Chapter 1748

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Half an hour later, the victory fleet converged in front of the space gate. All the airframes and UAVs patrolled around the small fleet composed of several warships. Not too far away from the victory fleet, the gamillas army, which can face the victory fleet with the most powerful firepower, also firmly surrounded the space gate, But just one or a body about the size of a small warship standing in front of gamilas has put great pressure on gamilas.

There are flying space fighters everywhere, as well as small carrier ships and shuttles flying from all directions, and they begin to approach the control room of the space gate. In these small carrier ships or shuttles, there are captains or deputy captains from most warships of the gamilas army. All these people go to the control room under the command of misera.

The so-called control room is not really just an aspect, but a huge cosmic building, like a small colonial satellite, standing near the giant ring where the space gate is located.

Looking at the comings and goings of Camilla carrier ships and small shuttles, as well as the dense warships and space warplanes around, many people in the victory fleet actually feel a lot of pressure. I'm afraid they won't feel this way if they fight all the time at the same pace, but now it gives the Camilla fleet more time, It also led to the victory fleet that few warships could attack. At this time, nearly half of the gamilas warships have the possibility of direct attack on the victory fleet.

Even so, if they are fighting, they can put all these aside and immerse themselves in the battle. It is precisely this confrontation, this siege, this calm, and it gives people a heavy feeling of wind and rain.

Tobia switched the body to automatic cruise mode, took off his helmet, loosened some combat clothes, took out a bottle of water from behind the chair, took a hard sip, wiped the sweat on his face and said: "Is it really OK to go on like this? Are we really surrounded by gamilas now? I'm afraid all gamilas warships have the possibility of directly attacking us if we continue according to this situation."

"Don't worry too much about Tobia. Everything should be under the control of adults." jinkaidu also made similar movements in his body, but he was more relaxed than Tobia: "Don't you see that the dawn is still releasing GN particles? Our bodies are also releasing GN particles in the process of patrolling. Look carefully, the fleet of Camilla has basically been surrounded by GN particles. Within the coverage of GN particles, as long as the other party dares to attack the armor of those warships and space warplanes, it can't resist the attack of Xiao ran Yes. "

"Relax, Tobia." Aslan smiled after jinkaidu said, "although the other party surrounded us, they have no strategic depth. For them, we may be surrounded now, but for us, why didn't they directly expose their weaknesses to us?"

An instant calm voice said after Aslan said, "as long as the other party has any intention of attack, we have the ability to detect it at the first time. Jumping with Fuzi as the core can appear behind them instantly, and their current distribution will only become our target."

"Even so, it makes me feel so stressed." the real bird said breathlessly, "I'd rather play a real game than be surrounded like this."

Really, it also represents the idea of most pilots of the victory fleet. They would rather fight a good battle than hold in front of so many gamilas warships that may attack at any time, and wait for the final decision in the nearby control room.

In the control unit of the space gate, missella sat in one of the huge rooms and looked at a group of gamilas soldiers with the rank of colonel and brigadier general. Of the full 40 or 50 people, the Colonel occupied 40 of them, except for only six or seven brigadier generals, and the higher-level ones had all died in the key attack just now.

Behind misera, liumu Yehe and Al ELF were on both sides of their combat power, one relaxed and the other indifferent. Behind them, and even the whole huge room, there were many robots wearing unified black wind coats. The small guard as dedicated by Renard vaguely surrounded all the people present.

Missella sat in front of an office, silently and quietly read the report on her hand. Until she finished reading the report, she looked up at all the people present and said gloomily: "I have understood the situation. Because of the military parade ceremony, all the above people of the technical lieutenant general were destroyed on the traitor Salinger's flagship, together with Salinger."

"The generals who didn't go to Salinger's flagship also died in the battle. Up to now, we are not sure who is with Salinger and how many people died innocently because of fighting against rebellion. Now there is no way to investigate. But what I want to say is that he must be the person in Salinger's warship And if thuringer wants to succeed President Tesla, he must get the support of these people. "

"As for other people, including you, some may be innocent, and some may have known about thuringer's assassination of President Tesla for a long time, but as soldiers of the great gamilas Empire, you should understand what you should do. As long as you are loyal to the Empire and President Tesla, there is only one thing we can do now to completely eliminate those entrenched in gamilas Our Thuringian allies, those foreigners who join us under the guise of trying to destroy Iskandar. "

"Long live the Empire, and President Tesla will live forever!"

Missella glanced at everyone in the room with her cruel eyes and said coldly: "Well, remember your mission, remember who led the great gamilas Empire to its present appearance, and I will not investigate the people present, no matter whether you were thuringer's accomplices or not, but I will never let anyone involved in the assassination of the president on gamilas!"

"Next, general DOmel will arrive here in three hours. He will become the trusted commander-in-chief of the imperial army of gamilas. Now all you need to do is reorganize the invincible fleet of gamilas until general DOmel leads you to completely eliminate the rebels, and the positions vacated by the Empire will belong to you."