Chapter 2101

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Demon Gundam: autonomous hyperevolutionary organism, A-class organism.

The feedback of investigation skills is not much, but also the body that the devil GAODA has met Xiao Ran's requirements. Xiao ran should be happy at this point, but now his mind is full of surprise and doubt.

"How could it be that the driver in devil GAODA is tiegaman!? red tiegaman, this is... Xiangyu Meixue!? how could she be in devil GAODA's body!?"

Seeing that there is a tiejiaman in the cockpit of devil GAODA, or Xiangyu Meixue that Xiangyu brothers and Fuzi are looking for now, there is a feeling in Xiaoran's heart that you seem to be teasing me at this moment.

Ignorant is not ignorant. Now Xiaoran is not ignorant, but the current situation really makes people feel stunned. In principle, the man in the cockpit should be Domon's brother, but now he has become tiejiaman Xiangyu Meixue who has nothing to do with the devil GAODA.

Now Xiao ran seems to know how the glazed crystals in the giant pit came from. It should be that when Xiangyu Meixue landed on the earth from the universe, he fell directly on the devil GAODA's head with an absolutely unscientific probability, and then was captured and swallowed by the devil GAODA and put into the cockpit.

"What a coincidence." Xiao ran glanced at the slowly closing cockpit and looked at the huge demon GAODA in front of him. Now he has one more thing to do. In addition to completely destroying the demon GAODA, the second thing is to save Xiangyu Meixue in the demon GAODA cockpit.

Before, he had killed all the relatives of the Xiangyu brothers. This time, he finally had a sister who was not controlled by ladam, but was controlled by the devil GAODA. Xiao ran really couldn't kill a member of the Xiangyu family.

Around the countless bodies crawling out of the desert, many strangely opened their mouths. Those bodies with flying ability rushed frantically towards the place of dawn tactical armor. They were as United and fearless as bees in the hive. The number was so large that they could cover the sky.

On the ground, more and more bodies raised all kinds of completely different weapons. Those without weapons directly opened their mouths and leaned forward. Countless yellow beams appeared from the ground. Because of the number, they created a terrible dense barrage. The momentum caused by the attack was more terrible than the hundreds of up to snakes just now.

After the demon Gundam appeared, the whole sky was also shrouded in endless dark clouds, which made the originally bright sky dark and dark. A kind of red light was scattered among the countless dark clouds. In addition, the sudden roar of thunder and lightning created a sunset like scene.

Xiao ran looked at the sky and the countless attacks that came. While making actions on his hands, he also said in his heart: "in addition to releasing DG cells for a series of infection and manufacturing, does the devil have the ability to move the sky?"

Those who are rushing towards the dawn attack Xiaoran did not take it to heart. The general existence of miscellaneous soldiers can be completely solved by only one wave of attack even if the number is large. The real difficulty is how to solve the devil GAODA and safely save Xiangyu Meixue at the same time.

"But it's just A-level. Now that you've reached A-level, you don't have to evolve! Fortunately, if the devil GAODA absorbs tiegarman and becomes tiegarman devil GAODA... This can't happen."

The dawn tactical armor burst out bright light, and GN particles turned into several dragons. They sprayed out of the dawn tactical armor, rushed to the sky and the ground, and formed a wing of light behind the dawn tactical armor, which was slowly stirred with a certain frequency.

The GN particles from the dawn tactical armor rolled up a fierce wind and blew countless dust, making the desert look more like hell.

But this scene didn't last too long. A light across the whole desert suddenly appeared in the desert, tearing through all the miscellaneous soldiers made by the devil GAODA on a line, and suddenly disconnecting these bodies from their waist.

After the first light appeared, the second light tore countless bodies again from another angle, and then for the third and fourth time, countless light beams began to flicker in a huge range shrouded by GN particles in a few seconds. The countless green light beams brought dazzling light and pierced the darkness shrouded in the sky, Let the light come to this land again.

When all the light turned into green light spots, the dark clouds and lightning shrouded in the sky had been completely dispersed. All moving bodies on the ground and in the air, except the devil GAODA, had become scattered fragments, scattered everywhere in the desert with melted traces.

In a short time, all the miscellaneous armies created by the demon GAODA were cleared away. The demon GAODA with certain intelligence seemed to be angry. The heads of GAODA above and below roared in the direction of dawn tactical armor, and the low roar spread far and far.

With the size of the devil GAODA and four arms moving forward for a while, countless GAODA snakes emerged again in the desert and jumped in the direction of dawn tactical armor. These GAODA snakes seem to be able to extend indefinitely. Generally, we can't see how long these ghosts can extend.

There are many steel vines of different sizes on the surface of the desert, just like countless snakes winding and twisting, spreading around with the devil GAODA as the center, making the ground covered by these vines, and constantly surging and winding, swallowing all the steel fragments, and forming a new GAODA snake to grow high quickly.

"Disgusting monster."

When Xiao ran spits out these words, the two huge weapons of dawn tactical armor pop up a red beam sword more than 20 times the length of the body itself. At the same time, with the thrusters of dawn tactical armor all lit up, they rushed directly in the direction of the devil GAODA with two red lights and a green torrent.

Along the way, he used two huge beam sabers to cut off the heads of all the snakes in front of him unimpeded. His huge body was flexibly interspersed among these huge vines that could move even if his head was cut off, and soon appeared in front of the devil GAODA, At the same time, he used two light beam sabers to cut the contact between the devil's small body and the large body.