Chapter 1418

It has to be said that although Hu Mo Wen can't say that he is going out of his heart and lungs to Yang Xiaotian now, it's no exaggeration to say that he is meticulous.

Because Yang Xiaotian's transfer order the day before was kept secret, it was only the day before Yang Xiaotian arrived that the transfer order was sent to luo'an city.

If it's just an ordinary staff member, it's much easier to arrange the dormitory. But this time, it's the deputy director of the health bureau!

Although the health bureau is not a powerful organization, its role can not be ignored. Moreover, the deputy bureau level is the deputy bureau level after all. With such a junior deputy bureau level figure, normal people only think that Yang Xiaotian is here to earn qualifications.

Therefore, Hu Mo Wen attaches great importance to the arrangement of Yang Xiaotian's dormitory. To be exact, not only Hu Mo Wen, but also the rest of the cadres in luo'an City attach great importance to the arrival of Yang Xiaotian.

When I learned that Yang Xiaotian came to luo'an city and was accompanied by a person, many people showed greater interest in the identity of this person than Yang Xiaotian.

It's good not to investigate. After the investigation, I found out that the "follower" who always followed Yang Xiaotian was actually the Wang family member who ranked second in the four major families of the military!

The background of the person who can make the Wang family pay attention to sending a child to follow is absolutely not ordinary!

Although Yang Xiaotian is only 26 years old now, many people unconsciously associate Yang Xiaotian with someone.

"Maybe he's the bastard of that one! Otherwise, can he be regarded by the Wang family as a young man who is less than 30 years old and send his children to follow him? " Many people are guessing like this in their hearts, but their guess is still far away from reality.

However, this is undoubtedly very good for Yang Xiaotian, because these people's blind guesses lead them to fall into a wrong thinking area, and then they keep thinking about Yang Xiaotian's identity in a high position.

The more they think about Yang Xiaotian's identity, the more respectful they will be to Yang Xiaotian. It's just a pity that this time does not last long. Otherwise, Yang Xiaotian's life in Yunnan Province will be much easier.

"This is..." Yang Xiaotian looked at a group of people in front of him in consternation. He had no impression of these people. However, even if we don't know the identity of the other party, we can infer from Hu Mo Wen's respect for that person that the person standing in the front half of Hu Mo Wen's body must be the head of luo'an City, that is, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, while the mayor is probably the one standing side by side with the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, but a little behind.

The rest standing behind them should be the senior cadres of other departments in luo'an city. If the cadres at the bottom are not qualified for this interview, I'm afraid.

Sure enough, after seeing the doubts on Yang Xiaotian's face, Hu Mo Wen immediately walked from behind the man to the front with a smile, but his body was not straight, but slightly bent.

"This is Xue Weikai, Secretary of the municipal Party committee of luo'an city." As like as two peas Yang Xiaotian expected, the standing front row member is the Secretary of the municipal Party committee.

"Hello, Secretary Xue." The Secretary of the municipal Party committee is the head of the city. Although Yang Xiaotian doesn't like this kind of hypocritical communication, it's not the beginning after all. Although he doesn't like some things, in order to develop better and get better things in the future, Yang Xiaotian must do it.

"Hello, director Yang. Since he was young, he has been in his present position, and his future achievements will be immeasurable. When the time comes, I will be prosperous. Don't forget me Xue Weikai said with a smile.

"Er... Secretary Xue is joking. I'm just a newcomer. Where can I compare with you?" In the past, Yang Xiaotian seldom said such polite words. But now, he can speak up.

Time will change a lot of things, even if it is how to adhere to things, after the flood of time, even if you can keep the original heart, but the shape will be washed into another shape.

"Ha ha..." Xue Weikai was very satisfied with Yang Xiaotian's attitude. After that, he simply said a few words and motioned Hu to continue the introduction.

"Brother Yang, this is Xu Han, mayor of luo'an city." Now that the simple communication between Xue Weikai and Yang Xiaotian is over, the rest of the time is to introduce the rest of the bigwigs.

"Good morning, mayor Xu." Yang Xiaotian smiles and reaches out his hand.

