The pedestrian street is empty and quiet in the morning. Because today is the weekend, everyone is willing to stay at home and sleep in. They are tired all week. They rely on these two days... Maybe one day to make up for it.

Jiuxian residence is also very quiet. The curtains are pulled. Xiao Hei is lying in his dog's Kennel and sleeping on all fours. If you don't look carefully, you will think it's a dead dog

At this time, a voice suddenly came out of the big bedroom: "Xiao Qinzi, are you all right..."

This is Miss Xue's voice. I don't know what she's doing. Anyway, the voice sounds a little inexplicable. It's like... It's like running.

Soon, Qin Feng's voice sounded: "no, wait a minute, it'll be fine soon..."

Accompanied by the sound of Qin Feng, there are bursts of creak.

This strange sound made Xiao Hei, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly get up, prick up his ears and listen for a while, then lie down again. The dog's face was full of a habitual look.

Finally, with a comfortable * * from boss Qin in the bedroom, all the voices stopped.

Bang Dang! The bathroom door in the bedroom was opened. Qin Feng came out in his bathrobe and said comfortably: "it's really comfortable to take a hot bath in the morning..."

Miss Xue narrowed her eyes and said, "just take a bath. What's the ghost's name? Let others hear it and think we're doing in there!"

It turned out to be this problem. Boss Qin didn't care. He waved his hand and said, "don't worry. Just misunderstand. Anyway, we can't do anything. Hey, hey..."

While talking, boss Qin looked at Miss Xue in front of him. This morning, it's just ok

"Well... Xiao Qinzi, what are you doing? I have to catch a plane later..."

But it's a pity that it's impossible to resist. It's impossible to resist in this life, that is, it's half push and half push to maintain life. As for the plane, who cares? Just buy the next one.

Yes, after staying in jiuxianju for so many days, Miss Xue's holiday is almost over. In fact, it has been extended for so long several times.

After all, when young couples are together, the passage of time is impossible to realize. It's frequent. I feel that it hasn't been a few days, and even I feel that this has just begun, and the result is about to end.

As the saying goes, spring is everywhere. Anyway, after about 30 minutes, the bed in the bedroom finally stopped ringing. Boss Qin came out happily, leaving only miss Xue to clean up herself there. After all, she is... You know.

She put food and water into Xiaohei. This time, she didn't wait long, that is, an hour. Miss Xue came out of the bedroom with a red face.

Staring at Qin Feng, Mei Zhi pouted and said, "you know how to bully me all day!"

In this case, boss Qin can only laugh. It's the so-called selling well when he gets a bargain.

All kinds of wine in Jiuxian residence were packed again for Miss Xue. A big suitcase was full. With a greeting, he opened the door and prepared to send sister paper to the airport.

Qin Feng can't leave today because Niu Mo's raw marrow wine is at the critical moment of brewing, but miss Xue will stay in Kyoto for a few days, so they have an appointment. When the wine is brewed, Qin Feng will go to Kyoto.

The door of the tavern was opened. Qin Feng walked in front with his suitcase in the sun. As he walked, he wanted to say something to miss Xue. As a result, he was stunned by the scene in front of him as soon as his eyes turned!

It turned out that today's two people's sports and miss Xue's bath wasted some time, so the meeting has already passed the time when the tavern opened, and a large group of drinkers are waiting outside!

Yes, just waiting. It's hard to catch up with a weekend. After getting up leisurely, I must come to jiuxianju for two drinks. As soon as I came over, I saw that the door was closed, not to mention how depressed it was.

Monkeys and foxes are. Now one has a girlfriend and the other is married. Naturally, it can't be as rough as before. The time to go out for a drink needs to be reported and approved. If it's overtime, the pocket money of this month will be halved

It's a miserable day, but there's nothing to say if you look like someone else enjoying it. This is a city. You can't feel the happiness inside if you don't go in!

The monkey and the fox were still a little happy to see the tavern open. Finally, boss Qin had not overslept and knew to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw him carrying a large suitcase and followed by Miss Xue. What is NIMA doing? What are you doing!

Monkeys and foxes, as well as a group of drinkers behind them, stared at Qin Feng in front of them. There was no expression on their faces. This dog day, he meowed to ask for leave. Fortunately, we came early today and blocked him.

Otherwise, the leave slip must be outside the door!

The monkey looked at Qin Feng in front of him inexplicably and said, "boss Qin, where are you going in a hurry? Yo, I'm going away with a salute!"

Before boss Qin could answer, the fox over there also said, "yes, boss Qin, why don't you take out your A4 paper and let everyone see how you paste it? We're curious!"

This... Boss Qin looked at a large group of people in front of him and burst into a cold sweat on his forehead. What, I said I was just going to send my girlfriend today and won't ask for leave

"No, monkey, listen to me. I really went to send Lingyun. I didn't want to ask for leave!" Boss Qin explained seriously there.

Unfortunately... No one believed his appearance. The fox said with a smile: "boss Qin, just admit it. We won't say anything about you. Anyway, you're used to asking for leave... Just kill him."

Boss Qin: "

It's really a thousand mouths long now, but Qin Feng can only look at Miss Xue, who is covering her mouth and laughing. This matter can only be explained by sister paper.

Is my boss Qin's character so bad here?


After sister paper's explanation, the drunkards finally believed and made way, but they also asked. After boss Qin sent sister paper, he hurried back. He must not delay outside!

Of course Qin Feng promised. He hurriedly took Miss Xue, who was already laughing, out of the pedestrian street to take a taxi.

On Qin Feng's way to send Miss Xue to the airport, the flight from Yuncheng to Zhongzhou is about to land. Wang Guoping is constantly telling his daughter about Zhongzhou, its food and beauty.