The so-called agreement is just a means to attract the buyer. Liu XiaoCong's real purpose is to get rid of the seller.

The peddler was too greedy. Originally, he just wanted to have a try and played once. Unexpectedly, Liu XiaoCong actually gave him an extra 100000 yuan.

So with the attitude of trying again, the drug seller tried to threaten Liu XiaoCong for the second time, and then Liu XiaoCong was 100000 yuan. This time, the greed of drug sellers was completely expanded.

People's desire can be matched with drugs. Before they lose something because of desire, people who have tasted the benefits can't give up the time when they can easily grasp the benefits.

In addition, except for the first regular drug sale, one-third of the money was given to the boss. After all, it was the boss behind the scenes of the drug seller, who lived in the hotel.

But the first threat after that, though it was under the instruction of the boss that the drug seller would do so, the boss didn't ask for all the income.

This is where a successful boss is brilliant. In today's society, there are not many people who really pay attention to loyalty. What's more, righteousness is too mysterious. Few people can protect one's life for the sake of righteousness.

The hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

The boss's company can be prosperous, in addition to the boss's personal charm and strong personal ability, know how to share benefits is the reason why the boss can easily leave those important employees.

It's not that no company pays more, but people with a clear eye can see that as long as they are really capable, there will only be endless money in the company of the boss behind the scenes. If you want to make money, as long as you are down-to-earth and willing to work, and have good ability, monthly salary of more than ten thousand is small. If you have some special talents, you can get into the eyes of the boss. Although you can easily buy a house anywhere with one year's salary, you can at least afford the down payment of a small house of 70 or 80 square meters in several good cities across the country.

And don't forget, it's just a year's salary.

But absolute interests will make people's heart absolutely corrupt.

And as long as you do it quietly, what you can get this time is basically a salary of nearly five years. Five years' salary can be earned in just half a month. This kind of thing is not often encountered.

Everything is just three, and Liu XiaoCong is the son of Liu Song, the mayor of Nanhu City, so the drug sellers dare not really use this as a threat to Liu XiaoCong for a long time.

The original intention of the boss behind the scenes is that this threat only needs one time, and it is enough to let Liu XiaoCong know that some of his things are under his control.

It's a pity that although the boss knows people well, he underestimates the greed of his subordinates, or that of some small people's ideological groups.

Unfortunately, the drug seller also forgot to pay attention to the news, otherwise, he would not have noticed that the target of Liu XiaoCong's drug sale was Liu XiaoCong's cousin!

The reason why a man who has been so insane that even his second uncle can be poisoned wants to meet him is really to say something about the agreement with him?

Of course not!

When the drug sellers who are interested in making the last money rush to the appointed place, the thugs Liu XiaoCong has already called for rush on at the first time, and all kinds of weapons in his hands are smashing the drug sellers.

It's true that the drug seller is just a small staff member. How can he fight back in the face of more than 20 big men?

When the crowd dispersed, the drug seller was dying.

"Remember, don't be too confident." Liu XiaoCong walks up to the drug seller. For the first time, he feels that the bloody smell is so delicious. As a result, Liu XiaoCong picked up a stick and smashed it at the head of the drug seller.

Liu XiaoCong hit the drug seller who had been beaten with a soft skull and exploded it directly.

"Oh Most of these little gangsters just hurt people in China, but it's the first time to see such things as killing people.

The fragments of the explosion were flying everywhere, and the one who sprayed the most was Liu XiaoCong, who was closest to the body.

The sticky warmth from his face made Liu XiaoCong naturally know what it was. Stick out the tongue to lick on that thing, salty, as if not so bad as I imagined.

Liu XiaoCong's action seems to be leisurely, but it scares the people around him. However, some people's attitude towards Liu XiaoCong has changed 180 degrees.

Liu XiaoCong turned to look at the people around him. In the calm, he had some indifferent eyes. In addition, although he licked off some of his face, he still had some red marks on his face, which directly made the people around him bow their heads and dare not look again.

Liu XiaoCong's heart is more full-bodied, this feeling of being awed from the heart, Liu XiaoCong is very enjoy!

"Clean up." Liu XiaoCong shouts to the nearest thug. The thug lowers his head and nods his head. He doesn't dare to hesitate.

