Chapter 2618

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Xiao ran doesn't know the black haired man's plan, let alone that the black haired man is going to send someone to sneak into them to collect intelligence. Of course, it's almost impossible to sneak into the Legion to collect intelligence. Xiao Ran's whole legion, whether participants or non participants, has their own identity ID and personal terminal. It's impossible to disguise without these two things.

Moreover, all warships are equipped with super AI for ships. The second level has to hide the super AI that monitors almost the whole warship, which is also a difficult thing to do.

And the third, it's bullshit that there is a stranger suddenly, and how can the army's military facilities allow strangers to enter? Even if they really have any special abilities, it's enough. Not everyone can sneak in with strict regulations and preventive measures.

If you want to collect intelligence, the biggest possibility is to blend into the area where the Burning Legion is located, such as the earth, disguise as an ordinary earthman and contact the Burning Legion, so as to collect intelligence and judge the actions of the Burning Legion, but it is not easy.

The Burning Legion did not really appear directly on the earth, but just sent special troops to the earth. The Legion itself was infiltrating, controlling the unified Federation of the whole earth layer by layer through the demon envoy. If you dare to contact the past, you may not be swallowed by the demon envoy.

As for altasia, I'm sorry, there are only a group of dwarfs with sheep horns here. People with human standard appearance can't mix in if they want to.

However, the black haired man continued to dispatch forces to plunder resources, which was soon reported, and it was several days after Hades left.

In the bridge of the new Burning Legion, Xiao ran hasn't been to the bridge for some time, but this report makes Xiao ran sit on the bridge again.

Many people's video figures appeared on the large screen in front of the bridge. Of course, the purpose of the video conference held by so many people is the large-scale emergence of the anti combustion Corps alliance.

On the screen, baki Lulu is making a speech: "According to the information we have collected, the anti combustion Corps alliance is now attacking the factories and resource areas of the gra empire on a large scale and frequently, and has acted more than 15 times in a few days. At present, there are three active fleets contacted by our ten special action teams, and the total number of warships is more than 200, which should be because before And our encounter increased combat readiness. "

Xiao ran asked, "have you found anything unusual."

Bajilulu shook her head: "I didn't find anything strange, but after the operation, the other party's power will always destroy the plundered resource points. This behavior is like a trace of destruction to cover up their real purpose."

Also during the video conference, leibil, who appeared on the screen with a pipe in his mouth, asked, "is it possible that it is bait? Have you explored the surrounding situation in the first-line contact?"

Bakilulu replied: "there was no discovery, but I don't think it was a bait. They moved very fast and their targets were not fixed. They even went deep into the gra empire for action. The time of each action was about an hour."

Xiao ran said: "If you try the bait, you'll know, and you can't watch them make small moves. We haven't even responded at all. Now there are three places attacked at the same time. It's found that the teams of the three enemy fleets interfere. The other party must have a purpose to destroy the resource point in the end. Just go in and see what they're doing."

Xiao Ran's arrangement was nodded and agreed by everyone. Although the risk is a little risky, if you don't take a risk, you can't find out anything by staring at your eyes. No matter whether the other party is deliberately seducing or not, you always have to try before you know.

After receiving Xiao Ran's order and finding that the three teams of the anti combustion army Alliance fleet were plundering materials, they directly sent forces to intervene in each other's actions, and the different battle pictures of the three parties were directly broadcast to the eyes of each party in the video conference.

The three fleets add up to more than 200 warships. The number is much more than that of the previous encounter, but it is almost a little more than double. It is not even as large as the combat power of an action team.

The main guns of the capital ship took the lead to blast in the direction of each other's three fleets, and then there was a wave of intensive missile coverage bombing. With the missile launch, each action team also sent all the carrying aircraft in that warship, S-class, near S-class, A-class and so on, rushing towards the enemy without exposing other warships.

Most of the dispatched aircrafts attacked the local aircrafts, while a few special intelligence aircrafts invisibly and directly rushed to the attacked resource points or factories. The battlefield was located in the universe or the planet respectively. The people holding the meeting quietly watched the different combat situations on the three sides.

Soon, the information Xiao ran wanted was also revealed to everyone.

The three pictures relayed show similar content. The bodies and personnel belonging to the anti combustion Corps alliance are speeding up the collection of resources at all the attacked sites, but this is only one point. More importantly, these attackers are not only collecting resources, but also equipment. In order to save time, violent collection is adopted for the collection of equipment.

That is, no matter whether the equipment is linked together or fixed on the base, it is completely forced to pull out the equipment. It doesn't care whether the equipment will be damaged or not, it will be sent to the warship. It feels like a real robber who sees nothing left.

Finally, a lot of people gathered around the other side's warships. At the same time, they were all pushed into the warships under a very tense situation.

The people who saw this scene either frowned or showed a thoughtful expression, but only the corners of Xiao Ran's mouth tilted up and showed a sure smile.

"It's OK. So far, the other party hasn't shown reinforcements, which means it shouldn't be bait. Destroy the three fleets, and then destroy everything in the factory. As for the people inside..."

