Today's guests were all sent away, and Zhou Ling went home. Qin Feng sat at the counter alone in a daze.

I just didn't expect that Xiaohei didn't want to come back. He raised that guy from childhood. As a result, she didn't come back because she looked good at Renmei paper!

However, after a series of persuasions (threats) from boss Qin, Xiao Hei agreed to stay at Xueer's house for three days and then come back.

After all, boss Qin said that if you live in someone else's house, you will have no wine to drink. After making a choice between mellow wine and Xueer's soft bed, Xiao Hei decided to come back after sleeping in a "soft bed" for another three days

Qin Feng is not thinking about it now, but still attending the reception.

The wine in jiuxianju is very beautiful, and because the materials are from the fairyland, each kind of wine has its own magical function, which is also the fundamental reason why the price of wine in jiuxianju is high and can attract many wine customers!

If only the taste of drinking, it is estimated that it is the kind of senior drunkard, such as the group of people who die drunk. They are rich and willful. That's why they come to drink.

After all, the price of this wine is still not cheap. Few people can come to wine Xianju every day because it tastes good. The price is on the one hand, not greedy for enjoyment is on the other hand.

After all, no matter how good the wine is, it is also the desire of the mouth. For some people, it has not reached the point where they can't stop.

The vast majority of old drinkers of wine Xianju come for the magical function of wine here, such as pear blossom white cough relieving, Dukang wine for insomnia, Cornus wine for Aunt pain, etc.

Therefore, the dilemma Qin Feng is facing now is that when attending the reception, people pay attention not to the function of your wine, but the most intuitive experience of drinking, that is Shuang!

Both taste and aroma should reach a certain height. Pear blossom white and honey wine have first-class taste. However, compared with some wines on the market, they are somewhat "soft". After all, girls are most used to drinking this wine.

But to say hard, Dukang wine is too hard. Although its taste is excellent, Qin Feng is not sure to use it.

So now Qin Feng is a little worried. He can only think that if he completes the task during this period of time, he hopes to get a very suitable wine, that is, the pure "good" wine, so as to ensure that he will be invincible in the reception.

Fortunately, it's still a long time to attend the reception. Take your time first. You can't be in a hurry.

If there is no new wine at that time, take pear blossom white or honey wine. Anyway, in the words of old man Yan, the original pear blossom white wine can be regarded as the peak, but the cellared wine does not rule out the existence of the peak in the world. After all, the experts are among the people, and no one knows what step those skilled winemakers can take.

What Qin Feng pursues is more insurance.


Another afternoon, a man and a woman came to the grocery street.

They are both young people, and they are also wearing lovers' clothes. The man's name is Zhang Cheng and the woman's name is Lanxin.

They have been together since their freshman year in college. It has been two years since they graduated from college.

In the past two years, they have struggled step by step from renting the basement to saving money to buy a house. It can be said that they have an extremely deep relationship.

Originally, they had a very nice life, but I don't know when Lanxin had serious insomnia!

Maybe it's because of too much pressure, or maybe it's because of her heart. Lanxin can't sleep every night. Zhang Cheng has slept at the same time, and Lanxin still stares at her eyes and doesn't feel sleepy.

Even during the day, Lanxin is so sleepy, but you can't let her lie there to sleep.

In the eyes of insomnia, they ran to many hospitals, but they still couldn't help it. They also tried folk prescriptions. They didn't know how many, which was also useless. Now they almost rely on sleeping pills.

They are not from Zhongzhou, but live in Huai'an City next to Zhongzhou. It takes more than two hours to come by car.

At that time, Zhang Cheng was in a hurry to seek medical treatment. As we all know, the local forum in Zhongzhou city is the best and the flow of people is also the largest. Therefore, Zhang Cheng went to the forum and hoped to find some ways to treat insomnia.

He posted a post, and then Zhang Cheng didn't take care of it any more, but when I read it a few days ago, I found that people replied a lot, and the caliber was almost the same... Go to jiuxianju, where Dukang wine can cure insomnia!

Originally, Zhang Cheng thought it was an advertisement and was still surprised at the unity of these naval forces, but when he looked at it, he found that one of them was "Jiuli", the person in charge of the forum!

This time, Zhang Cheng decided to try Zhongzhou city. The person in charge of a forum can't help others advertise like this, so Zhang Cheng thought he could try.

Lanxin usually listens to him, so she follows.

With a glimmer of hope, they came to Zhongzhou and grocery street. They just hope that the person in charge of the forum didn't deceive themselves. The so-called Dukang wine is really useful

Today is the weekend, so they have time to walk all the way along the grocery street. Soon, they saw a tavern with a large plaque, which reads three big words - wine Xianju!

This is jiuxianju. Zhang Cheng sighed and pulled Lanxin to push the door in, but at this time, a middle-aged man next to him suddenly shouted, "Hey, brother, you're jumping in the queue. Did you come first, come first!"

what? Cut in line? Zhang Cheng and Lan Xin are a little confused. What does that mean? I have to queue up to drink in this tavern?

The middle-aged man pointed to the two women standing next to him and said, "look for yourself. There are still three people in line here. You just want to rush in, wait, wait until someone comes out, or you won't have a place to go in."

Zhang Cheng was really surprised this time. He looked at Lanxin and asked carefully, "brother, does this tavern have to queue up? Are there so many people? "

Maybe Zhang Cheng was very polite. The middle-aged man sighed: "this wine fairy house is good for everything, but there are three disadvantages. First, the wine is too expensive, second, the boss is too stingy, and third, the place is too small."

"Generally, there is no need to queue here, that is, when there are many people on weekends, you have to queue up. The wine made by boss Qin is so good that there are only six tables, one table for four people. Think about it yourself. It's really too small!"

"Now that I'm here, I'm going to drink a glass of wine from boss Qin, so I have to line up."

Zhang Cheng reluctantly looked at the door of the tavern. After a long time of calculation, he didn't count that he had to queue up at the tavern. It's really a day!

Anyway, there was nothing to do. Zhang Cheng talked to the man and said that his daughter-in-law was suffering from insomnia.

Hearing the speech, the middle-aged man directly said with a smile: "little brother, you really came to the right place. I tell you, the Dukang wine in this store is really the best treatment for insomnia. It's much better than wasting your wronged money in the hospital!"

Zhang Cheng smiled as he listened, but he still doubted that this product would not be a liar. Is that wine really so divine?