"Brother Yang, you came in a hurry yesterday. There was something wrong with the listing. Secretary Xue and I wanted to eat in your health bureau yesterday. I just can't get rid of myself. That's why... Ha ha... I hope you don't take your heart too much, younger brother Yang. I think we look down on you. "

"Mayor Xu, you are welcome. The work in the city is the key. To serve the people, you should give up the small for the big. This is what we government officials should do. " Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"You're right, serving people's names." Yang Xiaotian's steps are really good. Xu Han nodded with satisfaction, while Xue Weikai nodded with the same approval.

After that, some of them were at the level of bureau and deputy bureau of other departments. Hu Mo Wen didn't introduce the rest of them one by one. He just said which department they were from, what was the highest position and what was the lowest position.

Yang Xiaotian felt dizzy.

It's troublesome enough to remember people's names. Now, in addition to remembering people's names, we should also remember their positions. This is a great challenge for Yang Xiaotian, who has always been able to forget unimportant people every minute!

Especially after listening to Hu Mo Wen's introduction, he turned around and looked at the person who had been introduced before. Looking at a few people, after a period of confusion flashed in his heart, Yang Xiaotian's heart was followed by bursts of despair.

Because he found that at the moment when he turned around just now, he found that some of the names of these people had been completely forgotten!

"Well, let's go and see your new dormitory first. Later in the evening, mayor Xu and I will act as hosts for you. We didn't come yesterday. Today's reception, brother Yang, you must attend it. " Quietly, Xue Weikai changed his address to Yang Xiaotian to younger brother Yang.

"Sure, sure." Yang Xiaotian smiles, and then follows Hu mowen.

The rest of the staff, however, followed Xue Weikai and Xu Han and walked to the other side.

There is a certain distance between the health bureau and the municipal government. After all, the Health Bureau focuses more on hotels and other places that need to be strictly controlled, while the municipal government is different.

So there are three or four kilometers between them.

"When we get to this place, it's brother Yang's dormitory after you." Hu mowen pointed to a place and said.

"This... Is for me?" Yang Xiaotian looked at in front of this one called dormitory, in fact, it is the existence of a single family villa. This is a bit too exaggerated. If he dares to live in it, I'm afraid that once someone puts eye drops on the people behind him, Yang Xiaotian's life will be absolutely difficult in the future.

"Of course." Hu Mo Wen's words let Yang Xiaotian heart that a big stone quickly ran to the throat.

What he was most worried about, after all, happened. The attitude of these people towards him seems to be very friendly, but the friendly attitude is a bit frightening. Moreover, the so-called dormitory is clearly bribing itself! But what is there to bribe yourself?

Now Yang Xiaotian doesn't understand, but he will soon understand. Only now, he will not understand before he has seen what is called real officialdom.

"I can't live in this place." Put away the thoughts in his heart, Yang Xiaotian shook his head firmly.

"Why?" This time, in dismay, Hu Mo Wen was replaced.

After all, according to what he thought, a young son of a family would not adapt to luo'an, a three-tier city.

After all, no matter from the living conditions, living environment, economic status and many other factors, luo'an city is worse than Nanhu city. Not to mention the capital or sea city, which is several steps higher than Nanhu city.

It is also out of this consideration, so Hu Mo Wen they discuss, they want to let Yang Xiaotian live in a single family villa. Although it can not be said that all aspects of Yang Xiaotian's quality of life as far as possible, to achieve the kind of conditions in the imperial capital.

But at least in terms of accommodation, it can't be worse than that of DIDU, can it?

But unexpectedly, Yang Xiaotian refused without hesitation!

"Isn't the child a bit of an axis?" Hu Mo Wen couldn't help muttering in his heart.

After all, according to what he thought, if someone offered him benefits without paying any price and trading benefits, he would definitely accept them directly.

However, the only thing that needs to be cautious is that when we accept this benefit, we must investigate whether it is really a pie in the sky.

After all, pie and trap are similar in pronunciation, but the result is totally different.

However, this time to the benefit of Yang Xiaotian, luo'an city government is all high-level joint decision. Even if there are any problems in the future, we will all bear them together. Why did the child refuse to accept it!

"It's a bit too much for me to directly arrange such a good house for me when I'm new here."