Chapter 2420

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Monica stood beside Cornelia, slightly tilted her head, as if thinking of something, and quickly said to Cornelia: "Your Highness, the soul chopper driven by Knight Lu Xiu is equipped with a special transmission device, which can detect all the conditions of the body and record the external data. The logistics technology department must also record all the data of the soul chopper in this actual test. There should know what happened just now."

Monica is also curious about what happened in the tens of seconds when she drove the soul chopper to "stay", and Monica must know more about the soul chopper and the logistics technology department than Cornelia. After Cornelia shouted her order, she immediately thought of the logistics technology department that would certainly monitor the soul chopper in the whole process, and then put herself in charge He quickly explained his understanding of the logistics technology department.

When Cornelia heard this, she nodded and ordered again: "contact the beheader logistics technology department in the base immediately and let them share all the records with us!"

One minute after the order was issued, the dot representing the soul chopper on the map gradually became closer and closer to the supply stronghold of the resistance organization. However, compared with the beginning, the speed of the soul chopper also seemed to slow down a lot. Next to the dot, the approximate distance between the soul choppers and the stronghold of the resistance organization and the current speed were also marked.

Tens of kilometers away, the soul chopper can arrive in a few minutes at the forward speed of about ten kilometers per minute, and there is no angle adjustment at all, that is to say, if we continue, the soul chopper will reach the important supply stronghold belonging to the rebel organization, and we can 100% confirm that the soul chopper's goal is this stronghold.

A woman of about twenty-three or four years old stood up with headphones and said loudly to Cornelia: "report, the Logistics Technology Department accepted our request and promised that we could synchronously receive the pictures of the soul chopper's external recording equipment, but refused to give us any data of the soul chopper's facts."

Cornelia waved her hand without looking back: "that's enough. Project the obtained picture and the picture just now on the front big screen at the same time."

When the voice falls, the large screen in front is directly divided into three irregular pieces. The first piece is the reduced version of the previous picture, and the second and third pieces are irregular pages composed of five pictures. Four of them show the pictures in the front, back, left and right directions of the soul chopper. These four monitoring devices are installed under the bleak eyes, but the second one Block layout is real-time, and the third layout is playback.

The fifth picture in the two plates is not only the main monitor picture of the soul chopper itself, but also the fact synchronization picture of the picture displayed on the cockpit screen of the soul chopper.

Soon Cornelia and all the people who were watching all this put their eyes on the third page, looked at all the contents of the picture clearly, and saw that there was a heavily fortified defense point with many defense measures and KF defense points in the picture, and then it could be clearly seen that the soul chopper started again after the stronghold was at a visual distance This time the speed is increased and the height is reduced.

Countless shells and fire snakes flew out of the stronghold immediately. Even under the bright sky, it was still very clear. From the picture displayed by the soul chopper, at the beginning, the soul chopper almost rushed directly against the extremely dense defensive fire, but it was amazing that the soul chopper used actions that were difficult for them to understand from the first perspective, It just changed a few directions and rushed directly to the front of the defense line with a special angle, so that part of the firepower of the other side's defense line could not achieve the best use effect until the soul chopper completely landed, almost close to the KF rushed up by the other side, which looked much smaller on the screen.

Then a fleeting shadow appeared in the picture, and the KF on the front was directly thrown behind. From the rear monitor, after the soul chopper crossed the KFS, there was a continuous crack on the KFS that had stopped all actions, and then they either fell directly to the ground and broke in two, or directly turned into a fireball and exploded.

The later picture is a picture that can make ordinary people feel dizzy just looking at it. In just a few tens of seconds, the soul chopper has always maintained extremely strange and terrible flexible action, suddenly accelerating, decelerating, turning around, taking off and landing, which makes everyone who looks at these pictures with the first vision feel a little uncomfortable. This is definitely not the best viewer The flash can also be clearly known by videos from other directions. That is the big sword carried by the soul chopper. Each time it is waved, it will inevitably bring terrible damage to the defense stronghold.

In just a few tens of seconds, only a piece of ruins can be seen on the screen. Everything is completely destroyed by the soul choppers who rushed into the stronghold. All KFS in the defense line are completely slaughtered. It is not a few KFS, but at least more than 50 KFS, as well as those large and small forts, air defense firepower and so on.

In the eyes of those who are interested in the whole process, especially those who have a certain degree of driving KF, what they see from the first perspective can make them feel the difference and strength of Xiaoran, but it is also more difficult to understand Xiaoran's driving intention, and can't make an overall analysis of what the soul chopper has done under Xiaoran's driving, including Cornelia All the pilots, including, seemed stuck at the climax and felt very uncomfortable.

In addition, the action of the soul chopper is too direct and simple. They took a defense stronghold in dozens of seconds. Although they have seen all the processes, they simply can't understand how to do all this. It's too simple to do it, Let them all raise a kind of illusion that they can also do the same thing in the process of tens of seconds. Everyone has this illusion, but everyone knows that this is something they can't do at all. It's estimated that they can't do it in tens of minutes, not to mention tens of seconds.

