Chapter 2713

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
The analysis department only raised the possibility that the real universe will become a second fantasy area. Before more relevant information is determined, it is more a matter of probability, which can not be said to be or not.

However, in any case, the analysis department raised this possibility, that is, what is likely to happen. Once it becomes like that, it will become a very terrible thing for all participants of the whole burning legion, which is equivalent to that their hometown has been copied out and will face the threat from the third group of participants all the time.

This will shake the foundation of the Burning Legion and make it difficult for the Burning Legion to extricate itself from a real war. It is a more terrible thing than the participants in the scuffle in the real universe.

Xiao ran thought about all kinds of possibilities, the development of things, the situation of the real universe and the situation of the earth.

Cruze didn't bother Xiao ran. Although he already had some vague emergency measures for this matter, many of them must be put into use in the real universe, but Xiao Ran's hometown is more special. At least it can't be confirmed whether Xiao Ran's hometown is in the "real universe" they are talking about, Xiao ran needs to confirm it in person.

Moreover, no matter what plan Cruze has in mind, it can only be implemented with Xiao Ran's approval. The next thing to be used will certainly be the strength of the whole burning legion.

The room was quiet for a while, and Xiao ran said, "I'll arrange it myself."

Cruze smiled: "that's the best. If you deal with it, I don't have to worry too much."

"Call all S-class pilots first."

Xiao ran said and stood up. Cruze asked, "those new people?"

Cruze naturally asked the people who were accepted this time.

"All, non participants don't need it."

"I'll inform you."

After a quick and slow preparation, Xiao ran went to the conference center.

Xiao ran called the S-class pilots among the participants. The number of the Burning Legion alone is not large. Next, nearly 20 legions have also been accepted by the Burning Legion as a whole. The Burning Legion alone has reached more than 150 people, including super zone and real zone.

But most of the people who entered later were forced and lost themselves. The recognition of the Burning Legion is not so high, and everything is still in the running in stage.

In addition to the Burning Legion, there are still some S-class pilots in Cuimeng, Yingren and the legions that followed the Burning Legion before. Naturally, they are far from enough compared with the Burning Legion, but they all came to the conference room. As the top force of each legion, the Legion commander and deputy commander of each Legion also came together.

The notice issued by Cruze himself shows that this matter is very important. Of course, it should be treated with caution. When Xiao ran arrived, the people he informed had arrived almost the same. It didn't take long for all the staff to arrive. Even Xiao ran saw some new people he had never seen. These people were new members who took the initiative to take refuge after the end of the army regiment war and belonged to different legions.

After looking at the people present, Xiao ran picked up the microphone and let his voice spread throughout the large conference room.

"I suddenly called you today for some very special reasons, but this matter is very important and has a great relationship with you. However, before discussing this matter in detail, I have something to say first."

The people below were listening quietly without making a sound.

"In addition to the direct lineage of the Burning Legion, there are also partners, allies and some new friends of the Burning Legion, but they basically belong to the Legion that has signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation alliance with the Burning Legion, or are directly affiliated to the Burning Legion."

The affiliated Legion refers to the overlord legion, the messy legions in the super zone, the legions that failed in the Legion war, and two or three new younger brothers. Although the alliance Legion clearly focuses on the Burning Legion, after all, they are not affiliated, but just alliance relations, such as Cuimeng, Yingren and many other legions.

The worst people who can sit here today are those who have signed an alliance based on the Burning Legion, so they can be regarded as their own people. But what can the alliance be? What can the alliance based on the Burning Legion be? Their alliance relationship is limited to Prometheus. Even if it can affect the real world, it is not enough.

Xiao ran paused and said: "next, the Burning Legion will have a very big action, which is very important and will have a very big impact. However, I am not going to do this together with the members of the non affiliated Legion. The reason why I called everyone here is that I hope you can choose it yourself."

"The presence is only the Legion of the alliance. Are you willing to become the real subsidiary of the Burning Legion? If you don't, I won't force it. All the terms stipulated in the alliance contract will continue, and will not have any impact on our relationship. I assure everyone that if you don't want to become the subsidiary of the Burning Legion , then you can leave here first. "

"In addition, after the Legion war, many people were forced to join the Burning Legion. I know that some people are reluctant and passive. It doesn't matter. Here I give you a chance. As long as you pay a certain price and sign an agreement, I can let you leave."

"People who want to leave can also leave the conference room, and someone will pay to deal with your problems in the back."

Xiao Ran is preparing to make all the legions subordinate in one pot, which is worthy of real trust. Both inside and outside Prometheus, he is also preparing to completely clean up the restless elements among the new people, and then he will find opportunities to make them slowly in the future.

After that, the S-class pilots who originally belonged to the Burning Legion started their own business as steady as Taishan. They don't have to worry about anything. They are the real legitimate core force of the Burning Legion, and the mythical legions in the super zone are not so stupid to want to leave the Burning Legion. There are countless benefits in this Legion, Fools run away. They have long been a member of the Burning Legion.

But for others, what Xiao ran said today is a little profound, and even gives enlightenment. Some S-class pilots such as the Bersia Corps who have lost themselves have a chance to leave. People who hold this idea really do, especially the enlightenment Corps.

