Chapter 2248

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Lacs ran out of the palace and stood in the open and beautiful garden. With a sweet face, she opened her arms, faced the sun in the sky, smiled and danced around the garden like an elf.

She didn't want to get involved in the understanding of the three members of the family, especially the two shanamias, but she didn't want to let her take her to another world and find another lacs. Of course, she just didn't want to be so abrupt. She must go there, Just before going, lacs was ready to understand another world and another lacs.

Suddenly, lacs, who was dancing, stopped slowly, looked in a certain direction in the garden, tilted her head with her hands on her back, allowed the sun to sprinkle on her body, and the light wind brushed her hair, forming a beautiful picture in the garden.

Just where lacy's eyes looked, a girl in a sky blue dress was also quietly looking at her, with long pink hair and the same golden hairpin, but her hands hung in front of her, with a little smile, looking at lacy dancing with gentle eyes.

The two girls looked at each other so quietly in the garden. One was young and lively, with his back hands tilted and his head tilted. The other was gentle and natural, with a gentle smile. Under the sunshine, the picture also became quite beautiful until a gust of breeze blew the two girls' hair, and the two girls raised their hands and lowered their heads at the same time, At the same time as like as two peas were floating around, the movements of the floating hair were swept away from the ears, and the movements were perfectly synchronized. The positions were identical, even the expressions were the same, except for the skirts they wore.

Lachs suddenly smiled, full of a sense of youth, walked to the girl who appeared in the garden behind, and actively extended her hand to the other party: "Hello, I'm Lachs Klein."

The girl in the long blue dress looked at lacs in the short white dress with gentle and complex eyes, and also extended her hand to lacs: "Hello, I'm lacs Klein."

When they said the same thing, but finished in two different tones of joy and gentleness, the two Lachs looked at each other and laughed like flowers at the same time.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you."

"Ha ha." the white skirt lakeside finally couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile. Looking at the blue skirt lakeside, she said, "really, even her words are so tacit, but I still want to say, you are so beautiful."

The blue skirt lakeside smiled gently and looked at the white skirt lakeside: "it's really a very strange feeling. Looking at yourself standing in front of yourself is completely different from looking in the mirror. You're a real yourself, but you're right. You're also very beautiful."

The laughter of white skirt lakes stopped slowly, looked at blue skirt lakes seriously and asked, "do you think you are happy?"

"Hmm?" the blue skirt lakeside seemed to have no reaction at all. Her smile froze on her face, but she soon recovered her calm: "of course."

"The people who know themselves best can always be themselves. Although our experiences are different, they used to be the same." white skirt lacs raised a finger and shook it gently, saying, "so I don't think you're happy."

The blue skirt lakeside stroked her hair, raised her head and looked at the white skirt lakeside with a slight smile: "you also said that the people who know themselves best can only be themselves. Even if we have the same past, after all, I am only me and you are only yourself. How do you know I'm not happy?"

White skirt lacks chuckled, "but I'm happy because I got what I wanted and you didn't."

"I won't insist on what doesn't belong to me." the blue skirt lakes looked at the palace in front of me and smiled freely: "and I'm doing well now. If you're not me, I really think you're deliberately coming to me to show off. I can know more about you, but you can't know more about me, because now you are who I used to be."

"But I can also feel it." white skirt lacs took a gentle breath and said seriously, "after all, we are all Lachs Klein."

"Hehe, so there's no way to hide anything between us, is that right." the blue skirt laks smiled again, put one hand on her chest, held her head with the other hand, and said in a little complaining tone: "It's true. You've been well hidden, but you just appeared. Now there's no way to hide everything. I really don't know how to face them."

White skirt lakeside seemed to understand what blue skirt lakeside thought. She tilted her head and said, "then you can disguise me. I can give you this opportunity, but I won't disguise you, because I don't need that opportunity."

"I can't deceive him." the blue skirt lakes smiled gently, but there was not much sadness in her eyes. Instead, she was bright and full of fun: "even if she was a person, there was a big difference in his eyes."

White skirt lacks shook her head and smiled mysteriously: "that's not necessarily."

"But what good is this for me?" the blue skirt lakeside squinted and said, "but now this situation, I believe he should also have a headache. It will be more uncomfortable and embarrassing. I didn't expect such a thing, but I may have been prepared in my heart."

"When he left again without Kira and Aslan, and without a sergeant in my world, I probably guessed that the world he entered again must be a world that we can't easily understand and know, but I didn't expect it to be so, and I saw you here."

"Indeed." white skirt lacs nodded seriously and said, "I wasted a lot of effort at the beginning. At the beginning, he tried every means to get rid of it."

Blue skirt lacks covered her mouth with a smile: "I can imagine."

"Hehe, it's really comfortable to talk to yourself." white skirt lacs turned her back and said: "I feel really relaxed and have a tacit understanding, so your little sadness now may exist, but this is not our real nature and what we expect and need, right? Do you want to try to go back to the original look, see your father and do what you really want to do?"

"Finally, I want to ask you a question. Was the choice forced or willing, or is it just an illusion now?"

A touch of expectation suddenly appeared in the eyes of the blue skirt lakeside, but even if she was silent for a moment, when she saw the white skirt lakeside looking at herself with encouraging eyes, she smiled gently and showed the same lively expression as the white skirt lakeside: "guess, but your proposal is very intentional. I'm very interested. Maybe I can provide a little help."

White skirt lacks laughed, "shall we go now?"
