After repeated explanations by Ning Ning and Bai Kai, Bai Guoqiang and Grandma Wang finally understand that the guy we met today is not a liar. His pot of wine is more than enough for a thousand kilograms of tofu

Not only that, boss Qin's wine can't be bought with money, especially the most expensive wine he said. It is said that many rich people in Zhongzhou city want it now

"No wonder so many people are helping to talk today. I thought they were together..." Grandma Wang regretted there. She knew it was boss Qin and had to change what she said.

She doesn't have anything on her own, but now look, her grandson and granddaughter-in-law obviously want the wine of boss Qin, which is a little difficult

"I... I just said today that people are liars..." Mrs. Wang said with a few words: "and I'm not the only one selling tofu in the market. There are many people. It's easy for him to ask for a thousand kilograms of tofu..."

Ning Ning and Bai Kai stopped talking. I heard that boss Qin had a bad temper. Sometimes he said directly that he would drink if he wanted to drink, or get out if he didn't drink.

Therefore, they are not sure whether it is OK now. As Grandma Wang said, there are so many people selling tofu. They are worried that they can't buy a thousand kilograms of tofu these days

Granny Wang looked at her grandson and sighed. The old man was like this. Although she did it right, after all, when she met a person for no reason and said she would exchange wine for so many tofu, her first reaction must be deceptive.

Grandson, they don't mean to blame, but Grandma Wang still thinks it's her own problem. If only she could promise each other today

After a moment of silence, Grandma Wang raised her head and said, "Ai Ning, where is the address of the wine fairy house? You see, I never knew. "

Ning Ning didn't think too much and told Grandma Wang directly. She didn't worry much.

After talking about the pedestrian street, Mrs. Wang didn't know very well, and then said that it was the former grocery street. That's it. She thought it was very close to the place where she sold tofu every day.

Yes, Mrs. Wang has decided that she will sell tofu tomorrow. If the boss Qin is still there, it's best, but it's likely that the other party is not. If not, she will go to the wine fairy house to ask if the boss Qin still needs her tofu

As long as the other party can exchange wine for 1000 Jin and 2000 gold

Although I know what I think, after all, my grandson just said that people don't care about this money at all.

The whole dinner passed in a rather dull atmosphere. After dinner, Bai Guoqiang helped clean up the house and then went home. Someone had to watch at home.


Boss Qin now feels that the day passes quickly.

It's really fast. I just thought that I was called a liar by the old woman yesterday. In the twinkling of an eye, I'm going to the vegetable market again. I just hope the old woman can listen to him more

After putting on his coat, boss Qin sighed that time flies and walked outside the tavern, leaving only Su Xiaoli who is busy behind... Xiaoli sister paper said that you didn't do anything when you came back yesterday. Of course, time passed quickly!

All the way to the vegetable market, he still came in and greeted Chen San. However, before he took the initiative to find it this time, he saw an old woman rushing over at full speed!

I made a big wipe! Boss Qin was thrilled. What is this? Is it touch porcelain?

In a short moment, boss Qin thought a lot, including the experience of singing to come back again in the tavern. It seems that he used to live in a villa and drive a BMW. It is said that after being touched by porcelain, he can't afford an electric car now

Then... There was nothing. Then, the old woman stopped the car in front of Qin Feng and let Qin Feng finally wipe away the cold sweat.

At this time, Qin Feng looked carefully and found that the old woman was the old woman who sold tofu.

A little suspicious in his heart, Qin Feng looked at Grandma Wang and asked tentatively, "you are old... What's the matter?"

Granny Wang is a little panting now. She was selling tofu just now. When she saw Qin Feng's figure, the money rushed over before she had time to collect it. Of course, she certainly didn't worry about the loss of tofu. After all, she has been here for many years, and people around will help watch.

This will hear Qin Feng's question. It's a little boring. Open your mouth, but after thinking about it, you still say: "well... You're boss Qin. I promised the terms you said yesterday..."

Um... Um? Boss Qin stared at the dog. He was just thinking about what method to use to make the old woman believe in herself. Unexpectedly, he promised himself before saying anything?

Qin Feng was stunned there, but she was more nervous in Grandma Wang's heart. There was no way. Boss Qin always looked high and cold. Well, although he was funny, he couldn't stand others, pretending to be high and cold.

Therefore, Granny Wang was in a very complicated mood. After waiting for a few seconds, she didn't see Qin Feng speak. She quickly said, "look, otherwise I'll exchange two thousand kilograms of tofu?"

Once there is boss Qin's place, there will be a lot of people eating melons. Now there are many people watching around them.

Some people were surprised to hear what Grandma Wang said. Someone actually traded tofu for wine with boss Qin. Are you kidding? Boss Qin can't buy wine with money!

After the people around explained, they also understood. Looking at Grandma Wang's figure, it was a little inexplicable. The old lady actually refused boss Qin's request yesterday. I guess I didn't know at that time. Now I know, I'll change it quickly... Ha ha.

Of course they don't know. Grandma Wang doesn't care about these at all. Everything she does is for her grandchildren. Unfortunately, society is like this. Grandma Wang won't explain

Now, Mrs. Wang is really nervous. Before that, she and the public learned about the boss Qin in the vegetable market. Therefore, it is now clear that her tofu, whether 1000 Jin or 2000 Jin, is not important at all.

In other words, a thousand pounds more tofu has no impact on the boss Qin. As long as people take the wine out for it, no matter who is willing!

Some people even say that if they know that boss Qin wants to exchange wine for tofu, they may directly buy a tofu workshop and make tofu every day in order to exchange wine with boss Qin

Hearing mother-in-law Wang's second sentence, boss Qin finally slowed down from his ignorance and hurriedly said, "don't, don't, don't, I think a thousand pounds is good. What do you want two thousand pounds..."

The voice fell to the ground and the melon eaters were forced. What's the situation? Boss Qin, you promised? And not two thousand pounds, just one thousand pounds? Is this still the boss Qin who wants money?

In particular, there are drinkers who have been to jiuxianju at the scene, which will be very surprised. Now there are no rules. Boss Qin has refused on his own initiative. There must be various reasons

Mrs. Wang was even more surprised. Boss Qin was still willing to change with himself. Unexpectedly, he didn't want more tofu... What did he think?

Boss Qin stood there, secretly admiring himself for his quick response. Two thousand pounds of tofu, one thousand pounds of tofu, is expected to carve himself into heaven. If it takes two thousand pounds, you can't waste it directly!

Therefore, we need a thousand pounds, and we won't do more than one pound!