Chapter 2410

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Xiao Ran is very calm and calm. It's like the kind of indifference that he met Ke Ji for the first time today and didn't care about him at all. But this is not a disguise, but Xiao Ran's most real emotions and thoughts at this time. Ke Ji may feel that he has joined Xiao ran and Lu Lu Xiu at this time, but in Xiao Ran's eyes, The blood knight order is just a tool that can be used. If the blood knight order is obedient and easy to use, Xiao ran doesn't mind leaving these people alive. It's like a overlord Legion. It also doesn't know the size of the Legion in the super zone under the sub Legion in the super zone.

However, if the bloody knights are disobedient and make some things that Xiao ran can't agree with and accept, the bloody Knights will naturally get the result that they will always remember Xiao ran and regard Xiao ran as a nightmare after the use value is gone.

So at this time, the blood knight order is just a tool, a tool on the scale of the whole. As for the personal units in the blood knight order, Xiao ran really can't remember it, let alone pay any attention to it. In essence, Xiao ran doesn't think that the current blood knight order is really with him.

Bismarck did not continue to be polite, nor did kirky delay. After Bismarck mentioned the body, he directly took Xiao ran and Bismarck to another building in the base, several huge warehouses built together.

Walking through the gate of the warehouse, Xiao ran saw that in the warehouse about 17 or 18 meters high, a body mainly painted in red lay horizontally on the ground of the warehouse. The reason why it lay horizontally is that the body is too large. It is a large body about twice as high as the 20 meters of conventional Ms.

From Xiao Ran's point of view, the body lying on the ground without any protection vaguely makes Xiao ran feel familiar, just because Xiao ran can only see the huge body from one point of view and doesn't see the whole picture of the body at all, So I can't remember what kind of machine it is.

After seeing the body, Xiao ran didn't use the detection skills to confirm, but stopped like bemuse and made the same surprised expression as bemuse in the direction of the body.

"This body?" after seeing the body lying on the ground, because it was too huge to see the whole picture, Bismarck turned and looked at kerky, who led the way in front, and said in surprise: "how can there be such a huge body? It's hard to believe that this body is really the body to be used by the rulucius knight?"

Bismarck's question actually contains two meanings. The first meaning is whether such a huge body can really fight like the KF they use now. Will it be just a huge look.

The second meaning is to ask corky how the bloody Knights got such a huge body.

Corky didn't know whether he fully understood the meaning of the words, but when he heard the question, he smiled leisurely and proudly: "Yes, this airframe is the airframe we are going to deliver to the ruxiu knight. The airframe has a height of 44 meters. It is a special fighting aircraft manufactured in full compliance with the knight's standard. It also has a certain long-range combat capability. Its performance is definitely several times higher than that of Lancelot, but it needs to be consumed when used There are a lot of cherry stones to support, which is the biggest disadvantage of this machine. "

"Even if we put this machine in our hands, we cherish the rare and powerful body. It is also because the bloody knight is willing to lose and has received so much compensation from his majesty. Moreover, the ability of the knight lulushu complements the body. As for whether he can play his remarkable combat power, can the knight lulushu control this body, It's better to let the knight ruxiu sit up and feel these problems. "

Bismarck nodded. The one eye he opened flashed a solemn look. The surprised expression on his face gradually disappeared and became serious. He turned and nodded to Xiao ran: "in that case, Knight Lu Lu Xiu, you can sit on this body and feel it yourself. I'm also curious about what kind of power such a huge human body can play."

Xiao ran answered, took the initiative to step forward and said to Ke Ji: "then please Ke Ji knight to introduce this body to me first. I am completely unfamiliar with this body, and I don't know how to get into the cockpit of this body."

In Lu Lu Xiu's world, there are not large bodies larger than the normal KF size, but those large bodies can not be called real KF, but all are special-shaped machines, not human shapes, but other messy shapes. Among them, bodies like Ma occupy the vast majority of all large bodies. In addition, they are basically similar to ground guns It's the same special body as Taiwan, so it's conceivable that such a body of more than 40 meters shines out, which gives Bismarck surprise. If the power of this body can be brought into play, it will have other special meanings for Bismarck.

Corky nodded, looked at the only body in the hangar and said: "The name of this body is soul chopper. It is one of the best bodies owned by our bloody Knight Legion. It is mainly a super body developed for close combat. Although the body shape is larger than the normal body, it has super mobility completely opposite to the huge body. In terms of weapons, it is mainly a big sword for close combat and equipped with a It is also a super body that can be driven by one person. As for other information, the knight of Lu Xiu might as well feel it by himself. "

Xiao ran had already reacted when koji said the name of the body. Xiao ran, the soul chopper, of course, knew that with the power grabber, the soul grabber could be regarded as a body under a series, a proper super system body, and of course, some of the characteristics of the real system body, just like the GAODA G series body, could barely be regarded as a special body of the mixed system.