There is not only one stronghold near the stronghold of the defense line, nor only the small number of troops in the stronghold. The problem is that the process of driving the soul chopper is too fast, which makes it difficult for more forces in other directions to make any feasible rescue in tens of seconds. That stronghold will be directly destroyed as long as it lasts for ten minutes, The first batch of rescue forces will certainly arrive, and in tens of seconds, it is estimated that the rescue forces have just begun to transfer.

It is impossible for other people, such as Monica and ruziano, who are powerful round table knights, to attack a stronghold alone, let alone win the defensive stronghold before the real defense force arrives.

However, Xiao ran, who just became a round table knight, has done such a thing. Although he is driving a powerful body that surpasses KF performance in their eyes, he can put himself in his shoes and think about it. If they are driving such a body, can they really give full play to the integrity of the body and then do such a thing?

This huge strength gap was completely reflected in just a few seconds, which made Monica and ruziano more aware of the huge gap between them and Xiao ran, truly realized Xiao Ran's strength, and also made Cornelia and his pro guard members realize Xiao Ran's irresistible terrorist strength.

"How could there be such a person, such an organism, and the world is really the world I know!" ruziano never said a word, but he directly said his most real thoughts as soon as he opened his mouth. Now he has lost all his laziness and looked at the pictures on the screen very seriously, With a slightly trembling voice, he said: "the knight of Lu Lu Xiu is so powerful. All along, I only think that even if he is so strong, he will not be too strong than me. I should have the power to fight against him."

"However, the power of this soul chopper is also so terrible. Under the operation of the ruluciu knight, it should be considered to give full play to the performance of the soul chopper. It took dozens of seconds to win a defense stronghold. Can such a powerful ruluciu Knight become his opponent in this world! With the ruluciu knight, who can be his opponent in this world Can you stop our attack? Is this still human? Is this really what people can do! What is the real strength of the bloody knights that can provide soul choppers! "

Cornelia frowned and immediately shouted to the people behind her, "call me Lieutenant Colonel ace, the head of the bloody Knights here!"

The rest of the time could not be suspended before the arrival of Lieutenant Colonel AIS, so after the Xiaoran attack on the rebel supply stronghold began, the lieutenant colonel AIS could not reach the command center.

The replay meeting has disappeared at this time. Now the picture of the soul chopper has also become larger and clearer. From the picture, before the soul chopper is about to approach the stronghold city that has entered the visual distance, three machines of different sizes appear in that city, and then quickly expand and fly towards the soul chopper.

The appearance of these three airframes also made the expressions on many faces in the command room become dignified, because these three airframes were also airframes that Cornelia had never seen before. The height of 30 meters to more than 40 meters was quickly calculated by the people behind, with a larger body than KF, It also represents a more powerful force than ordinary KF.

In addition, these three huge bodies have the same ability to fly as the soul chopper they don't fully understand now, and the speed is not slow. They fly in a way that Cornelia and others can't understand now. They obviously don't have any wings at all, just like the soul chopper, don't they?

Xiao ran sat in the chopper's cockpit and gently raised his eyebrows when he saw three bodies suddenly coming towards him. The three bodies in front of him were an original body or a complete copy that Xiao ran was not familiar with, or did not exist in various aircraft combat worlds, Different from the body such as soul chopper, you can see the special body of the body at a glance, but it should be a self built body transformed under unique technology or Legion.

Of course, these three bodies are not necessarily made by the Legion that joined the forces of resistance organizations, but it is not impossible to say that they made them by themselves, but after all, there are people like Lao Luo in Prometheus, and the use of Prometheus's Aboriginal factory for body transformation is also the main upgrading direction of many participants' bodies.

The three machines can find some familiar features, but when all the features are combined together, they will become completely different machines.

The smallest one is mainly painted in yellow and black, and some are painted like Transformers Bumblebee. When I saw this body, my first reaction was this. I even had extra time to think about whether the world of Prometheus's mission might show a world like transformers. Of course, this idea is just a fleeting boring idea, Even if there is, it can never be the version of the film, but the animation version with more and more powerful power.

The round arm looks like a demon God, but there are also some differences. For example, there are more one-on-one equipment on the arm. You can see that it is a combined shield. The body is completely symmetrical. The concave yellow light on the chest is all over the slightly square chest, and the head is completely unprecedented.

For example, the one with a tiger's head in front of him looks like a brave king, but it's not a real brave king. Xiao ran can't tell what kind of body it is. It's likely to be a self-made fake brave king with completely different colors. It seems that the body of more than 30 meters doesn't make Xiao ran feel the unique heaviness of a super robot, It's not very strong, and it's still a very high-profile golden coating. There's no drill bit or anything like it. Of course, there's no drill bit on the surface. It's just holding a very broad giant sword.

The last 40 meter body can be said to be the most familiar one among the three bodies. The slim gulungast is also a modified version different from the original for generations in shape and coating, and it is transformed from the original generation. There are two huge artillery weapons on the shoulders, and the shape on the chest is completely different, It has become simpler, and there are complete changes in the legs. It seems to be a modified version of grungast without deformation ability.

The appearance of the three airframes also surprised Xiao ran. Even the bloody Knights probably failed to unlock some special airframes at this time. A small Anti Japanese army organization even unlocked three special airframes, although the level of the three airframes will not be too high, It seems that the participating Legion is a little more natural and unrestrained than the bloody knights.