Chapter 1798

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
As a blood fusion person with high sensing ability and thinking power, especially when GN particles are everywhere in the whole environment, any movement in this range can not hide Xiao Ran's sensing. To some extent, it is even more sensitive than various detection systems and equipment.

Suddenly, Xiao ran felt the abnormal fluctuation in the other direction, a strange fluctuation scattered in circular stacks. This fluctuation has a special energy, which repels the GN particles around like a wave.

This scattered energy also changed the color of the universe, a little bit stained the covered place with a dark blood color, and after spreading to a certain extent, it formed a strong contrast with the dark green on the other side, which made Xiao ran clearly feel the evil and cold from this dark blood color.

It was something inexplicable to appear, and interrupted Xiao Ran's action. No matter what would come out next, it really made Xiao ran completely angry.

But at this time, Xiao ran frowned, looked at another color that was completely different from the green coverage of GN particles, and said to himself, "what force is this that repels GN particles?"

Xiao Ran has encountered the situation that GN particles are swallowed up in a short time, but it is similar to the situation that powerful energy attacks swallow up GN particles in a short time, or the high-strength energy shield makes GN particles unable to penetrate, but he has never encountered such a situation that a special energy really repels GN particles.

Soon, a group of robots and a cosmic fortress suddenly appeared in Xiao Ran's eyes. A cosmic fortress ten times the size of the Burning Legion, hundreds of large and small bodies, all of which Xiao ran had been in contact with, came from the golden alliance in the Western calendar world or the machinery force subordinate to the man named eggjeff.

No matter how many such bodies are, they are not worth mentioning for Xiao ran. However, although the shape of the body Xiao ran sees is exactly the same as before, the body emits a light, mixed with black and purple, The light emanating from these bodies is exactly the same as the bleak feeling that can repel GN particles.

Suddenly, a huge virtual shadow shrouded over the fortress. It was a huge virtual shadow shrouded with purple and black mixed with light. The shrouded thing looked blood red, like a ghost, and maybe just a head. In short, it was definitely not human.

"What, isn't this aigejeff's mechanical force?" the whirlwind Temple dancer shouted directly when he saw these bodies: "it's aigejeff!?"


The sound full of some mechanical sense was transmitted into everyone's ears along with the light and shadow flickering shrouded on the cosmic fortress. There were so many people who could speak freely in the airless environment of the universe. It really felt like the surrounding starry sky was just false, and they just stayed in a projected universe.

The dancer stared at the flickering huge projection: "who!"

"My name is... Dark nova."

The dancer frowned and said, "dark Nova?"

Wanzhang's eyebrows suddenly frowned and suddenly said, "great evil... The great evil we once felt, right?"

"Finally appeared... Hey..." liulongma smiled like a wild beast full of Rage: "the unknown ultimate evil that has always existed in our speculation finally appeared at this time. As long as you are destroyed, it will be over!"

"Hahaha..." the special voice of dark novana sounded again: "destroy? Inferior race, I've been waiting for the most effective time to destroy you all. Now it's finally time. I have to say that you really let me enjoy an interesting game."

"Game?" said angrily, "what are you talking about? No matter what you want to do, you'd better get out of the way now. We don't have time to play any games with you. Don't stop us from saving the world!"

"Save the three earths in front of you?" the tone of dark Nova didn't change and said coldly: "the earth and the world don't matter. The destruction of your earth is just that. I think it might be interesting to have such an ending occasionally."

A group of people who heard dark Nova say these words immediately showed a surprised expression, but then there was anger: "what!?"

Nain, as a super AI, also expressed his opinion after listening to the words of dark Nova: "I can't understand."

Looking at the direction of the huge projection of the dark Nova from the head office of cloud, he pinched his hands and shouted: "you guy... Are you kidding! Is it you who made the three earth look like this! Asshole!"

"Yes, it's always been heroes who finally saved the world. I've seen too many of the same stories and games, so it's of course very interesting to occasionally have a game of the death of earth destruction heroes." dark Nova seemed to be laughing when he said these words, but the voice felt extremely harsh in everyone's ears.

"Whether you can travel through three worlds or you people can get together, these are all my arrangements, just to make the game more interesting, and also to make me feel happier in the process from having hope to finally breaking hope."

"You mean you planned all this!?" the dancer bit his teeth and shouted angrily, "who the hell are you!"

Dark Nova said: "Since you want to know so much, I'll tell you that I'm a high-order person who came here through the dimension. For you, the ruler of this dimension is a real God. He has always dominated the world. Even that amblio is just playing on my palm. Yes, everything in this world is just a story created by me."

The dancer looked unbelievable: "what!? impossible... It's impossible!"

"God..." in an instant, he lowered his head slightly and said, "isn't the ruler of the Western calendar world actually ambleo?"

Tyelia showed a thoughtful expression and said hesitantly, "is this guy the enemy that iolia really wants to deal with? Is it the goal and truth that we heaven and man really pursue?"