Chapter 2668

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Just returned to the regiment territory, Xiao ran took two steps to give way to his position, and then suddenly turned and looked behind him. His eyes scanned and looked at everyone. He saw Graham, Ingram and so on.

The feeling of being looked at directly made everyone present feel the hair at the bottom of their heart for some reason. Then they took off the mask on their face, showing a thoughtful expression, frowning and shaking their head.

Xiao ran suddenly smiled and waved to the people: "Oh, it's all right. Let's go and have a rest."

Then Xiao ran turned around and left. Elsam looked at Xiao Ran's back and raised his hand to touch his chin: "I think Lord Xiao ran seems to be thinking about something very unusual. I think it's not suitable for us to go to what he's thinking."

Bai He took a worried look at elsam: "I'm afraid you are the only one present who can see it at last. Otherwise, Cruze and euzes will run away in a hurry because of something."

Xiao ran returned to his study and thought about it all the time, but after thinking about it, he only felt that there seemed to be a wall blocking the way of his thought. No matter how he thought, he could not break through the wall and enter into the later world, a real world about Prometheus, but now it is very close.

"Purpose, core..." Xiao ran frowned and pondered: "what is the ultimate purpose of Prometheus? If the eternal existence of the system is for balance, what is Prometheus for? It seems that Prometheus has nothing to do with balance."

"Flame, come in."

Xiao ran looked up and shouted at the door. Soon the door of the book room was pushed open, and Yan also came in. He looked at Xiao ran with big eyes and a gentle smile: "what's the matter, Xiao ran?"

Xiao ran stood up: "help me inform killiam... And Hades, and let them meet me in Rona, the technology department."

Yan nodded: "good Lord Xiao ran."

Xiao ran left the residence and went directly to Luo's technical headquarters. Then he waited here for kiliam, Hades and Luo, who is the head of the technical department.

"Why are you here again?" Luo took off his white coat and threw it aside. He had just guided the refitting of everyone's new machine in the factory under the technology department. When he heard Xiao ran coming to him, he hurried back.

Hades sat aside without expression, while kiliam nodded to Luo.

Xiao ran said, "I want to build a new department. I'm thinking whether to hang this department under the technology or independent from the outside."

Luo sat down and asked, "what kind of department."

Xiao ran said: "a research department, but not research technology, only logic."

The people present were thoughtful, but they saw flowers in the fog.

Luo asked, "study logic, super AI?"

"Well." Xiao ran nodded gently, stretched out his hand and pointed up: "study its logic."

Luo's eyes stared, kiliam also showed a touch of amazement, and only a funny look flashed in Hades's eyes.

Xiao ran continued: "this is very important to us. I need the assistance of relevant logic experts, technicians, researchers and super AI. Xiao Ba and nivanelina need to join in. In addition, Sophia's assistance must be used to make a complete deduction, find its logic and dig its loopholes from scratch."

"We can create a Prometheus that belongs to us in the world created by Sophia."

Luo's expression was complex and he smacked his mouth: "it's such a big matter for the four of us to discuss?"

Xiao ran said, "it's no use for others to join in. After this department is set up, let them join in and help."

Luo was silent for a moment and shook his head gently: "it's too urgent. I don't support it. I don't think it's OK yet. I have to wait."

Xiao ran didn't expect Luo to refuse. He asked strangely, "what do you think?"

"It's too urgent to recreate Prometheus. We can't understand many things of Prometheus with our current technology, such as how it strengthens participants, what's the matter with attribute points, what mechanism skills are, and how to control time and pass through space silently."

"Different dimensions."

A faint voice sounded, and everyone looked at Hades with a calm face at the same time.

"Because the dimensions are different, you can understand that now you are still in three dimensions, a three-dimensional life body in four-dimensional space, and I was at the peak of three dimensions and can touch the fourth dimension, so I am God, but I can't control and influence time, and you are the same. I know that there is an existence beyond the dimension in my world, really He can control time and affect the existence of the whole universe, but he can only affect that universe, because his ability is given by that universe. "

"But Prometheus, I don't know. The great power seems to come from itself rather than the universe. Therefore, I think Prometheus is an existence that has really entered a higher dimension, can affect time, control matter, and change all the rules of any three lives in the four-dimensional world. This is a higher dimensional power that spans multiple dimensions Otherwise, it can't bring my half body here. "

"In fact, Xiao ran, you have been able to touch the real fourth dimension. Although your eighth sense is only a false eighth sense, you have another ability completely different from the small universe, but if you can fully grasp that power, it can affect time and even countless diverse worlds."

Xiao ran nodded gently: "the quantum field, but that place is too terrible. Up to now, I just dare to make use of the power of the quantum field and dare not go deep. It's too difficult to be completely familiar with or even control the quantum field. It's really too difficult. My personal spirit is like a leaf in the sea and can't do anything."

Luo scratched his head and said, "Prometheus is a higher dimensional existence, which must be inevitable. Of course I know, but how it does what I said is the key. Can it do everything at a high latitude? Principle and mechanism? Hades, since you have been in contact with the fourth dimension, do you know how to affect all this?"

