Xiangduo is not a native of Nanhu. He lives in a fairly good neighborhood. They took a taxi to go back. Before they got there, Xiangduo signaled the driver to pull over.

After getting off the bus, he asked with a smile: "it's not far from home, walk with me?"

"Yes Yang Xiaotian is not hypocritical.

All the way to flower said, Yang Xiaotian listen.

When waiting at the gate of the community, Xiang duo said with a smile, "it's a pleasure to talk with you. Would you like to have a cup of tea?"

Yang Xiaotian a Leng, said with a smile: "not very good?"

Xiang duo immediately realized that his invitation was a bit abrupt, so he said frankly, "OK, then... I'll go first?"


Xiang duo walks to the community with light steps. After a few steps, he turns around and sees Yang Xiaotian still standing in the same place smiling at her. His heart warms up, humming a light melody and happily walks into the community. This time, he doesn't look back.

Yang Xiaotian is thinking that he didn't talk much all the way. Why does Xiang duo feel "it's really nice talking with you"?

He thought of a saying that "listening is the best way to communicate". Maybe everyone needs to pour out his feelings to others.

"It seems that chatting is really simple!"

Yang Xiaotian did not take a taxi back, but trotted all the way back. He felt very comfortable sweating after drinking.

After running for half an hour, plus the reason of drinking, he felt thirsty. He found a small supermarket by the side of the road and went in.

I bought two bottles of mineral water and was checking out when I heard a voice calling him.

"Dr. Yang?"

The voice is not sure. Obviously, the owner of the voice is not sure if he has recognized the wrong person.

Yang Xiaotian looks back.

That person immediately laughed: "ah ah, I said, look back so familiar, really admit it! Dr. Yang, what are you doing here? "

Yang Xiaotian saw clearly that this man was Zheng boning, who was hospitalized with pneumonia and pleural effusion some time ago. He just left hospital two weeks ago and sent a text message to Yang Xiaotian during the Mid Autumn Festival, saying, "I wish Dr. Yang a Happy Mid Autumn Festival, a happy family and all the best!"

But Yang Xiaotian didn't return his message

"Ah. Is that you Yang Xiaotian was surprised to see his acquaintances here.

"Mm-hmm, it's me!" Zheng boning nodded hard, "my place of work is nearby. I just went shopping in the supermarket after work. I didn't expect to meet you. Fate! What a fate

Yang Xiaotian smiles and asks, "how are you recently?"

"Good, strong as a cow!" Zheng boning said happily, "Dr. Yang, it's rare to meet you. Let's go for supper. It's my treat!"

Yang Xiaotian quickly waved his hand: "can't eat, eat again will vomit!"

"Oh dear!" Zheng boning rubbed his hands, feeling very sorry, "otherwise, I'll buy you some water, and I'll buy you some snacks!"

"Oh, no, no!" Yang Xiaotian quickly stopped him, "what do you do? People who don't know think we're going to have a foundation! "

Zheng boning laughed and explained, "no, Dr. Yang, I thank you for curing me."

"I'm a doctor. Isn't it right to treat and save people? You don't have to worry about it. Besides, you pay for the medicine, don't you? " Yang Xiaotian said.

Zheng boning shook his head and said firmly: "that's not the same! You don't know. When I was alone in other places, I felt lonely at that time. You gave me warmth and took me to dinner at noon. My heart was warm all the time! "

Then Zheng boning's tears rolled in his eyes.

Yang Xiaotian patted Zheng boning on the shoulder and said with relief, "it's hard to come out to work and I have no relatives. In this way, I'm really full today. In the future, if you come to me if you have nothing to do, let's have a chat."

"Is that ok?" Zheng boning carefully asked, that small expression for fear of Yang Xiaotian refused.

"Of course," said Yang Xiaotian with a smile

He didn't know. The answer was that Zheng boning was completely entangled with him

After saying goodbye to Zheng boning, Yang Xiaotian drank a bottle of water, then took another bottle of water and started running, thinking about what happened just now.

I have a sense of achievement in my heart.

Maybe the purpose of becoming a doctor is to make money, but it's also good to have this sense of achievement when making money.

After returning to the dormitory, Yang Xiaotian took a bath, sat at the computer desk, turned on the computer and began to browse the relevant information in the industry.

He has to prepare a project for Zhao Rong.

This kind of thing has no way to communicate with others, can only find information, find direction, to think.

Like most young people, Yang Xiaotian always wants to do something big, and is interested in big problems such as cancer and AIDS.

