After Ling Feng fell out, he got up immediately. He didn't have any injuries. Instead, he looked lively. This time, he didn't use the attack means he learned. Instead, he came to the position just now with his intuition and punched the air directly.

There is no doubt that his punch is empty. Nothing exists in the air. It's just his intuition. If he can win, it's too coincidental.

However, the shadowless one in the dark felt a little frightened, because Ling Feng caught it very correctly. The place where he had just shot was the position that Ling Feng played. If he hadn't stepped back a few steps in advance, I'm afraid he would have been hit now.

Even if he stepped back a few steps, he could feel the strong wind from Ling Feng's fist. If he was really hit, things would become very bad.

It can be said that Ling Feng's intuition is still very strong. He almost caught the shadowless position, but that's what made him lose the opportunity.

Shadowless also recognized its power, so at this moment, he no longer stayed, used all his strength, quickly fought for him to go again towards Ling Feng, and gradually issued weak lights, but these lights were invisible to Ling Feng.

The shadowless speed was very fast. It took about two seconds to come to Ling Feng. It was like a sharp blade directly on Ling Feng's neck. At this time, Ling Feng still couldn't see it at all. There was absolutely no way to escape.

There is no doubt that Ling Feng was indeed attacked, but at this time, his yuan force was filled in all his body, which also led to the power that was destined not to be much. It can be seen that there was a huge crack on Ling Feng's neck, and the internal Adam's apple and trachea can be clearly seen.

But it's only a very objective larynx and trachea, and no blood drops flow down from it. This is the role of Ling Feng's vitality. However, you can see that Ling Feng's organs are making a sound and trembling gently, because he needs to breathe.


This time, Ling Feng still attacked the air in front with his intuition, but he seemed to hit something. He felt that his arm touched a hard object, but it was only a moment.

"Ha ha, even if you are invincible again? I haven't hit you yet. " Ling Feng is a little happy this time. After all, he has been shot by shadowless foot for so long, and his anger has been vented in this punch. He should be able to judge that he must have hit shadowless.

However, Ling Feng responded to a more violent attack. He felt a pain on his right foot and a huge wound appeared there. Ling Feng also urgently turned his body and wanted to attack, but this time he still missed. Last time, it was just luck.

"What if you hit me? Just now I was just playing with you, but now I'm serious. You can be careful." The shadowless voice sounded again. He looked stronger and stronger, but when he said this, he covered the wound on his ribs in the dark. Although he hid here, the strong wind of Ling Feng's fist broke the ribs here.


Ling Feng added a wound to his back again. The wound is very huge and much larger than before. You can see that Wu Ying is really a killer. He has angered Ling Feng with a blunt weapon instead of killing Ling Feng. If Ling Feng's intuition is not fast and can capture his position, he may go straight to cut him.

"Card..." Ling Feng attacked again with a very fast speed, but the punch hit in the wind and made a crisp sound. At the same time, the wounds on his body were healing frantically. The two places on his neck and feet had already recovered as before.

"Since you like playing so much, I'll accompany you." Ling Feng said with a smile. Then he loosened his body and made himself more flexible. He seemed to feel that he had caught the other party's footwork. You know, no matter who does what, there are certain rules. As long as you break these rules, you are the winner.

"I can play with you, but you should know that I'm a cat and you're a mouse..." Wuying came here, and Taite didn't like to go. According to the specified time, he came and left whenever he wanted. He was so casual.

"Interesting... Let's see how my mouse crushed your cat to death..." Ling Feng really killed the invisible man. In his eyes, the other party was already on the list of mortals.



The two continued to fight. The scene looked very strange, that is, a wound on Ling Feng was exposed, and then he fought in the air with his feeling. All kinds of these were carried out by one feeling, but Ling Feng was happy and continued to apply.


"Boss Ling Feng, she's like this. It won't take long to lose her strength. Shall we help him?" In the carriage, he lay bareheaded on the window and looked out. He was also very afraid. If Ling Feng couldn't resist, it was likely that they would die.

"It's all right..." Xu Jingying could feel Ling Feng's message without looking. He said directly, "Ling Feng didn't consume much energy, so he can persist in this long war for hours."

