There's a lot of food in the night market. Yang Xiaotian and others eat it all the way, and they have a good time.

Of course, Yang Xiaotian won't let Sun Junzhe pay. How much can a young man have?

However, he likes this child very much. Compared with his peers, he knows a lot and has mature manners. He is not as naive as many children. He knows a lot about e-commerce, automobile, it and so on.

Yang Xiaotian is very curious about how he knows so much knowledge at this age.

Sun Junzhe's answer is that they all read on the Internet, but his father is very opposed to his reading these books. He thinks they are all miscellaneous books and useless.

Yang Xiaotian laughed and said, "but seriously, you still have to study hard first! If you can be admitted to a book or further 211, 985 and so on, it will certainly help you a lot in the future! "

Sun Junzhe scratched his head depressed: "but the result is not good! Besides, even if you don't do well in college, it doesn't mean you can't succeed, does it? There are also many successful people who have never been to university! "

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "that's because people don't have the conditions! What's more, do you think there are more successful people who have studied in university or not? You should distinguish between individual cases and common phenomena! "

This really made sun Junzhe silent.

After a while, he put up his thumb and said to Yang Xiaotian, "brother Yang, you are so good!"


"If I say that to my father, he will only yell at me. If you have the ability, you can go there successfully! But you can tell me individual cases and common phenomena, which makes me think! " Sun Junzhe said solemnly.

"Ha ha!" Yang Xiaotian smiles, "just understand! Come on! I'm serious. After entering the society, you will know that learning is actually the simplest thing. No matter what you do, it's more difficult than learning. So if you can't even learn, what confidence do you have to succeed in the future? "

Sun Junzhe nodded hard, and there seemed to be something in his eyes that called determination flashing.

He is also an honest man, but he is not like his father's older generation. Besides playing ball, he likes to surf the Internet.

When he saw Yang Xiaotian, he felt familiar.

After a careful search, we can see that Yang Xiaotian is a well-known person on the Internet and a big V, especially the dispute between Chinese and Western medicine, which sun Junzhe paid close attention to at that time.

But in reality, no one listens to him, and girls don't like to listen to them. He can only discuss with a group of like-minded people on the Internet.

I didn't expect to see a real person.

Therefore, sun Junzhe especially admires Yang Xiaotian. It's not too much to say that Yang Xiaotian is his idol.

Therefore, what Yang Xiaotian said, he also loved to hear.

While talking, there was a loud noise in the distance.

Three people follow the voice to see past, see over ten young people gathered there, are fighting there.

The people around were indifferent.

Sun Junzhe said: "these children know how to fight when they have nothing to do every day."

Yang Xiaotian asked, "is this a mess?"

Sun Junzhe thought about it and said, "it should be a mess! Anyway, we can see fights like this every day. In school, we have seen people fighting with guns! "

Yang Xiaotian asked: "how can I listen to you so calmly?"

Sun Junzhe said with a smile: "otherwise? That is, people living in Iraq will only feel chaotic and calm! It's mainly getting used to it! "

Yang Xiaotian began to understand what it means to be out of trouble.

If a man is poor, his life is cheap.

There are no other entertainment facilities. Young men and women get together and are idle. Fighting has become a pastime.

The fight came and went quickly, and soon it broke up.

At this time, Yang Xiaotian saw a young man covered with blood blocking a passing car, and there was a man lying on the ground.

"Come on, let's have a look!" Yang Xiaotian said and ran over there.

Others can ignore it, but as a doctor, he can't.

There are not many cars on the road during this period of time. Even if there are cars, they won't take care of the young people's car. The young people stomp in a hurry.

Yang Xiaotian didn't pay any attention to him. He went up to see the young man lying on the ground.

His stomach was cut several times, and his intestines all flowed out. Every time he coughed, blood was coughed out.

Yang Xiaotian, with a serious face, said to Tong Xin, "contact the hospital and prepare for the operating room!"

Tong Xin nodded, took out his mobile phone to make a phone call, and asked: "do you want to contact the ambulance?"

"It's too late!" Yang Xiaotian looked at sun Junzhe and asked, "can you drive?"

"Yes, yes!" Sun Junzhe nodded.

Yang Xiaotian threw the key to sun Junzhe and said, "get my car!"

At this time, the young man who stopped the car saw Yang Xiaotian and others. He was in a hurry and ran over. His mouth was not clean and he said, "what the hell do you want to do?"

Sun Junzhe is also a violent temper, immediately said: "fuck, scold who? What do you know? "

Yang Xiaotian stopped sun Junzhe's words and said to the young man in a harmonious voice: "I'm a doctor in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. Your friend needs emergency surgery. Who are you?"