Hades looked at Luo calmly, and the corners of his mouth tilted slowly: "I'm just making a horizontal comparison for you. What I can do depends on my ability and instinct. What I can do is what I can do. What I can't do is what I can't. I know literature and can draw, play the piano and write poetry. I can fight and kill. These are like breathing, but I'm not you. My knowledge is similar to yours With serious dating, are you discussing the principle and mechanism of dimension with an illiterate? Discussing science and technology with a magician? "

"We are different. Everything I have can't work on technology, nor can I use technology to solve it. Similarly, I don't understand the technology you master."

"Cough." Xiao ran coughed gently. Luo was stunned and made a ha ha voice.

Hades looked bleakly and said, "but he's right. It's too anxious. We still need a force that can resist. It can be me or you. In this way, we can at least have the ability to protect ourselves and negotiate after problems arise."

Xiao ran said, "I know what you mean, but even if we don't create a Prometheus that belongs to us, we can first establish this department and then deduce its logic in various ways. In this regard, we have great advantages. We can create a false Prometheus in a world completely composed of data, right?"

Roth took a test for a while: "I see. Since you want to, we'll set up a department, but this department is not suitable for hanging under the technology department. It happens that you're here. You don't come to me. In fact, I'm going to find you in two days, but meeting this face today can also help me solve a problem I have some bad decisions."

Xiao ran asked, "what's up?"

Luo stood up, walked back to his desk, took out a document and handed it to Xiao ran. After opening the document, Xiao ran looked directly at the title of the document, on the practical significance of basic science for future development and the application for in-depth research and development of basic science.

Xiao ran looked up at Luo. It was obvious that he wanted Luo to explain to himself what this was.

"Basic science, which takes natural phenomena and material movement situation as the research object and explores the laws of natural development, including mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, astronomy and so on, can bring great guidance and influence to many aspects such as technical science, which has always been neglected by us."

"I'm not an expert in this field. This is an application report jointly submitted by some researchers and technicians below. It shows that our technology development is still in an abnormal state. Most technologies are absorbed and assimilated by outsiders. There is no real basic science tree of our own. Our basic science has always been in a slow stage of development. To sum up, it's enough Yes, if we can develop basic science to a higher level, our technology will also make a great breakthrough. "

Luo looked at Xiao ran and Hades listening attentively. He didn't know how to describe the impact and changes that basic science could bring. He was silent and made an analogy: "If basic science breaks through to a very high level and grasps the law of all things, we can capture the sun to reduce it into an energy furnace, destroy the planet with a chopstick, change the rotation of the galaxy with a wave, enable the newborn child to have the ability to become a God, change time and cross the past."

"Not in a mysterious way, but to enable everyone to have the ability to change everything and affect everything. Even to create a Prometheus belonging to us in another world, you can have more understanding of the quantum field, technicalize the small universe, and completely transform the world made by Sophia into the real world by technical means."

Xiao ran and Hades nodded at the same time. This time they said they understood.

Xiao ran said, "so it's good for the whole territory. Of course, we should support it."

"Just say support." Luo weakly waved his hand and said, "but the process of studying basic science is very difficult and boring. Maybe there will be no progress for a long time, but once there is progress on one hand, many aspects can be driven, and only a huge investment is needed in the early stage."

Xiao ran said, "just find someone to arrange it. The Legion will give the greatest support."

"The initial preparation will take at least a few years. There are too many things mentioned in this report. The key is that our own technical strength is actually very strong, so the requirements for further research are higher. They apply for the manufacture of a row star super large Collider and other equipment that we have not studied. This will be a better choice than the construction of white space A fortress like star needs terrible research investment. At the same time, most scientific research forces of the technology department will shift their focus to this side for technical assistance. "

Lawton paused, looked at Xiao ran and continued, "the impact is not small, so I was very careful to consider whether to pass this report at this time."

Xiao ran said: "what's the matter? Time is the most indispensable thing for us. Short stagnation can bring longer-term development. Of course, it's a good thing."

Luo Tan said: "but we have no merit points and have no money to buy time. If we purely use the resources in the territory to operate this matter, it is estimated that the normal development of many aspects will be affected in the next period of time."

"Well, it's really a problem." Xiao ran nodded gently and said, "we have integrated so many legions before, and so many S-class pilots have been promoted at the same time. We have almost used our combat merit points, but we still have four task cards. It's estimated that we can get some money back. I'll find a way to do this."

"But it has to be done. You arrange it. Kiliam, you in the logic research department will preside over it."

What can killiam say? He can't say anything, so the task is his.

Luo was a little helpless: "I knew you would lose it to me in the end. What are you going to do again?"

Xiao ran said naturally, "I'll get the money."

Luo took a breath: "then those things that were finally traded were not made by my technology department!? how much are you going to go!?"

Xiao ran waved his hand boldly: "don't worry, things don't have to be the same. Anyway, the trade cooperation between the shadow blade Legion and the Bersia Legion can't be supported by the technology department. Let's get some achievements first."