As the saying goes, when a fellow sees a fellow, his eyes are full of tears. However, in the University, when a fellow sees a fellow, he is not more tearful, but wondering how to marry this fellow home

Don't you see those villagers' associations of various names and styles? Do you really think they just want to meet a villager.

We all studied hard in high school for three years and went to college. How can we live up to ourselves without falling in love!

What a nice fellow, it's a place. Even if you go home, you can often contact one or two to relieve the pain of long-distance love.

More importantly, it will be easier to find a fellow countryman as a girlfriend!

Think about it. Everyone is a fellow townsman. I asked you for contact information in the name of a fellow townsman for the first time. You can't refuse. It's easy to have contact information.

It's all pediatrics. The most important thing is to invite villagers home together!

You see how difficult it is for your sister to carry such a heavy suitcase. Let's just go home together and help each other and take care of each other. Taking care of each other will turn the villagers into girlfriends

Lu zhe naturally belongs to this situation. When he came home last year, he successfully invited Xiaoxiao together, but it happened that their train home had to drive for 15 hours

If you think about it, they will stay together for 15 hours, even if they don't feel much at all.

However, they are only from the same city. When they arrive in the city, they have to go back to the county. At this time, it is impossible for Mei Zhi to go back alone.

So he took Mei paper alone and sent it back to the county again. Then he went back to the city and changed cars to go home.

In this way, the situation is very clear. A simple fellow, what are you trying to do with so much trouble and effort.

Then when he came, he made an appointment. When he came and went, Xiaoxiao became his girlfriend.

Lu Zhe is very proud of this. He didn't have time to fall in love when he was in high school. He didn't expect to succeed in chasing a girl for the first time in college. Therefore, now he takes care of his girlfriend Xiaoxiao in every way.

Like this, I'm so used to waiting for more than half an hour under the dormitory building.

After all, there is a saying. For the sake of her in our hearts, we will always become strange to ourselves. In the end, we found that what she likes is the elated you

Of course, this sentence has nothing to do with Lu Zhe. He and Xiaoxiao are in love. They belong to those who want to stick together all day. When they are in love, it's not a problem.

We always say that our boyfriend or girlfriend has changed, we talk less, we don't reply to messages in time, and even the other party will hang up on you directly

In fact, he or she has not become. When you substitute the answer of "no love", you will find that everything is so reasonable.

He is still the same as him, just because he doesn't love

The person who likes you will tell you that I went to take a bath, and then tell you that I finished washing, while the person who doesn't like you will tell you that I went to take a bath, and then... It will be like dying in the bathroom.

Xiaoxiao sent a text message saying that he had finished washing his hair and was blowing his hair. He asked him to wait a little longer and it would be fine soon.

Lu zhe replied to the message with a happy smile. Then he began to think about what his girlfriend would wear for a while. Thinking about these, the expression on his face became more and more painful.

Lu zhe standing there at this time belongs to the kind of existence that dogs ignore. This kind of strong existence that a person can stand and spring, which our generation dare not provoke

However, people don't dare to provoke, and the guys who are not people are different.

Lu Zhe, who was intoxicated in his own world, suddenly heard a very beautiful voice: "Hello, this classmate, are you waiting for your girlfriend?"

For a moment, Lu zhe had only one feeling. The sound was... So sweet!

It's not just sweet. The sound is too sweet, which makes Lu Zhe's heart a little crispy

But fortunately, he is a man with a girlfriend in his heart. He quickly reacted. Moreover, nowadays, there are beautiful girls everywhere, but sometimes, the voice is not proportional to his appearance

Subconsciously turned around. At this moment, Lu zhe felt his heart stopped beating. He could swear to God that this was one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen in his life!

Whether it is the charming appearance or the just good figure, it is most appropriate to describe it with a sentence in "dengtuzi lecherous Fu"!

An increase of one percent is too long, and a decrease of one percent is too short; Powder is too white, Zhu is too red. The eyebrows are like green feathers, the muscles are like snow, the waist is like a bundle of elements, and the teeth are like seashells. With a smile, I confused Yangcheng and fell in love with CAI

Then... Lu zhe looks at Su Xiaoli in front of him and is stunned. In fact, this is also a normal reaction. No matter who meets Su Xiaoli for the first time, it will be like this.

Moreover, it is the same with Su Xiaoli's fans. Although they have seen Su Xiaoli's appearance in the film and her photos, they still can't match the number for a moment when they meet a real person.

Without him, because the real person of Su Xiaoli is more beautiful than the picture

Now, not only Lu Zhe is stunned downstairs in the girls' dormitory, but also the boys around who are also waiting for their girlfriends. Maybe they just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to take a sneak look, but they can't move away directly

Little beaver girl paper stood there smiling, but at this time, Qin Feng's voice came from her ear: "sin, you are, hurry to do it for me!"

On Su Xiaoli's side, Qin Feng rolled his eyes. She knew she shouldn't have brought the little fox out. She tried to suppress her breath when she went out on weekdays, but who knows what happened today, where she went and where she was enchanted

Originally, he was going to come by himself, but considering Su Xiaoli as a girl, it should be better to do such a thing, so he asked Su Xiaoli to invite him. Who could have thought it would be like this

The little beaver girl stuck out her tongue with paper, which immediately made the men nearby dull.

"Hey, classmate, this classmate!" Su Xiaoli shouted a few words, but found that the other party didn't respond. Helpless, he could only say, "your girlfriend is coming!"

The dull Lu zhe suddenly woke up: "huh? Xiaoxiao, I didn't mean to... Where's Xiaoxiao? " Little beaver sister paper smiled and said, "your girlfriend didn't come. This classmate, have you heard of jiuxianju?"

On his side, boss Qin touched his bare chin and smiled. Was he frightened by the name? There's no way. Who makes our wine fairy house famous