Liu XiaoCong walked confidently towards the distance without any hesitation.

When the sound of Liu XiaoCong driving away gradually faded away, someone took a long breath. If this is in peacetime, it will certainly be laughed at. But this time, no one dared to laugh at him.

The image of Liu XiaoCong just now is too frightening. Blood hell, another title of Liu XiaoCong, came out quietly at this time.

However, the corpse could not be hidden for too long after all. On the third day, Nanhu TV station broadcast the news of the corpse.

The boss behind the scenes recognized the dead body at the first sight. It was the staff he had not contacted for several days.

With a sigh, he made a phone call to the financial department and asked the financial department to make a large sum of money for the employee's family. Then he dialed another phone.

"Well, I have something to say."

"Is that so? OK, I get it. " A low voice came out of the receiver. The voice dropped gradually. No one could hear the content of the conversation.

In Guang'an prison, Xu and his brothers are all locked up in the same prison.

"There seems to be something wrong with that dog." Lao Xu asked the little brother next to him.

"Yes, the dog's eyes are a little fierce, even the Tibetan mastiff may not be so fierce."

"That is, that kind of ruthlessness from the bottom of my heart. It feels like a beast!" A bite of the most ruthless little brother said with lingering fear.

"Beast? Isn't it a wolf? " Lao Xu said with disdain.

"Wolf? Yes, the wolf! That's a white wolf Suddenly a little brother yelled.

"207, be quiet!" Yelled a C.O.

"Wolf?" Lao Xu shouts to the people around him.

"Not likely? Originally, wolves are not easy to appear in the neighborhood, and what's more, white wolves are more rare? " A little brother asked.

"That's it, that's it. It's probably Samoye after mating with Tibetan mastiff?" A little brother gave his guess. After all, among the Chinese dogs, the most fierce one should be the Tibetan mastiff, who is regarded as the God of dogs by Tibetans.

But at the end of the discussion, people's minds gradually moved closer to the first guess.

After all, if a dog bites you, it's a bit humiliating to say. But if you meet a wolf, although there is only one, the ferocity of the wolf is by no means comparable to that of a dog.

Being bitten by a wolf is not a disgraceful thing to say. What's more, the wolf is very scarce, but it is still bitten by the White Wolf, which is called Sirius God. It can even be boasted for a period of time!

"Yes, it's a wolf!" At last, the people in the prison insisted on it.

Yang Xiaotian is not clear about the development trend of things here. What he is about to have a headache about now is still something in his feelings.

Ye mengrui has expressed his attitude, as long as it is Yang Xiaotian's decision, ye mengrui is unconditional support.

But on Tong Xin's side, what Yang Xiaotian got was a little too satisfactory.

Tong Xin and ye mengrui are not the same, even a bit like two extremes.

For the sake of affection, ye mengrui can give everything, and Tong Xin can, of course. But ye mengrui has always supported it. No matter what the decision Yang Xiaotian made, as long as it was Yang Xiaotian who made the decision, ye mengrui supported it.

But Tongxin is different. Before Yang Xiaotian betrays Tongxin, Tongxin and ye mengrui have the same attitude. However, after learning about Yang Xiaotian and ye mengrui, Tongxin is cold.

If Yang Xiaotian made it clear that the only person he wanted to marry was her, Tong Xin. Even when Lan Shi came back, as long as Yang Xiaotian said that he really proposed to Tong's father in Lan Shi, Tong Xin could put everything down, forget what happened between Yang Xiaotian and ye mengrui, and treat Yang Xiaotian wholeheartedly, As long as he doesn't do similar things again, Tong Xin can forget all these things.

However, it's a pity that Yang Xiaotian didn't seize the last chance. Even when he wiped his arm for Tong Xin, as long as he paid a little attention to Tong Xin's eyes, it was not impossible for Tong Xin to turn back.

Yang Xiaotian is a lover, but not a lover. So he failed.

It's just that Yang Xiaotian has been very busy. After Yang Xiaotian said that scientific health care has been off the air for a long time, and he came back again, Xiang duo has already blown up Yang Xiaotian's phone, and Yang Xiaotian, who is upset, wants to go to the gym to vent. A lot of things, we can only temporarily put it.