"Really... The boss is so powerful. I look very scared." Baldheaded continued to say this, and what he said was also true, because Ling Feng would have died many times if the wound on her fell on herself.

"This invisible enemy is the most troublesome, Ling Feng. She knows too little about this enemy. It can be said that after having yuan power, his intuition and ideas become weaker and weaker. I hope he can re realize that a person's intuition and mind are much stronger than those yuan power this time." Li Tong still closed his eyes, but he said such a long paragraph.

"This..." the bald man frowned when he heard this sentence. He obviously realized that it was wrong, but he didn't dare to say anything. He even felt that the strength of the old man in front of him was much more than the cheap brother Ling Feng.

"Elder, do you mean that you have a way to break this invisible enemy?" Even the bald head heard the wrong of this sentence, so Xu Jingying couldn't have missed it. She smiled a little, and then said to Li Tong.

Li Tong opened his eyes and looked at Xu Jingying. His eyes were a little soft. "Yes, my spiritual stage can completely capture the person's position, but I didn't say it."

Before Xu Jingying spoke to her bald head, Li Tong said again, "my purpose is very simple. It's to train Ling Feng. You know, his future road is very difficult and dangerous. Through my observation these days, I found that although he has strong cultivation, he only has high talent by borrowing."

"A really strong person can't be the strongest just because he has talent. He has to integrate all things to become the strongest. Ling Feng's use of intuition is still too loose. You know, I haven't encountered anything. What I have to do at the first time is not to think about how to solve it, nor to solve it by force, but to face it by intuition." Li Tong's words are real words, which is obviously the true meaning understood by an old wise man.

"So once there is no intuition, it's not very good. Today's matter is a difficulty for Ling Feng. Let him realize that intuition is the thing that determines everything, so I didn't do it." Li Tong said that and closed his eyes again.

At this moment, Xu Jingying and her bald head had nothing to say. Although they didn't know whether what Li Tong said was true or false, they all said so. It would be really bad to stop them for a long time. They looked out together and watched Ling Feng gradually fall into passivity.

They also know that although Li Tong wants to exercise Ling Feng, he will certainly not be in danger or suffer any important injury. In that case, the gains will not outweigh the losses. Presumably, Li Tong will take action to save Ling Feng in an emergency.

However, in her own heart, Xu Jingying is still a little worried. Ling Feng's character is very rebellious. If he knows Li Tong's method but doesn't tell him, he doesn't know what kind of expression it will be. It can be imagined that if it is Hua Lao and others, Li Tong will definitely call Ma for a meal, but this is Li Tong, How can Ling Feng be foolproof?

Xu Jingying looked at Ling Feng's figure and sighed slightly in her heart.


The invisible enemy is the most terrible. Ling Feng really understands what he means in this situation. This feeling is very passive, just like being an enemy with the whole world.

In this moment, Ling Feng added more than 20 wounds. Each wound was one finger long and fell into the meat, but the number of times he hit shadowless was less than three. He didn't know whether shadowless skills needed energy or how much energy they needed. It was unknown that they could win in the end.

However, in the gradual injury and pain, Ling Feng seemed to understand something. In the past, his purpose of fighting was to solve this matter, but in this fight, he seemed to gradually like this feeling, the feeling of blood from fist to meat and palm through the heart.

There is a saying that curiosity is the best teacher of mankind. If you like a thing, he will really devote himself to it. Whether it is study or work, once you find the fun, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

It's like Ling Feng used to read hard, but he mastered the method. It's very rare. It's more difficult than how much experience he has.

And his fun is still gathering faster and faster in the fight. He feels that he can't fight in the future. He can't relax because of the rolling of grade. He has to touch the weakness of his opponent.

During this period, Ling Feng became more and more aware of shadowless moves, and he became more and more intuitive about his position. Similarly, shadowless also had an essential understanding of Ling Feng's recovery ability. Now they have gone from the entry-level to the in-depth stage.

"Brother, I think I can say goodbye to you... Ah cry goodbye." Ling Feng smiled. She was very happy. The smile around her mouth was completely different from the ironic smile she usually showed.

At this time, there is no doubt about Yingjian. Why is Ling Feng so confident? Then the next second, Ling Feng made a move that surprised him. He saw Ling Feng... He actually closed his eyes.