About ten minutes, maybe twenty? Anyway, it's the same for old KENWAY and Roddy. It's so long

I didn't think it would be so long in a few minutes in my life. Old KENWAY felt that if he waited any longer, his heart might have a problem

Finally, they saw the long-awaited plane... Of course, the staff nearby helped identify it.

Watching the plane land, although they knew that the packaging inside must be OK, their hearts were following the bumps when they saw the plane land on the runway

Finally, the plane landed, and the surrounding staff persuaded them to wait on it. They would be notified when the cargo loading and unloading was completed, but they were directly rejected!

Are you kidding me? The wine is already in front of us. You don't want us to look at it? What if you take a pot!

Generally speaking, their current idea is a replica of the sentence "there are always crafty people who want to harm me". There are always crafty people who want to steal my wine. Yes, that's right

So in the case of Mi Yuan opening the road, the loading and unloading of the plane stopped and started when they got down.

Then... The scene became like this

"Take it easy, take it easy, all clumsy!" Old KENWAY continued to shout there.

After shouting for a long time, Roddy around couldn't see it. He advised: "old man, boss Qin's wine gourd can't be broken. Although I doubt he's lying, it's okay to touch it so slightly..."

As soon as old KENWAY's watering can opened, no matter who is around you, it opened every minute: "if you break it, you can pay for it. Don't think you can pay for it. Boss Qin wants you to participate!"

Roddy: "..." I still don't have the same experience as you.

After all, this activity had nothing to do with him. If Qin Feng hadn't said to find more people, old man kenwei would have done it alone.

Finally, in the scolding of old KENWAY, the first batch of wine used in the activity had been loaded on the car.

Old KENWAY had to leave with the car, and then divide all the wine according to the number of participants in each city. After all, the participants in each city were different.

Of course, you can keep so many bottles of wine to drink. No one will care

The United States is stepping up preparations for activities, as are other countries.

Eagle country was not a big place and there were not many people. However, many melon eating people from other European countries poured into Eagle country in order to participate in this activity.

This makes the eagle government a little nervous. I'm afraid some extreme guys will come in

Needless to say, other island countries have to pay for everything themselves. Although they will only set up an activity site in Dongjing, many people still sign up enthusiastically!

Moreover, those men have wrapped the winning cloth around their foreheads. Probably their consciousness is that I must become a Dionysian for the sake of this family!

What's more, the name of Dionysus, which is full of two diseases, has also caused a sensation among the otaku men in the island country. After all, people in the island country like to give some god's name to those very cow people.

For example, the God of sushi, the God of tempura, the finger of God

There seems to be something strange mixed in, uh... Don't care about these details.

Then, the otaku men also signed up one after another. They were more interested in the name of the God of wine. Later, they came out to mix the society and reported their name. Everyone knelt down one after another. Is this the legendary god of wine? It was full in an instant.

Not to mention Russia, a bunch of big men with big arms and round waist are ready. They rub and heat all day and rely on love to generate electricity. They all hope to make a profit this time.

Other countries are so enthusiastic, not to mention at home.

Several cities that have set up activity points have seen a sharp rise in the flow of people these days. It seems that the situation is better than any golden week. Instead, the hotel owners in the city narrowed their eyes with laughter.

Natural entertainment has also started emergency deployment. Every city needs enough manpower. After all, if there are many people, it is easy to have accidents.

Fortunately, for such a big scene, natural entertainment is still very experienced. After all, the stars of their company often have to do such a big scene.

Before, boss Qin also gave them the improved Dukang wine. Now these Dukang wine are also being urgently transported to various cities. The express company is the best one in China.

Of course, in order to prevent accidents, natural entertainment has invested huge insurance on these wines. Anyway, if you want to rob, I will never lose

The most important venue is in Donghai city. In the company's headquarters, natural entertainment has specially set up the opening ceremony of the event... Well, I don't know what to pay tribute to.

Anyway, Li always thinks that so many stars in the company can't just let them publicize. It's good to have an opening ceremony, sing, dance and so on

So... A lot of star fans came directly to Donghai city. Their idea is very simple. Even if they spend money, they should come in and see their love beans.

This makes natural entertainment a little overwhelmed, because they originally planned to be free

It was so busy outside that boss Qin began to watch the play. At this time, he thought it was wise to laugh at the boss and push it out. It was so wise!

If you are responsible for these trivial things, you can't be bored to death

Accordingly, Xiao Wang also received the task, sent some messages with her microblog number to cooperate with the company, and attracted heat with the help of the company.

The senior is right. They can't see Xiao Wang's current account at all, so they have to be fatter

Because of the high-level guarantee, Xiao Wang didn't pay attention to the general manager Wang. Anyway, when the sky fell, there was a tall one, afraid of a hammer!

The vice president of Kyoto entertainment sat busy in his office. Today, he was said by the chairman of the company.

The company had already agreed on this matter and waited for Xiao Wang to come back to implement it. Unexpectedly, it collapsed directly. Since you have to take the benefits, you have to bear the consequences of the collapse now.

So although he has a backstage, he is still said, which will make him feel very bad.

At this time, the deputy general manager's secretary came in, came directly to the deputy general manager and said, "boss, the one who was dismissed by the company has found his next home now!"

"What? Who took over? I've already said hello! " The vice president raised his head and said in doubt.

"Boss, it's natural entertainment..."