Chapter 2612

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
The Burning Legion is very strong. They have many robots stronger than the king of beasts. The king of beasts is not worth mentioning in front of them. Their fleet is very powerful and can destroy the whole galaxy. Even the warships of the gra empire are only cut in half in front of them. The king of beasts is useless in front of them. They despise the power of the king of beasts, Because they have more power.

They are really strong. Now all the five lions have fallen into their hands. They have no way to recapture the five lions. What they can't do is to rely on them.

This is the idea that Princess araula had in her mind a few days after she entered the home fortress, but an idea is equal to the flame before the fire, which will gradually become stronger and stronger, and finally devour Princess araula, but even if it is just such an idea, a little consciousness is enough to make araula change her attitude towards the Burning Legion.

Cruze will appear in front of araura every day, bewitch her with words, take her to witness the strength of the Burning Legion, deepen araura's impression that the Burning Legion is so strong that it can never resist, and instill the idea that no matter what he wants to do, only the Burning Legion can help her, which is the real savior of the world.

And the more contact with the Burning Legion, after Cruze planted the seed, he saw everything in the burning legion with his own eyes, and was more able to realize how strong the Burning Legion was.

Cruze smiled silently when he looked at the change of Princess araula. Although he was an old driver, yes, he was an old driver, but he paid attention to willingness rather than coercion and influence. Therefore, at least now, he is so bewitching Princess araula that he absolutely does not want to wear sleeping clothes. For him, it is only the simplest means to achieve his goal, It's just a means to make araula willing to help and help the Burning Legion.

Cruze's approach is right at all. The Burning Legion has indeed obtained a lot of intelligence and data from araura. There are a lot of things about the five lions of the king of beasts and the problem of the lion castle, which is enough for the technology department to have a lot of effort to analyze the technology of these things as soon as possible.

Moreover, the distress signals sent by countless planets and civilizations over the past 10000 years have also been completely recorded by lion castle. Without the cooperation of Princess araula, these represent the trend of the whole galaxy and the development process of the gra empire. All kinds of intelligence have also been recorded, So that the staff and intelligence departments can speculate and calculate the strength of the current gra empire through this information.

Exactly two-thirds of the galaxy, which is the territory of the gra Empire, has conquered two-thirds of the galaxy in 10000 years. It's hard to say whether the speed is fast or slow, but there is no doubt that the gra empire is the overlord of the whole galaxy.

Before, after Zeng Jia split the warship of the gra empire in two, there was no trace of participants in the anti combustion Corps alliance. Therefore, Xiao ran was ridiculed by many people. It was said that Xiao Ran's speculation was trustworthy, and Xiao ran just smiled and didn't refute it.

The reason why speculation is speculation is that it is uncertain. It is not completely unacceptable that the participants of the anti combustion army alliance have not appeared. After all, it is uncertain whether the anti combustion army alliance has really contacted the gra Empire and to what extent it has only been in the world for a few days, But at least Xiao Ran's purpose of actively exposing himself has been achieved. The other party will send someone to test one day. The plan has not changed. What has changed is only time.

In this mission, Xiao Ran is not going to join any force. Even if he wants to choose a force, it must be a force led by the Burning Legion. He can choose to be the Savior of the universe, save the races enslaved by the gra Empire, and unite all these liberated races under the Burning Legion, Everything should be led by the Burning Legion, not falsely attached to whose power.

Cruze suddenly found Xiao ran who was looking at the next internal planning report. After entering Xiao Ran's office, he sat directly in his chair and asked with a little smile, "very busy? Your four little secretaries can't help you?"

Xiao ran closed the document and looked at kruze with a smile: "didn't the four little secretaries find three for me because you were afraid that I was tired? And what are the charming little girls doing in the office every day? The environment below is so good. It's better to let them do something they like. Anyway, I can handle these jobs by myself."

"I heard that someone made many promises in pursuit of a princess. I don't know if Mr. Cruze can fulfill those promises?"

"Hmm?" kruze raised his eyebrows, and the smile on his face didn't change at all: "whose mouth is so big, ha ha, I know. The boy of bassac, is that a pursuit? It's clearly just to let her willingly help us, and if I really want to sleep with her, I'll wait until she really recovers her mind. I pay attention to your love and I wish when my mind is awake."

Xiao ran shook his head and smiled: "well, what are you going to do this time?"

Cruze shrugged: "Luo just caught my strong man to report to you without time."

Xiao ran was a little surprised. He took a special look at the time and asked kruze, "there will be results in such a short time?"

Cruze said: "there is a little result, but it is not so fast to completely analyze it. There are people who are going to ask you for five people, who have mental strength expertise or read power expertise, and whose personality needs to be matched. Operate the body accurately."

Xiao ran felt that Cruze and Luo made a mountain out of a molehill: "of course, it's not necessary to come to me because of this. You can arrange it yourself."

"It's not that simple," said Cruze, shaking his head "Luo, they found something similar to the mental strength increasing and linking device on the five lions, which can connect the driver's spirit with the body, enhance the pilot's senses and enhance the body at the same time. Don't you think it's very like a mental strength skeleton and a mental power stimulating device? But this kind of thing can be used by ordinary people, not the spirit Power is not a system that can be used by all power readers, nor is it λ Drive such high requirements. "

Xiao ran nodded gently: "if it is really useful, it can be popularized."