On the other hand, on the side of bercia, Cang sat firmly in the front, holding his arms and looking expressionless. Although some people behind showed an emotional expression, they didn't make any rash actions. Now Cang can't provoke, and Xiao ran and the Burning Legion can't provoke.

Who knows if Xiao Ran is going to let them go this time? Now he is going to let them go. If not, the next mission will be pursued and killed by all the members of the Burning Legion.

For those allied legions, there is still a certain difference between being affiliated and the essence of the alliance, but the current situation is almost the same as being affiliated. The difference is only the difference in the essential relationship. Moreover, the Burning Legion cannot intervene in their internal affairs. If they sign an affiliated, it will be different and become a complete whole, The Burning Legion can take them anywhere.

Xiao ran closed his eyes and didn't speak. He just leaned against the back and waited for the people below to make a decision. It's strange that no one chose to leave. No one was used as a leading bird in this matter. Bercia had Cangzhen town and Enlightenment was guarded by Reese. No one sat on both sides. The people who wanted to leave didn't know what other people around him thought.

They also worry that if they become a leader, they will have bad consequences, and even involve people with good relationships. When others see that the two legions dare not BB, they can only bury their heads as ostriches.

In terms of the Legion, Su te, the head of the shadow blade army, was the first to stand up: "the shadow blade army is willing to become a subsidiary of the burning army, but fools don't. the welfare treatment of the burning army is so good, I'm glad to be a subsidiary of the burning army."

Cuimeng Qinglong saw Sutter's move, hesitated and stood up: "Cuimeng Legion is willing to become a subsidiary of the Burning Legion."

Next, there is no need to say one by one. These two legions have taken the lead. What else can they say? They have confirmed their willingness to become affiliated legions.

When everyone made a statement, Xiao ran reopened his eyes: "well, thank you for your support. No one is willing to leave and all allies are willing to become affiliated. I am also very pleased. All legions immediately signed an agreement, and then we began to get down to business."

Cruze and ESHI spent some time signing an agreement with the heads of the legions. Anyway, once the agreement was signed, it was confirmed. At that time, go to the Legion hall to confirm and deal with the ancillary matters.

After all the legions signed the agreement, Xiao ran spoke again: "now let's get down to business. The reason why we only asked the S-class pilot to come to the meeting this time is that only the S-class pilot is qualified to contact the following things."

"I'm afraid some people present already know, but more people don't know. If there is no accident, the planet you were born on should be under the same universe. We have confirmed this through a small number of people, and they can communicate with each other."

"This is very important. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. If everyone's hometown belongs to the same world, your hometown may be attacked by other Legion participants, and it is likely that when you are away, you should know the damage that an S-class pilot can cause."

"But now we are all members of a big family. Internally, we can rest assured that we can help each other in similar situations in the future and unite to resist threats from other participants in another world."

The expressions of many people below have become a little more serious, but they also see that what Xiao Ran is saying now is only an introduction. I'm afraid there are more shocking topics to talk about next.

"As for Prometheus, we should know that he has a real area, a super area and a fantasy area, but the fact is that the fantasy area has been lost, and Prometheus itself has no such thing as fantasy area."

"For the fantasy area, the Burning Legion has also made some efforts to understand that it is a completely independent universe. There are countless civilizations in the whole universe. At the same time, there is a mixed world of real system, super system and fantasy system, a huge, complete, independent and powerful world."

"The task of the participants in that world is to occupy and conquer, obtain greater territory for Prometheus, and spread Prometheus' influence throughout the universe."

"If we advance the time of the vanishing Fantasy Zone hundreds of years before Prometheus enters, the world is like... The world where all our participants are from..."

"After becoming an S-class pilot, countless participants selected from that universe will get the technology to feed their hometown and develop various and colorful civilizations. Fantasy, super and reality compete for glory in March. When Prometheus' power really appears there for the first time, the next group of participants from another universe is likely to appear In the universe. "

"At that time, where will we go, whether to help aggression or resistance?"

At this moment, the faces of all those who heard Xiao Ran's words suddenly changed dramatically. These things Xiao ran said sounded terrible to them. Everyone imagined the changes and consequences that Prometheus would bring into the real universe.

Xiao ran said softly through the microphone, "but all this is speculation. There is no direct evidence to show the specific probability of this speculation, but I think we don't need specific probability. It's just a guess. A possibility is enough for us to take action immediately. We must protect our home."

"Now I command." Xiao ran stood up, and all the participants stood up: "from today on, all one-third of the resources obtained by the Burning Legion, including all subordinate legions, must be used to implement the real universe protection plan. All members above class A should try their best to promote to class s pilot within four Mission cycles."

"Now all S-class pilots, what you need to do is to return to your hometown immediately, investigate the universe and record star maps. People close to you must contact in the fastest way, confirm the technical level of their own civilization forces, and cooperate or rule with your civilization."

"The Legion will provide each of you with a personal warship, an S-class crazy beast team, ten SSR class treasure cores, matching UAVs, and a special technology to super AI."

"We must unite, and we must make the real universe because we are connected."