However, this kind of project will not be successful in a short time, and the research funding requirements are relatively high, which is not affordable by the first people's Hospital of Nanhu city.

Yang Xiaotian finally surrendered his vision to two aspects.

The first aspect is related to the cardiovascular system, including coronary heart disease, heart failure, hypertension and so on. Although these diseases are common and frequently occurring, they pose a real threat to human health and are commonly known as chronic diseases, so the significance of research is relatively large.

However, if Yang Xiaotian does it, he is not prepared to start with treatment. There are too many people studying it, and it involves pharmacology. The cost will increase to an unimaginable number. Therefore, if it is this topic, he is prepared to start with early diagnosis and prevention.

On the other hand, Yang Xiaotian wants to study the resistance of virus to antibiotics, which is different from the first topic, which can be quickly turned to practical application. The second topic can be said to be purely theoretical.

A large part of people's illness is caused by virus infection, such as the simplest influenza virus.

In the 1940s, the emergence of penicillin enabled many patients with bacterial and viral infections to receive effective treatment.

It was thought to be once and for all, but it was soon found that this was only a partial victory in a battle, and bacteria soon became resistant to penicillin.

Let's see how difficult this battle is.

In the 1960s, semi synthetic penicillin was developed, and the drug resistance of Staphylococcus was soon discovered. This so-called MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infection, which is resistant to methicillin, has been plagued all over the world.

Then people use vancomycin to kill it.

But now vancomycin doesn't work.

This is the so-called bacteria, bacteria resistance.

Just like biological evolution, when the environment changes or natural enemies appear, the fittest survive, and the unfit die.

Giraffes, for example, may not have that long necks. But when natural disasters occur, there is no food to eat in low places, and the short necked starve to death. The rest are long necked. The gene of long necked has been handed down from generation to generation, so even if there is no lack of food, they are still long necked.

For another example, mice were all fat rats decades ago, but with the enhancement of our family's awareness of rat prevention and the introduction of cats, big mice have been gradually eliminated. Now our mice are all small and sensitive.

The same is true of bacteria. Without the emergence of antibiotics, their evolution may be very slow, but the emergence of antibiotics makes their evolution faster.

Pathogens in nature, such as one of the influenza viruses, may be naturally resistant (as if some people were born strong).

When antibiotics are used for a long time, the common virus is killed, and the virus with natural drug resistance can not be killed, so it begins to multiply in large quantities, replacing the original virus. Then one day, people will find that the existing antibiotics can not kill the influenza virus, because the influenza viruses are resistant.

Some people will say that we are not afraid of drug resistance. Let's study new antibiotics.

But the key problem is that the development speed of antibiotics can't keep up with the evolution speed of virus! And the most important thing is money! New things will always be more expensive. Antibiotics have been abused like this. Sooner or later, it will cost thousands of yuan to treat a flu. What should we do then?

Thinking of this, Yang Xiaotian decided to study this topic.

He opened the word document on the computer and typed on it.

The first is "whether there is a problem of bacterial resistance in China".

The answer is in the affirmative, but since it is a project, it must not be finished in one sentence, so it should be written in a higher level.

First of all, we should say that "bacterial resistance is a public health challenge faced by all mankind". As soon as we write about it, do we immediately feel that this topic is very big?

"No country can be spared." "this kind of problem also exists in our country, and it is very serious." "it needs the joint efforts of the government, professionals and all citizens to contain it."

With a few simple sentences like this, the problem has been sublimated, and the simple topic has risen to the happiness of the people of the whole country.

Although he drank some wine in the evening and ran more than ten kilometers, Yang Xiaotian was not sleepy at all. The more he wrote, the more energetic he felt.

When he wrote the project application, he didn't follow the order. He wrote in a wild way. He wrote where he wanted to. He wrote all his ideas first. When he didn't have inspiration and ideas, he went to do the boring work of sorting out the words.

It's his habit.

Until the sky turned white, Yang Xiaocai yawned and rubbed his face. It was three hours before work. He was ready to take a nap.

Three hours later, Yang Xiaotian got up and washed his face. He went to the hospital first to deal with the emergency department, and then went to the decoration site of Tianbao hall.

The construction site is all inclusive to the decoration company. It's a person from Du Chongzhi. One of his friends owns a decoration company.

Yang Xiaotian looked, the work is really good, can be regarded as a good price of friendship.

In the morning, Liu Song made a call to director Sun of the Health Bureau. After he hung up, he immediately informed the meeting. At the meeting, he said, "I personally think Yang Xiaotian is no longer suitable to be the director of the physiotherapy center. Who agrees or opposes?"