"Well, if it's just a single person, it's no problem," Cruze said "But the five bodies have extraordinary connections, and if the five bodies are combined, it is equivalent to five mental enhancement devices. Then the ideas of the five end users will be connected. You should understand that there are more consciousness of the other four people in your own consciousness, and the consciousness is fully shared at that stage."

"Now they haven't figured out the mental protection measures of this system, but if five people are connected together, who do you think will be willing? Is it possible that one of them will be overwhelmed by inappropriate protection measures? You know, our regiment has always paid great attention to this aspect, and the current test results are very good It's a pity that although the pilot sitting on it can barely operate, he can't give full play to the performance of those lions. "

Xiao ran smiled and said, "OK, if you really want to find the whole army, five people can definitely find it. If you have something to say."

Kruze smiled: "I mean, since the five people we caught have been selected by the lions and have established preliminary contact with the lions, it's better to let them sit on these bodies to cooperate with the technology department. The technology department doesn't dare to let the five people sit on them without your permission."

"Luo is here to ask you to be a lobbyist, isn't he?" Xiao ran nodded and said, "OK, but we must do a good job in safety protection. I see. I've entrusted you to be responsible for those people. No wonder you come here instead of Luo. How to ensure that you don't have less safety experience than me."

Cruze's mouth tilted: "don't worry, I'll arrange it, but there's one more thing I want to ask you how to arrange it."

"What's up?"

Cruze said: "it's impossible to wait here for the next time. Wait until the enemy is fully prepared before fighting with us, then we will fall into passivity."


Speaking of business this time, Xiao ran also pondered: "the general staff also proposed to me a battle plan to take the initiative, but I was pressed down temporarily. After all, this time we are going to fight against 25 legions, whose distribution is unknown, strength is unknown, and location is also unknown. Whether these two or fifteen legions are separated or gathered together, we don't know what they are doing now."

"In principle, it is indeed necessary to send investigation forces to actively investigate, rather than choose to expose themselves to this place, but the participants are no better than local forces. Once the investigation of the team is found, it will definitely fall into the siege of the other party, which will put the investigation team in danger."

"I'm also thinking about what to do next. In addition to setting up a big trap on the planet, it's certainly necessary to take the initiative to make trouble, and it can't make them live so comfortable, but I don't have a complete clue about what to do, but I just have some preliminary ideas."

Cruze sat up and asked, "what do you think?"

"My idea is very simple. I take the standard Mars warship as a team and send some forces to investigate around. If I meet the forces of the gra Empire, I will directly destroy it. If the combat power is less, it will be dangerous, and if the combat power is higher, it is not appropriate. I don't want to expose my strength in such a hurry, so I don't have a specific idea now."

Cruze nodded: "if you want to pit the other party, you can't expose your strength, but if you want to go out for investigation, you must configure enough combat power, which is really a little difficult to choose."

At this point, Cruze suddenly smiled: "Maybe the other party doesn't know our current position, and it will certainly know as time goes by, but the opposite party must think that we are hiding around and ready to draw cold knives. After all, the members of the super zone have always done so. We can't imagine that we will expose our position so blatantly in a short time, let alone know our real position The power of. "

"However, if the other party really has such an idea, I think we can cooperate. The current situation is gradually falling into passivity. No matter how powerful our strength is, we still have to actively occupy the active position. My suggestion is that both sides hide some forces, and then send some forces to attack and harass the gra empire."

"The gra Empire now occupies two-thirds of the galaxy. We already know that the other party will know sooner or later, and it is also the force most easily contacted by them. As long as we keep attacking the gra Empire, they will find out sooner or later and jump out to deal with us sooner or later."

"Each team is equipped with a capital ship or gunboat, and all the main targets of attack are placed on the resource producing areas and factories of the gra empire. It is entirely up to us to fight from far to near. Moreover, once we find anything wrong, we will evacuate immediately. Anyway, there is no tactical goal. We have to fight down, just make trouble, keep making trouble, make trouble when it's time to play, and make trouble when it's time to play , each team is equipped with five S-class pilots, more than ten nearly S-class pilots, usually one S-class pilot, and then the action team is all A-class pilots above the elite. If we really want to fight, we can't afford to lose. "

"Keep in good contact with each team. As long as there is a problem on one side and all other support, even our side will immediately send support to fight once. It's not enough to eat as much as we can. Simply don't even hide the second batch. Spread out and directly hide the whole process. GN particles continue to spread next to the action ship, and Jeffrey's fleet can also join in."

"There is only one warship, an S-class pilot and some A-class pilots, but when it comes to fighting, there are 200 warships, a lot of near S-class pilots and S-class pilots, communication interference and space blockade. If they can swallow them, they will swallow them all, so that other people don't even know how their people lost contact. Do you think it will kill more with one stone?"

Xiao ran looked at the more said, the more smiling kruze leaned back slightly, and the corners of his mouth pulled out a smile: "ha ha, good idea."

Xiao ran picked up the phone on the table, paused for a second and said, "inform the staff to have a meeting, and the fleets to have a remote video conference."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao ran raised his chin to Cruze: "your idea is very good. Then do as you say. The specific implementation and the staff will be discussed at the meeting, and this matter will be left to you to arrange?"