Chapter 1151

After hearing Yang Xiaotian's words, bi'er Si smiles with disapproval.

Although she doesn't speak Chinese, bils has a certain understanding of China. As the saying goes, the ugliness of the family should not be publicized. Similarly, the skill of guarding the house will never be easily passed on to outsiders.

According to Yang Xiaotian's current meaning, this is to pass on his Yang family's medical skills inherited for hundreds of years to an outsider so easily. Moreover, this outsider is not an ordinary outsider!

Just foreigners!

But Yang Xiaotian said reason, Bi Er Si also only as a joke to listen to just.

What kind of fate? Must be to see the child looks lovely, want to see the mother of such a lovely child is not beautiful, right?

"Big wolf." Bi Er Si secretly despises in the heart, but immediately can't help but in the heart a pain.

This asshole can be interested in the mother of a child he has never met, but why is he interested in the beauty he sends to the door?

But bi'er Si is not Wang Jingyun. She can't hide anything in her heart. What she thinks won't come out directly.

Afreqi didn't speak. His home is really near here. It's only a couple of crossroads, then it's a turn.

"Uncle, this is my home." Afreqi pointed to his yard and said.

A house is not a luxury house. It's more than enough. Such a family is the most common in the kingdom of Locke.

"Yes." Seeing afreqi open the door, Yang Xiaotian's suspicion of afreqi disappears at this moment“ You have a good family. " Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Uncle, do you want to..." afreqi did not finish, suddenly a group of big men rushed out on both sides of the street.

"Kill him!" The first big man gave a cold drink and pulled out his gun to shoot Yang Xiaotian.

"Uncle, be careful!" Great chivalry is for the country and the people.

This sentence is what afreqi saw in the novel. When he saw someone drawing a gun at Yang Xiaotian, afreqi didn't know where to find the courage. Although he didn't know why his body would jump out directly, he knew that he could never see Yang Xiaotian killed like this!



At the same time of the gunshot, accompanied by afreqi's scream.

"Afreqi, you..." Yang Xiaotian quickly pulled afreqi to his side.

The car just stopped at the door, only a step or two away. But now the key is that the door is closed!

Under normal circumstances, it takes only a second or two to open the door. But from that man's one shot can hit afreqi who is blocking in front of him, Yang Xiaotian can be sure that this man is definitely a professional killer.

Uncle Wen is right. It's no better here than in China. Although because of the cooperation with chuck before, a company cleaned up a lot of domestic mercenaries. But don't forget, the most important thing in the Middle East is mercenaries.

As long as you have money, it's not very hard to find a group of mercenaries who work for you. The car is bulletproof, which is good, but before that, you have to go back!

If Yang Xiaotian had to take the risk to go back to the car, it would be a dead end.

"Isn't it a senior member of chuck's staff? How could it be him? " In the mercenary, suddenly a man saw the shadow of Yang Xiaotian passing by the door, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

"Kill that Chinese and add 500000 more!"

The exchange price of Luo is higher than that of US dollars! Plus, because the U.S. government is at war with the three families. Although the U.S. government finally won, and regained the right to print U.S. dollars. But everyone knows that the United States is on the verge of turmoil. Of course, if someone provokes it at this time, it's on its way.

After all, throughout human history, the best way to transfer the contradictions of the people at home is to go to war with the outside world!

Now the United States is not only not afraid of war, but also eager to fight.

Of course, they may not be involved in it. The weapons of the United States are updated very fast, so even the obsolete weapons of the United States have a great market in the world.

As long as there is war, the United States can benefit from it.

After all, in the first World War, did not the United States rely on making a lot of money in the war to gradually become the world's top country from a second-class capitalist country?

Later, in the Second World War, although the United States also took part in the war, it did so at a later stage. And the war did not spread to the United States, so to speak.

If there were no two world wars, the United States would not have the status of dominating the world.

So the United States is absolutely keen on war.