Xiao Ran's mouth turned up: "you don't have to bring it back. The warship carrying them can go wherever you want. No one should bring it back. Even if you bring it back, you don't know how to deal with these rescued people. Since the other party wants to be the Savior of the world, let them be enough and locate the place where the ship is going."

Someone asked, "the equipment and the people in these strongholds obviously want to take these equipment back and let these people work for them. Does it matter if they let them go?"

Xiao ran said, "what's the matter? Give them how many warships they can make by relying on these people for one or two years. They have robbed many strongholds. If they want people and equipment, it's enough. Don't you see some problems by looking at these violently disassembled equipment. They want the parts in these equipment, not the equipment itself."

Xiao ran said that there were also many people who supported him. Uzes was one of them. He raised his mouth and said, "it seems that there are many people in these three strongholds, and there are many different races. If we really want to bring them back, how can we settle them, disperse our own forces and send them back to their planet? By the way, we are liberating their planet from the gra Empire?"

"We don't need to do this, let alone install intelligence personnel in the rescued prisoners. Shouldn't that be the most basic operation? It's better not to bring back these troubles."

Luo also said: "There's no need to worry about technology. Even if they want to master technology, they must have caught many people who master the technology of manufacturing warships. What they want to leak has already leaked out, but it's still much worse than our technology. However, as long as we win this army battle, even if the other party gets any technology, they have to hand it in to prohibit them from using and using it Just spread any technology about the world. "

Xiao ran nodded: "that's it. Compared with these rescued people, it's more important to find out where the other party's factory is. Wouldn't it be better to attack their factory at that time? Wouldn't it be more convenient to ruthlessly rob these people from the Savior at that time?"

Xiao ran smiled and asked: "Have you found another problem? Although these fleets are not bait, don't you think they are more like tools and consumables? They have no preparation and no response. They just find some senior pilots to lead the team. It seems that the alliance of the 25 legions is not so united."

"However, I would like to remind you that no matter what the internal situation of the 25 legions is, some legions have suffered great grievances and losses there. Finally, they try to contact us and want to join us. Our answer is never accepted. First, they can't give us any information about the alliance If we can help us fight against the alliance, we have to watch and guard against it. Second, maybe we will beat the rake upside down. The gain is not worth the loss. "

The people who held the video conference nodded to understand, while Xiao ran continued: "the next ten action fleets don't need to continue to act. Today, when this happened, I also found the other party's plan. I roughly guessed that the other party's real main force may not have participated in any looting action at all, but be busy with other things."

"So even if they are tempted, they should not send the main fleet. The action team will dissolve and return to their original fleet. At this time, Hades should almost start to take action. Our original action arrangement remains unchanged. Let's see what Hades will do in the last few days."

Hades' actions are definitely more direct than Xiao ran thought. After all, Hades is a real God. As a follower, Hades will not show God's arrogance in the Burning Legion, but for unimportant people, he will not stingily show his greatness belonging to God.

At this time, Hades is now performing his own performance over the governor's office of a planet directly controlled by the gra empire. Without a pilot body, he wears a dark armor with wings, blocks the electromagnetic energy gun of the gra Empire warship with only one finger, and then swings a sword to make countless lights to split the warship and countless gra empires The riding fighter plane created the light of heaven's punishment and turned the governor's house into ruins.

"I am the king of the underworld, Hades, the God in charge of cosmic life. The evil will always fall into hell, the pure good will always enjoy bliss, dirty mole ants and stupid creatures. Offer your faith, lower your head, kneel in front of me and pray for my tolerance."

Just like the real God, the powerful force destroyed almost all the defensive forces on the whole planet with the power of one person. Even nature and stars bowed under him. Countless stars twinkled and even covered up the sun. The voice sounded in the ears of every creature on the planet.

Countless animals first crawled in the direction of Hades, and then countless humans knelt down one by one, from fear to fear, from fear to calm, and finally from calm to piety. Under the influence of Hades universe, countless people directly became his most loyal believers at this moment.

Hades raised his sword and scattered the power like starlight from the tip of the sword. In the battle just now, countless dead civilians condensed their own souls one by one, either reborn, ascended to bliss, or fell to hell. When strange armor appeared behind Hades, These armor turned into meteors and rushed to those who were resurrected by Hades, decomposed into dark clothes and put on these people.

And until all this was done, Hades slowly raised his head. His eyes seemed to span countless distances. He saw altasia, the new Burning Legion, and the bleak smile sitting on the bridge.

"Whatever I do? Then there will be an invincible mechanical Pluto army in the world that is not afraid of death, so that these dirty creatures will sink into my hell forever. Without Athena, those saints and those noisy guys in the sky, who else in the world can be my opponent."

"Repair my soul with countless fallen souls in the whole universe, make up for my lack with the piety and faith of countless creatures, and reshape my hell and field with the whole universe. You will like this good play... Desolate."

Hades released is like a wild horse out of the reins. Under Xiao Ran's arrangement of whatever you do, he is ready to give Xiao ran a great surprise.