This machine body is mainly used for melee attacks. In Xiao Ran's memory, the soul chopper also has some special abilities, such as separation. It has high mobility and flight ability. It is the body from the super robot war og world. Xiao Ran's Burning Legion has the camp territory of og world. Of course, it is no stranger to the soul chopper, Therefore, at the first sight of seeing the body, although only from a point of view that can't be seen clearly, it still makes Xiao ran feel familiar.

However, the soul chopper is not the organism owned by the og world itself, but another parallel world of the og world. It is made in the shadow mirror world, and the shadow mirror Xiao Ran is no stranger. The shadow mirror force that once attacked the og world was completely disintegrated by Xiao ran, also known as the knife extractor and vasaka. As for the soul chopper itself, it is in the Burning Legion og world You also have it.

The advantage of this machine is its mobility. As for its attack performance, it can only be said to be average. Of course, it is not very good compared with the same level of machine, but it can barely enter the ranks of the leading machine. However, in the world of shadow mirrors, the soul chopper seems to be a mass-produced machine, and of course, it can also enter the ranks of special machines, It should also be divided into the first mass production version. The difference between the trial machine, that is, the real special machine, and the full mass production version, that is, the fake special machine, is simply ignored in the Burning Legion.

Xiao ran didn't know what kind of soul chopper was in front of him, but Xiao ran estimated that if the soul chopper wasn't made by the blood knight order, it would be impossible to reach the level of the full version of the trial machine. It's more likely to be an ordinary mass production version, and the color is very different from the real soul chopper Xiao ran knew, but This is not important. After all, the color can be changed.

However, Xiao ran can guarantee that it is absolutely impossible for this machine body to load xn Holy Spirit system, and the specific performance can only be known by sitting on the machine body in person.

Xiao ran endured not to use the investigation on the soul chopper in front of him, in order to avoid that koji or other participants present have similar skills and abilities to detect the investigation. Otherwise, if an investigation skill is thrown out, he should be able to simply get a lot of information about the soul chopper from the information feedback.

However, Xiao ran will soon be able to sit in the cockpit of this soul chopper. It's not urgent to find out the intelligence of this soul chopper at this time.

And in Xiao Ran's heart, he was surprised that Ke Ji could come up with such a body. Although the level of the soul chopper could not be too high, it could not reach the level of A-class body, and the body in front of him might not even be able to enter the A-class stage. If he couldn't afford it, he could only be a B-class body. It was estimated that it would be only excellent if he replaced it with a super series rating Above, the degree of epic level lower stage is not certain whether they even have the ability of separation, and the soul chopper certainly does not have the ability of super explosion and higher-level combat power improvement.

But even if it's just like this, after all, it's probably an epic lower body, and it's absolutely right to say that it's powerful in this world. It's hard to say what level it belongs to among the bodies of all legions on this mission, but it's really a good body, a body that can be used by Xiao ran, It is indeed a rare and valuable body, which must be of great value to the blood knight order.

The bloody Knights took out such a body, and Xiao ran also guessed whether they had paid a lot of price. Perhaps the vast majority of cherry stones obtained from Charles today had been invested in the unsealing of the body. In this way, the bloody Knights really invested a lot and made a big bet on him Enough to improve the strength of his legion, he gave up the opportunity and placed his hope on him.

However, Xiao ran didn't feel moved by Ke Ji's gambling, but at least he changed his senses a little and improved his favor a little. After nodding to Ke Ji, Xiao ran said calmly: "then I'll try this machine myself."

Kerky raised his hand: "please, the body has been pre charged with cherry stone. It can be started directly as long as you sit in the cockpit, but please wait a moment before that. I'll have someone transport the body out."

Xiao ran glanced at the soul chopper lying on the ground and nodded slightly. After all, the body is too big. Although the hangar can fit, it is not possible for the soul chopper to stand up in the hangar and transport it out of the hangar first.

The transport of the airframe was a very troublesome task when kirkie did not want to completely expose the Legion's strength in the eyes of Bismarck. Therefore, Xiao ran and Bismarck were invited to their suite by kirkie to drink tea and chat about the situation on all sides of the Empire, Of course, Xiao ran didn't speak much among the three, and it was just a conversation between Bismarck and corky.

In addition to talking about the situation in the war zone briefly and directly, the conversation between the two people was basically that balmis complimented kirkie and the bloody knights. Kirkie complimented balmis, Charles and the whole empire most. A few words were inseparable from the pillars and relied on such a topic.

Ke Ji also completely put down his cheek and thanked Charles for providing them with a large amount of materials for many times. What changes can these materials bring to the bloody knights? Next, he has to work harder for the Empire. He hopes that Bismarck can help the bloody Knights win more cherry stones and so on, As for the matter of Sakura stone unsealing the body, Keji completely hid it and didn't mention it. Even the Sakura stone consumption brought out by the soul chopper was suppressed in his heart, pretending that because he got a batch of Sakura stones, the blood knight order will continue to develop and work better for the Empire. After all, it's difficult to explain the matter of Sakura stone unsealing the body.

After listening to the awkward conversation between the two people for about 40 minutes, Xiao ran finally got the notice that the body had been transported. He could not wait to see what kind of performance the body brought out by the bloody knights had. Bimez also hurried to appear in the huge open space in the base.