For boss Qin, there are two kinds of people in the world, people who can afford wine and people who can't afford wine. In any sense, Susan, a foreign girl who seems to be in a bad situation, is a person who can afford wine.

He asked boss Qin to give Baihua wine directly. People didn't even hesitate, so they paid directly.

Alas, you said it would be nice if there were more generous guests in the world. Look at some of the guests in the store now. Drink wine and care about everything

He shook his head. Qin Feng continued to study his blood spirit wine. As for monkey wine, after so long, he still didn't find one hair. Therefore, Qin Feng can only throw the rootless fruit into the cabinet and wait until the materials are complete.

Susan sat down at the table with a tray and a selfie stick. This is the last time she has been with others since she was laughed at when she was a child!

Susan certainly didn't want to sit so close, but now the business of jiuxianju is too good. Originally, the tavern was full, but it just happened that a couple wanted to love each other, so they sat together and vacated a place.

Looking around carefully, Susan was still worried, but she just saw three women, one man and four smiling faces, needless to say, the other two girls. Now it seems that the couple has entered the realm of selflessness

Susan was relieved. Although she didn't know how these people could hold back, it was really great to be able to sit and drink freely in the crowd, which she dreamed of.

At this time, Susan had time to look at the wine pot and bowl in the tray. She was immediately attracted by this look.

Its paper thin sidewall, exquisite to unparalleled pot body, and real white jade are flawless. Even though Susan, as an American, doesn't understand Chinese jade, she can see that this set of wine utensils should be very valuable!

After thinking about it, Susan turned the selfie lever, pointed it at the wine set on the table, and then said, "let's have a look. I think this wine set is very beautiful. Does anyone understand this?"

However, as soon as the voice fell, Susan was amused by the barrage in the live broadcasting room. The guests in Jiuxian residence didn't say three minutes. Thirty minutes passed and no one left. This made the brother who opened the live broadcasting room stunned. Now the whole live broadcasting room is full of money

She didn't care whether the man jumped from a building or sold blood. Susan said what she had said again, and someone noticed it.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be very expensive..."

"What you said is the same as what you didn't say. It must be very expensive. The question is how expensive?"

A group of people Lao Mi argued endlessly there. His intuition told them that this set of wine pots and bowls looked very good, but I don't know how good it was.

Finally, someone who knew stood up.

"As a Chinese who has lived in the United States for 20 years, I can tell you with certainty that in China, it is not a problem to sell hundreds of thousands of such a perfect wine set..."

Suddenly, this sentence made many people who ate melons in the live broadcasting room cool, but then the brother added again: "of course, hundreds of thousands of Chinese yuan, not rice yuan..."

This sentence did not calm the melon eaters. Even if it was Chinese yuan, it was a big number when converted into rice yuan. How rich was the owner of this tavern? Such expensive things were taken out casually?

At any time, there are always some guys with discriminatory ideas. No, there were some voices in the live studio, saying whether it was because the boss saw that Susan was American.

He also said skillfully that one of his friends couldn't find a job in the United States, let alone a girlfriend. As a result, many girls there liked him and rushed to sleep with him

The guests in the tavern must have stayed because Susan was a foreigner. Otherwise, how could they stand the smell?

As soon as these words were exported to China, some foreign students immediately quit and wanted to refute them, but others said that they also encountered these conditions. They were helpless and could only scold angrily.

Susan was also surprised by the price of the wine pot. After all, although she was not well-informed, she was rich after all, so she had been to some luxury places, but never. It's just that a wine pot can be so expensive!

Isn't the boss afraid that she accidentally dropped it?

At the moment, Susan frowned when she saw the news. She was very fond of China, and from the atmosphere she felt, she didn't feel superior. On the contrary, she felt a friendly smile.

Therefore, Susan turned the camera around and aimed at other drinkers. Suddenly, all kinds of wine pots and bowls appeared in the camera. White jade wine pots like Susan were the most common. Besides the first time, there were a variety of wine utensils such as jade pots and bowls in cyan and porcelain pots and bowls in red. Each looked exquisite!

"It's amazing. I found that the wine in this tavern seems to be different, and the wine utensils used are also different. If other types of wine utensils are really priced, they are all above the white jade wine utensils!" The former Chinese brother exclaimed there.

"What? No way, brother. Is the boss crazy? His wine pots are much more expensive than his wine. What else can he sell with so much money? " Someone retorted there.

"What do you know? The boss is a real craftsman. There are rules for what kind of wine should be used and what kind of wine utensils should be used. The boss meticulously implements these rules. Although it will cost him a very high cost, this is the real employee. People despise making money at all. Everything is just for better wine!

"Look at that Japanese country. It seems that there are professionals who devote themselves to their career and all kinds of reports in their country. Our country disdains reports, you know? Because there's too much, you know? Look at the casual tavern on the street. There are such people. The boss is a model for us to learn. I believe he will never ask for leave! "

It seems that the Chinese brothers have been holding this in their hearts for a long time, and now they say it all at once.

No one can refute it now. Don't say what other people's wine is like. Just look at their attitude. Even wine utensils should abide by the rules. With so many rare wine utensils, the most fundamental wine must be no worse!

Susan nodded there. What is a master? This is the real master!

Pooh! The American sexy goddess Alice and miss Xue, who are watching the live broadcast in front of the computer, sprayed it collectively. This... Is this talking about boss Qin xiaoqinzi?

Alice was stunned for three seconds and didn't remember. Boss Qin has been concentrating on his career all his life. It seems that he wants to ask for leave. Moreover, it is said that there are countless people in the tavern because of the price of wine. Whether he likes to come or drink has become a mantra

Miss Xue thought for a long time about Xiao Qinzi's words that he didn't want to make money. If selling wine wasn't for money, it would be meaningless

Of course, Susan in the tavern naturally didn't know this. Immersed in the master's professional quality, she secretly looked at the counter again. The previous ordinary became introverted. Look at other people's boss Qin, it's hidden!

Susan grabbed the jug in front of her and was ready to pour the wine. Now she believes that even if the wine can't solve her problem, it can be regarded as the top in the world by taste alone.

Unfortunately, the brother before this time spoke again.

"Then why didn't these people react at all? Susan has a really bad smell, so it must be because these people think Susan is a foreigner, so they didn't move. "

As soon as this sentence came out, not to mention the other melon eaters, even Susan was a little angry. This guy said it again and again. What's the purpose.

Susan took down her cell phone and was ready to stop talking directly. What do you mean the smell on her is really smelly? Who do you say!

But at this time, there was a high voice at the counter. Susan took photos with her mobile phone, but saw a white young man with blond hair and noble temperament standing in front of the counter. Her suit was very exquisite and expensive.

In front of him is the boss Qin.