Chapter 1701

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Xiao ran and fre volanto settled the matter of joining the victory fleet in a few words. Next, fre volanto naturally had to deal with some related things before leaving, such as transferring the new Anzhou placed on the Chion carrier ship to the ship on the side of the victory fleet, and had to say hello to mineva.

A few hours later, all the preparations of the victory fleet were ready, and a group of huge flying dragons appeared on the top of the Institute of true science fortress under the leadership of a colorful flying dragon.

Everyone in the whole victory fleet, all pilots sat in the airframe, and all bridge members took their places, which suddenly made the atmosphere of the whole fleet tense.

Xiao Ran is sitting on the bridge. On the left is Maliu, on the right is Shirley Lu, and in front of him are Leonard, elf and 咲. As for bassac, Graham, nalo, jigus and Cruze, they have also entered their own body and are on standby. Luo should sleep in his own room.

Maliu glanced at Xiao ran: "it's almost ready."

"HMM." Xiao ran took a sip, got up and said loudly, "connect the communication of all warships and report the current situation."


"Danu's son replied, everything is ready."

"The Ptolemy is ready."

"Eternal reply, everything is ready."


"Very good." Xiao ran nodded heavily, looked at the captains of other warships on the screen, including Brad returning to the team and the main pilot of zhenlonggaita, a warship robot newly joined the victory fleet, and said: "All the staff are ready to start in the first combat readiness state. The next thing is for you. The Dragon God Ola of the dragon family will cooperate with us to send us to the most appropriate place."

The expression on the No. 1 face looked quite indifferent, as if there was no emotion. He nodded: "I understand."

Xiao ran nodded and looked at the countless dragons appearing on the big screen, and let his voice be released through the sound amplification device of the Burning Legion: "the Dragon God Ola will trouble you next. In the last period of time when the earth is about to be destroyed, I hope the Dragon God Ola will stick to it, and the safety of the earth will be handed over to you dragon people."

"Let's go." the voice of women full of magnetism seems to ring directly in everyone's ears: "protecting the earth is the responsibility of our dragon family. We will take good care of the earth, but the final result depends on you."

Xiao ran took a deep breath and gave the final order: "ladies and gentlemen, the final power to break through the wall of the dimension has been completed. Now we are about to ascend into the universe and embark on the journey to Iskandar."

"The name of victory fleet not only represents the code name of the people of our three worlds, but also carries all the hopeful people of the three worlds, but also represents the ultimate power of the three worlds. Our responsibility is to get the universe recovery system, completely restore the three worlds to normal, and bear the life and death of countless lives in the three worlds , in the next journey, we will win all the way like our code name. Now, victory fleet, let's go! "




The neat cry of countless people raised the morale of the victory fleet to the extreme. Xingye Liuli of Fuzi stood up from the captain's seat after Xiaoran said, "Bose jump starts, jump countdown is 10 seconds, and all staff are ready to resist the impact!"

As the black particles released by Fuzi gradually wrapped all the ships of the victory fleet, the figure of the Dragon God Ola suddenly disappeared over the Institute of true science fortress: "come on, I will use my strength to win more time for you as much as possible."

When all the warships completely disappeared in the Research Institute of scientific fortress with the flash of light, and appeared again, they were already in the universe, directly jumping into the universe through boson, and then opening the wall to the new Zhengli world in the universe. What they have to do now is to go to Iskandar.

Looking at the endless universe from the bridge, the deep and infinite feeling made Brad sigh in his heart and murmur, "it's finally started. We want to complete the journey of 336000 light-years across the dimensional wall. Can we finish it?"

"It can't be done, but it must be done." Captain Ott seemed to hear Brad's words on quasi Arkham, smiled at Brad, and said with great certainty: "with such strength, no enemy can block our way forward!"

"That's right." Lachs then said, "Iskandar, the key to saving the world is in that place. For the three worlds, no matter what difficulties we encounter, I believe we will be able to complete them."

On the Ptolemy, Miss Huang gulped down a can of beer in her hand. It seemed that she wanted to clear the tension in her heart with beer. Holding the wine, she said: "I didn't expect that the reason why human beings really set foot in the universe for the first time was not for war, not for openness, but just to save and save ourselves."

"So..." Tessa said seriously, "we can only move forward without any chance to retreat."

Xingye glass gently spit out two words: "come on."

Xiao ran also said, "remember, the victorious fleet will win. Captain Zhentian, ancient vice captain, wave gun preparation."

"Wait... That's?" Tessa's expression suddenly changed, as if she saw something wonderful, and as her expression changed, everyone else saw the sudden scene.

Countless warships are approaching the victory fleet from different directions. The original new Jiong, federal, and many transport ships, small ships, military, political, and even private ships appear in everyone's eyes. At this time, all these ships also have a new symbol, which represents the integration of the human family in the western calendar world.

"There's more." lacs said softly with a smile, and her eyes also looked at the other side of the direction in which these warships appeared, and this side was a fleet of warships from the Western calendar world, including orb's ships, federal ships and plant ships. At this time, people from both worlds came here, To witness the moment when the victory fleet embarked on its journey.

At this time, ancient Jin took a deep breath and shouted, "the wave gun is charged. Whether to start the countdown."

Xiao ran nodded and said in a deep voice, "the countdown begins. The number is, and the colored glass is ready."

"I feel... Human will, thought and hope..." No. 1 changed the expressionless indifference in front, a pair of eyes became very sharp, and the expression on his face was very cautious: "I'm ready!"

"Wave cannon... Launch!"

"Ah!!!! burn!"

"Boson jump ready... Start!"