Xueer takes the lead in the front, and "Xuanye" and "Jiuli" follow behind. In fact, Xueer can't help it. Do you want her to walk behind and be fed dog food!

Once entering the tavern, "Xuanye" and "Jiuli" were stunned. Even if there were previous photos and listening to the nonsense of the six people who died of drunkenness, they never thought that a tavern could be like this!

It shouldn't be used as a tavern. It's enough as a tourist attraction!

Yes, this is the idea of "Jiuli". She is the general director of the forum, so when she sees these places, she will subconsciously consider whether they can be developed into tourist attractions.

Exquisite but not stingy. This is the first impression jiuxianju brought to "Xuanye" and "Jiuli". It can even be said that they are well-informed. They have never seen a pub decorated like this.

It's not that other pubs can't learn, but... The cost is huge. It's not worth the loss.

But the boss Qin did. I have to say that drinking in such an environment really adds a bit of fun.

She found a table and sat down. Xueer pointed to the wall: "well, everything is on it, but don't expect boss Qin to introduce you. It's not business material at all!"

"Xuanye" looked up at the wall. Sure enough, although he knew the price in advance, he was still a little surprised to see it. It was really nothing for him. He could afford to drink here every day, but "Xuanye" was just curious about one thing. Can the boss really live by selling wine?

The couple looked at each other. "Xuan Ye" smiled and said to Wang Yan, "please, two pots of pear blossom white and one pot of cornel wine. This is money."

Lihuabai is Xuanye's goal this time, because according to previous understanding, this kind of wine should have the highest audience in the wine fairy house. Dukang wine is too strong and pours as soon as you drink it. Of course, it is not suitable for the wedding banquet. As for Cornus wine, although the effect is very good, it doesn't need to have such a good effect for the wedding banquet.

A single order of dogwood wine is for Xueer. There's no way. "Xuanye", as a rich second generation, is used to entertaining, not to mention Xueer's help to bring them over.

For this situation, Xueer can only say to herself, "it's really good to be friends with local tyrants"

Before long, pear blossom White was brought up. The jade pot was ice clean and the wine was clear.

"Xuanye" and "Jiuli" drank their first mouthful of pear blossom white. In a moment, a refreshing breath spread directly all over the body.

This is a feeling that can't be expressed in words. Although it's autumn now, it's still unforgettable. The silky taste is fascinating!

"Lord Xuan" opened his eyes and looked at "Jiuli": "this wine... I really can't describe it. I really don't know how to brew such a wonderful wine."

"Jiuli" put down the jade bowl and sighed: "it's really wonderful. Even I, who don't like drinking, can't stop. It's uncomfortable to drink other wine, but it's comfortable to drink it. I feel comfortable all over!"

"Coupled with the environmental atmosphere of the tavern and the unique wine utensils, no wonder there are often Posts discussing the tavern in the forum recently. It really deserves its reputation!"

"Lord Xuan" took another sip of wine, closed his eyes, opened it for a long time and said, "so I'm going to use this wine as our wedding wine. What do you think?"

"Jiuli" smiled playfully: "everything is up to you. I don't worry about anything this time. Just be my bride safely, waiting to marry you..."

Xueer stared at the dead fish on the other side and felt that she should have been hit by evil recently. How can it happen everywhere? Could it be... Should she find a boyfriend?

But at this time, "Jiuli" suddenly said, "but I heard that the boss has many rules. All the wine in the store can't be taken out. We don't know whether he sells it or not."

Xueer was drinking dogwood wine. Her little face was a little red. At the moment, she said, "don't think about it. Boss Qin is just a wood. How can she bring you wine? It's impossible."

"Lord Xuan" said in silence: "I'll ask. Such good wine can't be used as my wedding wine. I feel very uncomfortable."

Xueer stopped talking and sat next to Jiuli, ready to have a good look.

"Xueer, is the boss really eccentric?"“ "Jiuli" looked at her boyfriend and asked Xueer.

"Of course, don't mention how strange the boss is. Last time our boss wanted to bring some wine, but he said he wouldn't bring it alive. It's not good to increase the price by three times. Listen, sister. This is business. If the wine wasn't really beautiful, I guess boss Qin would have starved to death."

"Moreover, at the beginning, many people thought that the rules here were nothing and wanted him to give in. As a result... They didn't insist for three minutes under the poisonous tongue of boss Qin!"

"Jiuli" stopped talking and looked at his boyfriend anxiously, hoping that he would not be poisoned by boss Qin, otherwise it would be bad for them to quarrel in full view of the public.

However, to everyone's surprise, the communication between the two men lasted less than five seconds, and then "Xuanye" came back slowly and looked strange.

"What's the matter, husband? Didn't the boss promise?"“ "Jiuli" asked quickly.

"Lord Xuan" looked at Xueer in disbelief and said, "no, the boss promised quickly and asked us to talk in detail in the evening."

Poof!!! Xueer spurted out the precious dogwood wine in her mouth. She was in a daze for three seconds. Suddenly, it exploded and rushed to Qin Feng: "boss Qin, you know how to bully children, sobbing..."

Boss Qin, who is happy that he is about to start the first task, is a little confused. What's the matter? When did I bully children

The noise of the day passed quickly. Xue Lingyun accompanied her mother around the street all afternoon and made a crazy shopping. To Xue Lingyun's curiosity, her mother was very natural and didn't show any wrong.

Maybe I'm paranoid. My mother should not be so divine.

In Jiuxian residence, the excitement of the day also slowly dissipated. Wang Yan had been ordered by Qin Feng to leave first, and "Xuanye" came at this time.

Qin Feng accompanied "Xuan Ye" to sit on the table. There were bursts of cool wind outside the window.

"Boss Qin, I sincerely want to use your wine when I get married. It's like this. We expect to set up 60 tables and some spare ones. We need at least 70 bottles of wine."“ "Xuan Ye" looked at Qin Feng and said.

Qin Feng pondered: "to tell you the truth, there is no concept of a bottle of wine in my store, only a pot of wine. However, according to the basic bottle of wine, it should be a kilogram. I'll prepare other containers for you, which can also hold a kilogram of wine. Do you think so?"

As for other containers, they are wine gourds. Seventy wine gourds will never be sent this time. Everything is to be sold.

"Lord Xuan" nodded. There was absolutely no problem with this method: "so... How about the price, and what kind of container are you going to use to hold the wine?"

After all, no matter how good the wine is, it is also loose wine. Therefore, if the wine is not good, it will definitely lose face. "Lord Xuan" doesn't believe that the boss will be willing to put it directly in his precious jade pot.

Qin Feng smiled and said the price he had discussed with the system: "my pot of wine is definitely not a kilo, but it sells 1000 yuan in the store. Now it's not in the store, and the quantity you want is so large, so let's compromise. How about 1000 yuan for a kilo of wine?"

The price is really low. After all, if "Xuanye" uses other high-grade wine, the price will only be high.

"Lord Xuan" didn't hurry to promise, but said, "can you see your wine container?"

Qin Feng went to the wall and took down a wine gourd full of Fairy Spirit from the wooden shelf, which was engraved with four words: Wine sword immortal!

"Just use this to install it. Use it for all seventy!" Qin Feng put the wine gourd in front of "Xuanye" and said calmly.

"Xuanye" looked at the wine gourd in front of him like a work of art and fell into meditation again, but what he was thinking now was not others, but... If you don't continue to pretend like this, boss * we are still friends