The door of the wine fairy house was silent. Two wooden doors were broken. Through the door without door, you can directly see the tavern. Boss Qin was eating breakfast there, and Su Xiaoli... Su Xiaoli wanted to feed boss Qin with a tea egg!

But it's normal. After all, as a waiter in jiuxianju, it's nothing to help his boss peel an egg... Wait, the door of jiuxianju was CEI before it was opened this morning, so how did little beaver girl paper get in!

Or... For a time, the old customers of jiuxianju had a bold idea in their hearts

Since the door hasn't been opened in the morning, people are inside. Don't you have to say what happened?

Boss Qin's courage is getting fatter and fatter now. Isn't he afraid of Miss Xue coming back from the United States?

However... A group of male drinkers look at boss Qin with ambiguous eyes. There are "I know". After all, such a waitress who brings disaster to the country and the people is wandering around every day, her girlfriend is not around, and sister paper seems to often take the initiative... What happens is not natural!

These things were thought of by jiuxianju's old customers in an instant. When they had thought of here, the stunned force on their faces because the door was broken has not disappeared

This guy really kicked the door of jiuxianju!

This dog day actually said that he only used 30% of his strength. Who believes it? When everyone is an idiot?

Forget it, we're too lazy to say. You have free time to explain with boss Qin yourself.

The pudgy man is very confused now. He looks at boss Qin who seems to be stunned in the tavern, and then looks at the melon eaters around who have the same dull eyes and don't seem to believe his words. He just feels... I feel that the baby is really wronged

I really just used 30% of my strength. I went up and kicked it gently. As a result, the door broke. I really don't blame me. It's definitely the door that wants to touch the porcelain drop!

The pudgy man looked at boss Qin in the tavern and wanted to explain again, but he saw the tall and thin man around him come up with a sad face and said, "brother, why did you kick the door to pieces? Don't you think it's good for you to knock on the door?"

Ah? This... You... Me, the short and fat man looked at this tall and thin man. He couldn't speak up when he was angry. Who just meowed? He was responsible for the problem!

As a result, now I see a problem and sell myself directly?

"You... Didn't you just say..." the short and fat man still said this.

But half of it was interrupted by the tall and thin man. He looked at the fragments on the ground and said, "what did I just say? Let's talk about evidence. Be careful I sue you for slander!"

Poof... Not only the short and fat men, but also the people who eat melons around feel that there is something wrong with their three outlooks. I have never seen such a brazen man!

Oh, no, if you count boss Qin, this guy can only rank second

The pudgy man now understands that the door has just broken. Boss Qin inside doesn't know the situation at all. He came up directly and said he kicked it and made sex for himself.

But I can't refute it, because I did it myself

As for what I just said, it's true. Do you have any evidence? There's no basis for words. I can only ask these guys around to help prove it, but look at the current situation, these guys show an expression of "today's wind is so noisy" there. They really don't want to prove it for themselves!

What to do... Now the short and fat men realize that they are here to buy wine, that is to say, they are in a weak position

After contacting here, I thought of the situation just now. It seems that maybe... Everyone didn't exert any force when smashing the door. At most, they came up and hit twice with their fists. Unlike themselves, they came up and kicked with their feet

Although I didn't exert much force, this weight is right here

I understand it all. I was a little suspicious before. These guys look like rich people. They are not so brainless. How can they get angry so easily!

It turns out that all this is routine

Look at the woman in red who seems to have a very grumpy temper. The other party immediately dodged her eyes and looked at the sky as if counting the number of suns

And the man who returned to the old man's pile will also sweat there, which he has just seen!

Looking at old man Liu next to him, the man wiped his cold sweat and said involuntarily, "you're right. The water in here is really deep..."

Old man Liu: "...?"

Of course, it's not over here.

The tall and thin man ignored other people's eyes and came up to the tavern and said, "boss Qin, you can see that this guy kicked your door to pieces. Look at what a good door, what a strong door, it was kicked so..."

Well, looking at the fragments that are almost as big as a slap on the ground, the thin and tall man is also a little suspicious, but he still said: "what does this mean? This man has an opinion with boss Qin. He is venting..."

Well, everyone heard that this guy is bullshit. Even if he is trying hard, the door of the wine fairy house can't be broken like this. Is this fat man still a hidden Jianghu expert?

But at this time, an old man who was watching suddenly had a bright look in his eyes, rushed directly to the door of the tavern, picked up one of the door fragments and stared at it. His eyes became brighter and brighter, and his mouth was also saying to himself, "no... how can this be possible!"


This is a deep mountain. It's raining heavily. The nine headed bird team can be sure that there is no shelter from the rain outside. What's this man doing outside?

More importantly, along the way, if someone follows them, they will definitely be found. The top team in the world is not in vain!

Just... The nine headed bird thought of a feeling before him and suddenly realized that it was definitely not an illusion!

The door was opened, and the nine headed bird team was fully armed. As long as there was something wrong with the guy who came in, they would fire directly!

Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound of leather shoes on the ground was still calm, and the nine headed bird team finally saw the man who came in.

Or... Is he really human?

Yes, at this moment, everyone in the nine headed bird team was stunned, because what came in outside was not the ferocious and grotesque man they imagined, but a handsome man with golden hair, but his skin looked a little pale.

Of course, these are not the key points. The key point is that he is here, wearing an evening dress and holding a civilization stick. He looks like a gentleman going to a banquet!

How is this possible