Chapter 1220

"How could it be?" Although the content of Su Pengyu's words is undoubtedly very beneficial to China. But not in politics.

"Ha ha... Chuck has been convinced by Yang Xiaotian. As for whether the conditions can be further improved, it depends on your political views. Don't be too shameful, weak chickens in politics. "

Without waiting for the man to speak, Su Pengyu had hung up his mobile phone with a laugh.

"You..." the man opposite just wanted to reply, but the busy tone from his mobile phone made him stunned for a while, and then he looked angry.

"Bang!" After a loud noise, the hand of the mobile phone has been mercilessly fell to the ground.

"Military bastards, you've been deceiving people too much!"

After chuck left, Yang Xiaotian told Fu Laiwen that chuck had promised China to increase the number of peacekeeping troops. Of course, because Lola is there, so Yang Xiaotian sent a short message.

Fu Laiwen, after receiving the text message, gave the mobile phone to Su Pengyu in the first time.

Of course, the real day to be determined, or to wait until chuck's real announcement, to be able to really determine the date.

The reason why Su Pengyu said that was because he wanted to disgust some politicians.

Yang Xiaotian won't joke about such a big thing, so Su Pengyu believes that it's true that chuck agreed to further increase the number of troops.

If the political circles can stir up this issue, I'm afraid the top one will not be indifferent. Although it is now a nominally democratic society, as the president of the state and chairman of the Military Commission, he is actually the emperor.

However, in the aspect of autocracy, there is still a certain gap between him and the emperor.

In recent years, there has been a lot of trouble between the political circles and the military, but that one has not made much of a statement.

But if the politicians and the military think that this means that they can't control them now, it's absolutely wrong. After all, since the founding of the people's Republic of China, apart from the founding president, the only one who thought that he had become the most powerful ruler of the country before the age of 55, relying solely on his own efforts. His courage and means are absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Throughout the military and political circles, although there has never been any action on the surface. But everyone knows that in the dark, whether it's the military or the political circles, there is this loyal man!

In politics, he is a politician. Along the way, he made great achievements and rose step by step. In addition, he is very decent in dealing with people. Even as a political enemy, he still has no hatred towards him.

And in the military

When there was a turmoil in the new province of China, it was this man who directly led the assessment. It was also because of that incident that the military had different emotions towards the man with eyes and a smiling face.

This smiling person is not necessarily the same in his heart!

Now that one is using nothing more than imperial means.

The way of emperors lies in balance. Now the reason why he doesn't do it is that he can't do it, but he doesn't want to. If the cooperation between the military and the political circles is too pleasant, it is not good for that one.

But this time, the cooperation with Locke Kingdom is a great event beneficial to the country and the people.

With the rapid development of China's economy, more and more people have cars in China. With it comes the oil price, which can not be easily lowered in any case.

If we can reach a strategic cooperation relationship with Locke Kingdom, cheap imported crude oil can give the government the confidence to adjust the oil price. Now, if the political circles are at this juncture and let this matter go yellow because of fighting with the military, it can't be said that the whole political circles will be the same. But I'm afraid that all the protagonists involved will not be able to do much in recent years.

"The boy did a good job this time." Su Pengyu first mentioned Yang Xiaotian with a smile on his face.

The last time there was political unrest, the military lost its adults. This time to be able to find face, it is really a pleasant thing.

"If you talk to that side like this, will you..."

"The weak chicks in politics will talk." Su Pengyu showed a disdainful expression on his face.

If the politicians speak up, the military will go all out. Whether it's earthquake relief, or guarding the border. The political people always squeeze a few tears out of their faces, and then the military people have to do things with their lives.

If there are any achievements, people in the political circles will say that this is the credit of the broad masses of the people, and the military should do so. If it doesn't succeed, the wrong result will be the reason why the military doesn't do its best.

So for the political circles, Su Pengyu has nothing good to say to them.

"Yes." Fu Laiwen, standing beside him, twitched his face, but did not speak.