"I'm his brother!" The man said with a sad face, immediately holding Yang Xiaotian's collar, said fiercely, "you have to cure my brother, I just have this one brother, you know?"

The bloody hands stained Yang Xiaotian's collar.

Tong Xin was worried and immediately rushed up and said, "Hey, what are you doing? The doctor is helping your brother, you know? "

Yang Xiaotian took a deep breath and put his right hand on the man's hand. He broke off the man's hand.

The man sat helpless on the ground and began to cry.

Yang Xiaotian said in a light tone: "don't be naive. In this world, nothing is" necessary ". Moreover, if you are really good for your brother, you should not take your brother to participate in such a fight!"

While talking, sun Junzhe came with his C5.

Yang Xiaotian took out some splints from the trunk, put them on the back of the injured and said to Tong Xin, "let's be careful together."

They carefully carried the injured to the back seat.

The brother of the injured wanted to get on the bus. He was taught by Yang Xiaotian: "I'll find a way to go to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine!"

Then he said to sun Junzhe, "drive!"

Sun Junzhe quickly stepped on the accelerator.

When the car arrived at the hospital, the nurses and the operating room were ready.

Yang xiaotianxia said after the car: "hurry up, the injured is in the car, test blood type, prepare plasma!"

"Dean Yang!" The man came to know Yang Xiaotian, "the chief surgeon hasn't come yet!"

"It's OK, I'll take the lead!" Yang Xiaotian said.

A moment later, after disinfection, he had changed into a surgical suit and entered the operating room.

The injured was injured in the abdomen. He was stabbed four times and needed debridement and suturing. In addition, the liver was damaged and needed suturing.

It's not too serious, but if you procrastinate, if you lose too much blood, you can't save the immortals.

The injured brother has come to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

Mindless sitting on the bench in front of the operating room, staring at the "in operation" light, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Yang Xiaotian's performance in the operation shocked the assistant doctors, anesthesiologists and nurses in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

They have also had surgery, but for the first time they saw someone who was able to perform surgery with such accuracy. He was not only unshakable, but also decisive. Cutting human flesh was as easy as writing.

He used the scalpel as if it were his own limbs.

"The new dean is really capable!"

Everyone read the meaning from each other's eyes.

After two hours of work, the lights in the operating room finally went out.

The injured brother immediately stood up, staring at the door of the operating room.

The door of the operating room opened.

First two nurses came out.

The two nurses talked as they walked.

"Director Yang is so powerful!"

"Yes, that's more powerful than the first one in our hospital!"

"The first cut is nothing compared with him!"

The elder brother of the injured knew that the young looking man was still the dean. It was really amazing.

After a while, Yang Xiaotian came out with a tired face.

He looked at the injured brother and said, "the operation is successful. The injured man is out of danger, but he still needs to be hospitalized. Go and pay for it."

Before the injured brother could be happy, he heard this, moved his lips and said, "I have no money..."

Then he seemed to be afraid of Yang Xiaotian's disbelief and turned out his pocket, which was really empty.

Yang Xiaotian frowned slightly, took a deep breath and said to the injured brother, "listen, I'll tell you one last time! I have nothing to do with you. In fact, for you, it has nothing to do with me whether you are injured or something. Do you understand? It has nothing to do with me! "

Then he went straight out.

The injured brother murmured, "but... Didn't you save him?"

Yang Xiaotian looked back and said, "yes, yes, I saved him, but it's out of a doctor's professional ethics. Do you understand? You have no money, that's your business

Speaking of this, he raised his voice and said, "I'm surprised that you can't win a fight, and you don't have money. If you don't work hard to improve your life, what kind of fight are you going to fight? Even if you fight, what are you dragging your brother for? You know what? If I were not here today, you would not be thinking about whether you have money or not. You should consider where your brother is buried! "

With that, Yang Xiaotian left straight away. He has no sympathy for these little gangsters. If he has no money, what kind of fight do you have?

Besides, there are many people in the world who have no money. I've done my utmost to treat you. What else can you do for me?

Pay your medical expenses in advance? In the future, when I encounter difficulties with others, do I have to pay in advance?

Let alone me, Ma Yun, Wang Jianlin and Xu Jiayin, who are not as rich as others, have not seen them waiting in line to pay at the door of the medical room.

Who are you?

Just thinking about it, he went to the yard and saw that sun Junzhe was washing the car. He didn't know where to find the water pipe brush.