Chapter 1371

"Don't you think about it!" Locke refused without hesitation.

Today's Locke Kingdom is much weaker than when chuck ruled.

Not to mention that the GDP of Locke Kingdom last year was at least 50% lower than that of previous years, not to mention that the army of Locke Kingdom now has no more than 50000 troops except the army of less than 30000 at the border. Moreover, among these 50000 people, 10000 are recruits, and the other 10000 are the remnant soldiers of kuchahan and kuberrosen!

But in fact, after several times of being controlled by mercenaries, Locke has fully realized that if a country is only rich, but its military strength can not keep up, sooner or later there will be problems.

Just like the Locke Kingdom when chuck was in power before, although the per capita GDP can be squeezed into the top ten in the world, after all, it is only thousands of mercenaries, less than 10000 people, which can make the army of Locke Kingdom dark. This kind of humiliation, Locke really does not want to happen again in the Locke Kingdom.

The peacekeepers, however, have been here for a short time, and they can't do anything. But if I stay for a long time, I'm afraid I want to be another mercenary. No, it's more than mercenary.

This is also for the sake that even though the Chinese peacekeeping forces are in Locke Kingdom, they have always been diligent and hardworking. However, chuck always thought about the reason why he would drive the Chinese peacekeepers out of the land of Locke Kingdom as soon as possible after strengthening the troops of Locke Kingdom.

Now, the reputation of the United States is worse than that of China. I don't know how many times that country even wants to send peacekeeping troops to Locke Kingdom. Locke can't tolerate such a thing.

When China sent peacekeepers to China, on the one hand, it was because Yang Xiaotian was the only one who could save chuck's disease; on the other hand, it was because the Locke Kingdom at that time really needed the support of peacekeepers.

However, even though the total strength of Locke Kingdom is less than 100000, its combat effectiveness is far more than that of Locke palace.

Only the army that has experienced the scour of bloodbath can be regarded as the real army. Now the army of Locke Kingdom, though not a strong soldier, has the potential to become a strong soldier after all.

Locke believes that as long as he has enough time, five years at most, no, three years at most, he can build the whole army of Locke Kingdom into a bloody army!

At that time, with this iron division, Locke has absolute confidence to complete the original plan that chuck wanted to complete, but because of the low combat power of Locke's Kingdom army, he had no choice but to give up!

But now, the United States wants to replace China and send troops to Locke's kingdom. Locke has no hesitation and flatly refused this kind of thing.

Now the kingdom of Locke does not need peacekeeping forces.

According to intelligence, tens of thousands of mercenaries who besieged the oil well in the last time were killed. Tens of thousands of people finally fled back, as if less than a thousand people.

So now the focus of mercenaries is only two aspects. One is to recuperate and recover as soon as possible.

The second is to dispatch troops quickly, which will lead to troubles for Chinese peacekeeping forces.

Therefore, Locke believes that in a short period of time, mercenaries will not have time to intervene in the internal affairs of Locke Kingdom.

So, even at the beginning, Locke was worried that the Chinese Congress would send envoys to censure because of the heavy losses of peacekeeping forces, so he came up with the idea of trying to contact and cooperate with the United States.

But not long after the idea was born, Locke gave it up.

The cost of this idea is too great. Now the kingdom of Locke can't stand so many disturbances. And more importantly, the reputation of the United States is not very good.

"Are you sure you don't think about it?" Silver fox looks at Locke playfully“ If the evidence is published, it will not be so easy for you to succeed to the kingdom of Locke

"You can make it public, but we can try. When the time comes, will the citizens of Locke choose to believe in you as a foreigner, or will they choose to believe in a brand-new king who has been enlightened by Allah and is determined to work hard?" Locke sneered“ I tell you, don't threaten me. I'm not afraid of your tactics. "

"Ha ha... Just now it was just a joke." Seeing Locke face his threat, he didn't care. Immediately, he gave up the idea.

Now the United States is very short of things, because of the three chaebols, the Morse family is the main oil importing family. About 60% of the oil imported and exported by the United States depends on the people in the Morse family or some oil talents in their family's industries.

Now, the Chester family has collapsed. Although the Chester family has not been destroyed because of Morse's decision, after all, the Chester family, which could have been powerful in the United States, is still gone.

Similarly, the business started by their family also shrank a lot at the moment of the collapse of the Chester family. Other areas are OK, but energy is one of the most important topics in the world today.

Now if we can't solve the energy problem as soon as possible, oil has been and will be one of the most important energy sources in the world for a long time.

Now, with the collapse of the Chester family, the amount of oil that the United States needs to import immediately shrinks. Now, if we can reach a cooperation agreement with Locke Kingdom, the situation of oil scarcity will be improved a lot.

But now all this, still need silver fox and Locke good negotiation.

Momentum is very important in negotiations. And like now, silver fox wants to preempt and overpower Locke. What I didn't expect was that Locke didn't get hit. On the contrary, he had a tendency to be furious.

Silver fox helpless, had to immediately apologize.

Even if he knows, if he apologizes now, he will lose to Locke in momentum.

But compared with the rest, we should take Locke down as soon as possible, let him nod his head and agree to cooperate with the United States, and then we can continue to discuss the rest slowly.

"Now the kingdom of Locke is suffering from internal and external troubles. Compared with this, King Locke should know better than us outsiders, right?" Silver fox smile, and then asked“ As far as I know, during the siege of mercenaries, only the cookers and medical teams, as well as a few soldiers who were seriously injured and had completely lost their combat power, were left dead. If China knows this, will it continue to blackmail your country and demand further pressure on oil prices

"What do you want to say?" Locke's brows suddenly wrinkled.

In fact, Locke didn't know what silver fox said. But he believed that silver fox didn't need to lie to himself in such a big event. After all, with his current identity, it's really not difficult to find out something in a certain place.

If silver fox lies on this matter, Locke can guarantee that he will let the Americans know every minute why the flowers are so red!

"What I want to say is actually very simple. In the face of China's harsh criticism at any time and some unequal treaties proposed by the other party, you need a country that can withstand the situation as a partner. You don't need to be too nervous, King Locke, even if China is really noisy, don't you? "

"This..." I have to say that silver fox's eloquence is really good.

After a simple verbal confrontation, silver fox realized that Locke is definitely not a good person to meet.

To deal with this kind of existence, we need to pay attention to the sharpness of words.

In the face of this kind of people, if we are still blindly forced, it is absolutely impossible. After all, the biggest characteristic of people who eat soft but not hard is that they have soft ears.

If the words are too sharp, it will only cause the opposite party's disgust. At that time, the better eloquence, the better counter effect it will have.

Now, what silver fox said was meant to consider for Locke. In this way, although he knew that silver fox must be thinking about something inside Locke's Kingdom, Locke's face gradually eased a lot.

"This is not a bull. If you look at the whole world, you will be able to take a steady lead over China. Apart from the United States, which country deserves this title? " Silver fox face with a sincere smile, and then said“ Even if they are angry and send out troops, as long as we are in the United States, how can the Chinese who are beaten and only know how to fight with each other be our opponents? "

"This..." Locke hesitated.

"King Locke can wait slowly, but as soon as possible, he will consider it in twenty-four hours." Silver fox said with a smile“ Now the time is so precious that many young and beautiful officials have been on holiday. Only people like me continue to stick to their posts. "

"Well, no nonsense. I need to think about it. You can leave first." Locke's face was much darker.

"Well, our people must have arrived at your place by now? If you have anything, just discuss it with him directly. He is our American representative, James. "