To get to the point, with the United States on the brink of turmoil, although the US dollar is still strong, the frequency of international exchange of other influential currencies is gradually increasing, but the scene of US dollar dominating is gone forever.

Therefore, the prize that the leader is shouting out is Luo, not the US dollar that he used to use before.

"Kill Money and women are the most exciting things for men.

As mercenaries who lick blood all day long, these two things are more exciting to them than ordinary people.

"Kill A man rushed to the front and quickly left the rest behind.

"Why are you so anxious? I heard that man's skill is very good. " A man behind him called to the man“ Rosent, give me the money you owe me before you die? "

"Don't worry, I won't die if you die!" The rosent laughed and scolded, but there was no banter in his eyes. On the contrary, after hearing the close footsteps behind him, the expression on his face became more and more serious.

"Die, Yang Xiaotian!" The man rushed to the front and first rushed into the courtyard of afreqi's family. After three shots, rosent's voice came from the yard.

"Ha ha... This half million Luo belongs to Laozi!" Then, the figure of rosent appeared on the road again“ I'm so lucky to have a car today

At the same time, he shook the car key in his hand.

"I wipe, your boy has 500000 Luo, this car..." seeing rosent has come out of the yard, looking at the muzzle of the gun still emitting smoke, everyone shook his head helplessly.


Don't you think that kid is good at it?

But think about it, no matter how hard you work, you are also afraid of the bricks!

What's more, in their hands, they are holding pistols!

"I want you to take care of it. Lao Tzu killed this man. Who makes you dare not rush in like a woman? Now I've killed these people. I got the key to the car. Do you still want me to give you the car? When I say this, I don't feel a little blush? "

"Rosent, let's..." knowing that Yang Xiaotian's skill was good, he easily solved the two killers, so the rest of the people were careful not to fall behind.

What I didn't expect was that, in the end, I was robbed by rosent. But who does not want others to work hard?

At this time, most people are less than 10 meters away from the yard, because rosent has solved the problem, and even some people have started to swearing around and walk in the direction of coming.

"I'm sorry, I'll take this man, and I'll take the car, too." Rosent laughed and opened all the doors“ Jack, I've got the man! "

As soon as the voice fell, two figures rushed out of the yard. One flew into the front, while the other rushed to the back with a small figure in his arms.

"No, I've been fooled!" All of a sudden, the head of the person has not responded, but the door has been slammed closed again.

"Damn, kill them!" With the head of the man's a scold, the rest of the people also finally responded. He raised his hand to the car and kept shooting.

But the car was originally chuck's Mount, in order to win over Yang Xiaotian, but also to protect Yang Xiaotian, the car was given to Yang Xiaotian.

Chuck, who cherishes his life, naturally attaches great importance to the bulletproof function of the car. Although these people have been desperate to shoot, but the pistol bullets can not break through the window.

"Sit tight, I'm going to drag Rosent, who was sitting in the front, burst out laughing, and then, regardless of whether biers, who was sitting in the front, and Yang Xiaotian, who was trying to stop afreqi's bleeding, were ready, he stepped on the accelerator to the maximum.

The roaring engine roared, and the car roared toward the intersection. People who are closer to each other are directly hit by the car and fly out. Those who turn around and go back, after firing two shots at the car, find that the car's windows have not been broken. Then they know that the car must be bulletproof.

Since it's bulletproof, with the penetration of a pistol bullet, it can't be broken. Seeing that the car had already come, no one was willing to take his life to try with the car to see if it was his own strong body or the car.

The car rushed out of the street all the way, and then went straight to the distance. The direction is directly to the camp of the peacekeeping forces. After all, that is half of Yang Xiaotian's home.

The rest of the place, even if it is chuck's palace, Yang Xiaotian can't guarantee that this time, it has nothing to do with chuck.

"Hoo..." the car's performance is very good. When it has already rushed to the straight road, Yang Xiaotian has also stopped afreqi's wound.

Looking up, Yang Xiaotian smiles gratefully at rosent in front of him.

"Thank you. I owe you my life, James."