Fu Laiwen's ruthlessness is only aimed at the enemy. As a soldier, any threat to national stability and people's life is his enemy. As for politicians, although Fu Laiwen doesn't like him very much, after all, after the previous anti-corruption campaign, it was the politicians who wanted to take him as a scapegoat.

However, in Fu Laiwen's mind, both military and political people are indispensable to maintaining the stability of China. Without the overall planning of the political circles, China cannot develop smoothly.

Without the military's deterrence, China can not be stable and peaceful.

So even though he doesn't like the political circles, Fu Laiwen doesn't want to be too stiff with them if he doesn't have to.

But Su Pengyu was the first person to bring him out, and he was also his immediate superior. More importantly, in the previous events, although Mr. Fu was involved in it. But Mr. Fu has retired for many years after all. In addition to great efforts, it is Mr. Su Pengyu.

Su Pengyu is Fu Laiwen's life-saving benefactor, so whatever Su Pengyu does, Fu Laiwen doesn't want to refute.

He didn't have the courage or the reason to refute.

"Well, talk to the boy named Yang and let him do something." Su Pengyu saw Fu Laiwen's face a little dull. In the heart helpless wry smile sound. Fu Laiwen is a standard soldier, but it is totally impractical to fight with those cannibals in politics just by virtue of reason and morality.

There is a saying that a scholar meets a soldier.

When soldiers and literati come across each other, it is unreasonable to compete with them for eloquence. Reasoning itself is their strong point. It is what politicians are good at to say that the dead are alive and the white are black.

It's unreasonable, just don't fight with them. No matter what they say, they will stick to their position. This is the best way to ensure that they are invincible when fighting with politicians.

Although Fu Laiwen is more than 30 years old, he is still young in the hands of those old friends who have been in politics for a long time.

"Yes." Fu Laiwen nodded, and then also replied to a text message.

"Well, go and have a rest first."

The time of Locke Kingdom is seven hours earlier than that of China. Now it's 5:00 p.m. in Locke Kingdom, and 12:00 p.m. in China.

Because Mr. Wang has been noisy for a long time, and he is very sensible. After a while of making a fuss, I felt tired and began to eat the snacks in the office. Drink some water when you are thirsty. Anyway, there are water dispensers in the office.

If you are sleepy, just lie on the sofa and have a rest!

It is clear that we are fighting a protracted war with politicians, but no one dares to argue with Mr. Wang.

The old military man who thought he was a veteran was also the former patriarch of the Wang family. Which guy with no eyes dare to fight against Wang Qinhan?

"Yes." Fu Laiwen saluted Su Pengyu, then turned and left.

"Bang." As the door closed, Su Pengyu's kindness became helpless.

"Although he is a good seedling, his character is too straight. After that, he can move forward a little more, but there is not much room to move forward." Su Pengyu sighed and took out a photo from the drawer.

Above is a group photo of two soldiers. One is tall and over 1.8 meters. He is a bit like Fu Laiwen. And on the other face is laughing, no shape.

"Brother Fu, I really can't break your child."

The withered palm gently rubs the photo. At that time, he was only a little boy less than 20 years old, but now he has become an old man.

The person in the photo is naturally Fu Pingdong. At the beginning, when he was fighting against the former Soviet Union, Su Pengyu, a young and energetic man, broke into the Soviet military camp alone. After he succeeded in assassinating the commander of the other party, he retreated. But how can walking compare with each other's motor vehicles?

Seeing that Su Pengyu was about to be surrounded, it was Fu Pingdong who stopped the motorcade.

Su Pengyu is safe, but Fu Pingdong and others are due to the gap in weapons. In addition, he came in a hurry, and the weapons he carried could not penetrate the other side's locomotive.

In desperation, Fu Pingdong can only hold the remaining grenades and sneak to the locomotive forward route. When the locomotive passed by, it detonated the grenade.

Although the people in the locomotive are OK, the track of the locomotive has been blown off. It's impossible for them to keep up with Su Pengyu

"Alas..." he put the photo back in the table. Su Pengyu wiped the corner of his eyes, and then continued to read the documents.
