Villa has three floors, in fact, the real residence is one and a half floors.

First floor into the garden, and then the kitchen, dining room, living room and other facilities occupied.

In places like this, the kitchen may not be used by customers, but it is also necessary. After all, if there are customers who want to enjoy the feeling of cooking in person, then the kitchen will be useful.

Besides, the main theme of the villa in the resort is to "soak in the hot spring at home". How can it have the taste of home without a kitchen?

The staircase leading to the second floor is in the corner of the living room. The staircase is white wood, perfectly integrated with European style decoration, and will not appear abrupt.

After going upstairs, there is a small reception hall with an area of more than 20 square meters. The reception hall is connected with a balcony. The balcony is made into an open type. It does not use glass windows to make a sunshine room like a commercial house. It is very penetrating and ventilated.

But this season, the ventilation is a little cold. Fortunately, there is a glass sliding door between the balcony and the reception hall. Despite the rain and wind outside, the house is full of spring flowers.

There is a white piano in the reception hall.

Tong Xin said with surprise: "if only the house would be decorated like this in the future, especially on rainy days, listening to the sound of rain outside and playing Liszt's" dream of love "in the house... It's beautiful to think about it!"

Mother Tong covers her forehead. The child is hopeless. Before she gets married, she has already begun to think about the decoration of her new house in the future.

Next to him, Tong's father felt the same. He looked at Tong's mother, and the look in his eyes meant that the girl didn't want to stay. She stayed and became a foe. Forget it, they were happy

Yang Xiaotian was surprised and said, "can you still play the piano?"

"Look what you said, how fresh. I was born in the spring of reform and opening up. Why can't I play the piano?" Tong Xin said with a proud face.

Next to the child's mother quickly boasted: "our family Xiaoxin has been sent to learn painting and piano since childhood. We all learn what other people's children learn, and we all learn what we don't learn!"

Tong Xin is proud, but he always feels that his mother's words are not right. How can he say that he seems to have the feeling that the aunt who sells vegetables in the vegetable market talks when she sells vegetables?

Tong Xin turned her lips and said, "I'll play it to you later."

"Good!" Yang Xiaotian smiles and nods.

Tong Xin was immediately full of joy.

There are four suites on the second floor, each of which has an independent bathroom. The size is about 35 square meters, and even the bathroom has to be 40 square meters.

Through the living room is a corridor, suites on both sides of the corridor.

Yang Xiaotian said: "uncle, aunt, you choose a room!"

Tong's father pointed to the room beside him and said, "it's the same to choose, just this one."

Yang Xiaotian nodded and nodded to the attendant. The attendant immediately moved the suitcase to the room and explained the electrical facilities to the old couple.

"Oh, this bathtub is still for massage?" The voice of mother Tong's surprise came out.

Father Tong worried: "how many people have used this bathtub, is it clean?"

The waiter quickly explained, "don't worry, sir. This bathtub will be disinfected after every group of guests. It's absolutely clean!"

"Oh, that's good!"

Tong Xin looked at Yang Xiaotian with a red face and asked him, "do you think my parents are funny?"

"No!" Yang Xiaotian quickly shook his head, "everyone has the first time, do not know to ask, how can be funny?"

Tong Xin nodded, then slightly closed her eyes and said with a smile: "since childhood, my family's condition is not so good, even if it's an ordinary family, but my parents didn't let me suffer any grievances at all. I still remember one time when my mother was ill and her family's savings were used up. During that time, she was really out of ammunition and food and didn't eat meat for more than a month, Then once my father bought me some meat alone... Hehe, isn't it very funny? You must have never experienced such a life? "

Yang Xiaotian shook his head and said, "your parents are really good to you!"

"That's for sure!" Tong Xin nodded and said seriously, "so when they get old, I'll be kind to them and let them grow old."

Yang Xiaotian nodded: "it should be!"

Tong Xin said with a smile: "I also want to take them to travel... But to tell you the truth, I'm still a little scared..."

"What are you afraid of?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"In our hospital, there is a girl who is five years older than me and is also an only child. She got married several years earlier. Her family's conditions are similar to ours! Then she married a man who came from other places to work in blue city. That man can earn six or seven thousand a month, which is OK, but I later learned that she is not happy! " Tong xinwan said.

"Oh? Why? " Yang Xiaotian asked, "money?"

"In fact, it's not about money!" Tong Xin said, "in fact, her mother worried that she would have to bear hardships on money. She gave her all her salary cards and asked her to supplement her family."

Yang Xiaotian was surprised and said, "China's good mother-in-law!"

Tong Xin nodded: "right? You think so, too! "

"Is there anyone else who doesn't think so?" Yang Xiaotian is so strange. How fresh it is. Does his mother-in-law feel bad about subsidizing his family?

