And this one is going.

What I paid for was more than 20 cuts.

Harvest, a girl's heart belongs to a lifetime.