It was almost noon, and there were more and more guests in Jiuxian residence.

It's chilly in winter. Walking in the street, even if you feel that you have covered your body tightly, you can still feel the north wind pouring in.

In this kind of weather, the most attractive things are naturally the hot hot pot and the mellow wine after warming.

In winter, boss Qin also provides wine warming service here. I don't know what's wrong. This wine warming service... Is actually free!

It is said that at that time, many girls in jiuxianju were confused. Several girls chased boss Qin and asked him several times. Only then did they confirm that boss Qin had no watt in his mind

Then everyone finally accepted the news in extreme surprise. What? You asked me why everyone was not surprised? Boss Qin, do you think there will be a bargain here?

But in Xueer's words, boss Qin rarely gives you little bitches free service once. Just take off your clothes and drink happily... (don't think about it! It's too hot in the tavern. Take off your coat!)

Bang! The door of jiuxianju was pushed open, and Lao Zhao, an air-conditioned sanitation worker, came in. He was wearing a thick cotton padded jacket and his neck and face were tightly surrounded. In spite of this, it can be seen from some exposed parts that Lao Zhao was frozen.

He casually found a seat and sat down. With the temperature in Jiuxian residence, Lao Zhao could finally catch his breath.

The drinkers in Jiuxian residence nodded and smiled at Lao Zhao. Now he is cleaning this grocery street every day.

It was good before. It wasn't cold and everything was easy to say. You can sit anywhere, but now it's late winter. If you sit down in such a cold day, you'll freeze in a moment

So Qin Feng told Lao Zhao before that he would come into the store to have a rest when he was resting. It was warm and could sit and rest. It was better than shivering outside.

After several excuses, Lao Zhao agreed. There was really no way. He needed to be responsible for too much. He came out early in the morning and came home at night. He brought all the dry food himself.

"Uncle, you got up early again today. I didn't mean to let you come out later!" One side of the lobule blinked big eyes and said.

Lao Zhao smiled simply and honestly: "it's all right. I'm used to getting up early. At that point, it won't sleep. It's better to come out and work."

Xiaoye holds his cheek with both hands and doesn't know what to say.

The older generation is like this. They can't sleep. So is her father. Now the business of the group doesn't need to be done by themselves, but they still get up early every day and go to work on time

Qin Feng casually came out of the counter, took a large insulated water cup from Lao Zhao, and then went into the counter to fill Lao Zhao with hot water. This series of actions are very ordinary, just like doing it countless times.

This big thermos cup is probably the most valuable thing on Lao Zhao. People are outside. Even if they wear gloves on such a cold day, they can freeze and crack you. A cup of hot water is indispensable.

Lao Zhao's lunch now is solved in Jiuxian residence. He receives the overheated water cup from boss Qin, and then takes out a plastic bag from his arms, which contains several steamed buns.

This was steamed by his wife. He steamed a large pot at one time, and then ate this at noon every morning. With a dish of pickles, Lao Zhao sat there and ate very delicious.

Every day is like this. Everyone is used to it. No one thinks it's bad for Lao Zhao to sit among a group of bosses and beautiful girls in the clothes of sanitation workers.

Sometimes we would talk with Lao Zhao for a long time and buy him a bowl of wine to warm up when we went out.

Everything in Jiuxian residence is so harmonious, with a touch of warmth

Lao Zhao enjoyed himself there eating steamed bread and drinking water. For him, it is very satisfied to have a warm place for him to sit and eat at noon

Just then, the door was pushed open again. Bursts of cold wind were whistling outside. A man and a woman came in.

The man looks 50 years old. Although he is old, he is still young and energetic. He looks very smart.

The woman is very young, with a pure and lovely face, wearing down jacket and jeans, showing a sense of youth and beauty all over her!

Some male drinkers looked at it at will and immediately felt that the girl looked really good. Would there be another beautiful girl paper in jiuxianju?

The man walked directly to the counter and said with a smile: "it's boss Qin. I was introduced by others. I heard that you have a kind of daughter's red wine here. It's very good, but you have to bring your daughter to buy it, right?"

Qin Feng nodded while warming the wine for a previous guest. This kind of thing that can't speak still doesn't speak. The wasted saliva has to be added. It's too troublesome.

The man smiled again and said, "that's funny. Boss Qin, look, that's my daughter!

"Xiaolan, Xiaolan, come and show boss Qin!"

The man shouted to the girl behind him

The drunkards just looked up and lowered their heads again. They know the rules and are not fun. Now the wine fairy house is famous, and there are fewer and fewer people with iron heads.

These drunkards miss those years very much. When the wine fairy house was first built, many people were iron headed. One of them was hated by boss Qin. It can't be better!

Of course, this is not the point. What many drunkards resent deeply is that he meow to buy daughter red!

What he mews is bullying people. Don't you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? Having a daughter is great, isn't it!

The beautiful girl heard her father's words, smiled and was about to walk over to the counter. Now, boss Qin will basically sell three jars of daughter red again.

But at this time, Lao Zhao finished the steamed bread, picked up the hot water cup, stood up and was ready to go out to sweep the street again. This job can rest, but we have to keep the street clean.

The girl was walking towards the counter, her eyes swept at random, and her face suddenly changed!

"Dad, didn't you say this is the most high-end tavern? How could an environmental sanitation worker come in? Where he sat, can he still sit? " The girl shouted directly at the man standing in front of the counter.

As soon as this sentence was uttered, many melon eaters in Jiuxian residence were stunned. What happened to the girl and how good she was

Lao Zhao had planned to go out to work quickly. When he heard this, he was a little overwhelmed. He stood there and didn't know what to say. Look at himself. All the clothes were washed by his wife's son, and they weren't dirty

However, boss Qin was so kind to him that he certainly couldn't make it difficult for his guests, so he took out a piece of paper and prepared to wipe the table clean.

As for answering back, he is old. Let alone a little girl. Even other young people, he is powerless. He just wants to be safe every day. There is no spare time to quarrel with others.

However, the girl said again, "don't wipe it. It's so dirty. The things you use are also dirty!"

Lao Zhao's action stopped immediately, and the drunkards stopped drinking. They all looked at the girl. Some of their faces were still a little stunned. It seemed a little hard to believe that these words came from the girl's mouth