Tong Xin continued: "her husband doesn't think so! His husband felt that his mother-in-law looked down upon him and insulted him! "

Yang Xiaotian was stunned: "are there such people? Are you wrong? "

"That doesn't count!" Tong Xin continued, "how close is Lan Shi to LAN Dong county? She is also an only child. Should she often go home to have a look?"

"It must be! After all, she is the only child. In the future, her father-in-law's and mother-in-law's property will be inherited. Even if her parents live in their house in blue city, they should be Yang Xiaotian nodded in agreement.

"But people don't think so. She goes home twice a month. Her husband doesn't go back with her, so he has a lot of opinions. He says that everything is married to him. How can she go back to her mother's house all the time?" Tong Xin said this with deep feelings and indignation.

Yang Xiaotian opened his mouth wide and looked surprised. He pointed to his head and said, "isn't this man with a brain problem? Marry him, not sell him! It's impossible for people to give up their parents who have been nurturing him for more than 20 years in order to get to know him for several years, right? Well, how many betrothal gifts did he give? How much dowry has the woman's family returned? "

Yang Xiaotian thinks that if a mother-in-law asks for betrothal gifts all over the world, hundreds of thousands of them, and only gives one tenth of the betrothal gifts or even less dowry when she gets married, it's a typical way to sell her daughter. It's different in nature, and it's nothing for the man to ask for more.

"The girl is not selling her daughter. How can she ask for betrothal gifts? For the symbolic one or two thousand, the dowry was also given fifty or sixty thousand! " Tong Xin said.

"I'll go, isn't that wonderful? This not only didn't ask for money, but also paid for it! This is the combination of the two parties voluntarily. If a girl goes back to see her parents twice a month, will she be angry? Is this straight male cancer? " Yang Xiaotian was surprised.

Let's not say that men and women are equal. Since the woman doesn't ask for much money, why can't she go back to her mother's home after marriage?

In fact, there are many such people in the society. After marriage, they feel that their wife is their own, and it's natural to be filial to their parents. Even if they go back to their mother's home for one more day, it's treacherous.

This idea is the most terrible.

Does the woman owe you or something? Married to you is originally yearning for happiness, the result is to your home to do?

No matter from the point of view of blood or kinship, there is no relationship between father-in-law and mother-in-law. Filial piety to father-in-law depends on the face of her husband, because of her love for her husband.

But your husband even gets angry when he goes back to his mother's house. Why do you ask her to show filial piety to your parents?

Tong Xin continued: "we think that the woman's family still has money to pay, but the man doesn't think so. He thinks that it costs hundreds of thousands to get married. Of course, the daughter-in-law should listen to him!"

"Ah Yang xiaotianmu stared, "where did you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars?"

"House, car!" Tong Xin said.

Yang Xiaotian asked: "whose name is written on the house and car?"

"The man's!"

"No more!" Yang Xiaotian laughed, "the house and the car are all his own names, and they are not bought for his mother-in-law. How can they be counted like this?

What's more, his mother-in-law doesn't want to give him any money, but also subsidizes his family every month. On the contrary, he is not happy! Tongxin, I tell you, this kind of man, is brain disease, unreasonable

Tong Xin nodded and said happily, "you are not such a man, are you?"

"Me?" Yang Xiaotian laughed, "it's just a joke. My mother-in-law wants to subsidize my family. I can't be happy! Back to my mother-in-law's home, just in time. If you are willing to take care of the meal, take me one! How happy it is! I don't know what that man thinks

Tong Xin laughed.

Yang Xiaotian suddenly felt as if he had answered some extraordinary questions.

Um... Is it too early to talk about this now?

He suddenly felt that he was just like a little donkey, unwilling to move forward. Then, someone was waving a whip behind him, and a carrot was hanging in front of him, constantly urging him to move forward, move forward


After Tong's parents have seen the facilities in the room, it's Yang Xiaotian's turn to choose the room. Naturally, it's the opposite door. Then Tong Xin chooses Yang Xiaotian next door.

At the end of the corridor, there are stairs leading to the third floor. There are gardens and sunshine rooms on the third floor. It's very comfortable to barbecue here.

Back on the second floor, mother Tong looked at the two children's room, coughed and said to Yang Xiaotian, "Xiaotian

"Ah?" Yang Xiaotian was stunned and answered.

"Both of you are adults!"

"Well!" Yang Xiaotian a head fog water, say these why?

"So, there are some things you know too!" Mother Tong continued, "we are not old-fashioned either."

"Eh!" Yang Xiaotian still doesn't understand.

Mother Tong continued to say solemnly, "so, when you two want to do something, you should pay attention to safety measures. Do you understand?"

Yang Xiaotian has been shocked.

Tongxin is Xiafei double cheek, knead stand there.