Chapter 1645

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
With the attack of one body again, all the flying bodies float around the bleak dawn. On the left is the big demon God of iron and on the right is the demon God Z of doujiaer. The non flying bodies, that is, EVA and iron man, stand directly in front of the Research Institute and are mainly responsible for the task of covering the evacuation of personnel in the rear.

In the mid air in front of the bodies, twisted cracks appeared again, and the black light flew out directly from these twisted cracks and fell into the huge pit. In the blink of an eye, it turned into one after another with human faces, which seemed to be a strange product of biology and robot man.

"Mycenaean God? How could this be possible?" Dou Jiaer's stunned voice suddenly sounded: "haven't they all been destroyed!?"

The thick and deep voice suddenly sounded, and the last guy who seemed to give people a sense of oppression among a group of monsters began to change his expression, revealing a look of enjoyment: "I haven't come to the material world for a long time."

In front of the monster, another monster wearing armor, who was also like a creature, sighed on his face: "this is due to Tristan and ISOD's dedication. It can be inferred that they sacrificed their lives to perform the resurrection ceremony."

At the beginning, the monster nodded: "well, then give them a reward."

The monster's voice fell, his huge arms spread out, and black energy gushed out of the monster's body: "I order in the name of Hades, the king of the underworld! The souls of Tristan and ISOD will be reborn together with the new body!"

"Rebirth, you head!" with the bleak roar, huge energy was sprayed directly from the muzzle of the dawn. The surging energy almost distorted the space. The burning air seemed to penetrate the space and rushed directly towards the strange object that gave people a heavy sense of oppression at the end.

The monster has a pair of blood red eyes, five yellow eyes from the middle of the eyebrows to the top of the head, and a pair of devil like sharp corners. It seems to be wearing a cloak, and its body is more like the head of a huge monster.

"I really think you'll advance an inch if I don't speak." Xiao Ran's eyes burst out golden light, and the strongest trick quantum assimilation also started synchronously. GN particles gushed out from the body itself and the four UAVs. The huge wings of light appeared in an instant, directly coloring the blood red sky with a layer of green.

However, with the continuous gushing of GN particles, a pair of light wings turned into countless dragons flying from various parts of the body at dawn, which soon completely swallowed the whole area and shrouded in countless green particles.

"Hmm?" the leading monster was Hades, the God in charge of death among Mycenae gods. When he heard the bleak voice and saw the crystal in front of the incomparably huge light beam, he also frowned slightly. When Hades had not moved.

In front of Hades, a monster with a skeleton face, two sickles on his face and two mechanical faucets on his shoulder directly met the attack launched by dawn. The faucet ejected bright flame. The sickle flew out of his head and directly attacked dawn. His arms stretched forward to create a black barrier.

"It's you, let the people in the material world see your majesty." Heidi smiled coldly when he saw the monster's action. He didn't take care of the dawn attack at all, but did his own thing. As soon as he raised his arms in front of Heidi, something similar to the magic array suddenly appeared and burned a dark blue flame, A figure slowly appeared in the middle of the magic array from scratch.

The monster with two faucets and a skeleton head also hit the attack launched by dawn at this moment. Jie's laughter seemed to ring through the sky at this moment, but the next moment, the flame sprayed by the monster faucet dissipated and the black barrier was broken. The skeleton head was directly hit by the crystal in front of the dawn attack before making any expression, Then the whole body was directly engulfed by the huge beam of blue in the middle of green mixed with red.

"How... But... Can..."

"Whoa... I'm alive again! Thank you, Hades... Man... Ah!"

In the blink of an eye, the skeleton monster was directly destroyed by huge energy, and the huge figure just appeared in the magic array behind the skeleton monster was completely evaporated before it really condensed the entity, leaving only one word. Asura, who revived the Mycenaean gods, stepped into hell again.

Witnessing all this, Heidi's red eyes also stared and looked at the attack released by the dawn with a stunned face: "how is this possible? How can there be such a person in the material world? It's so simple to kill dapura's people, amblio? What's the relationship between you and amblio!"

Facing the closer and closer attack, even though Hades claimed to be a God, he did not dare to underestimate the attack that killed two Mycenae gods one after another. His arms were raised in front of him to create a layer of shield. The next second, the shield and the attack collided together, sputtering countless energy, and the huge crystal turned into fragments and bounced away.

When the attack dissipated, all the people behind Xiao ran opened their mouths and looked at the dawn, which had completely turned red and surged with green particles. Finally, it was shrouded in blue light. Both expression and eyes were quite shocked. At this time, they were in the cockpit of Breaking Dawn, Driving this body has completely become an illusory existence composed entirely of green light particles.

"Who am I?" the bleak voice sounded in the whole sky, and seemed to appear in the ears of every existence: "I am the God butcher who scared amblio to death in fear, and I am also the bane of you monsters who call themselves gods."

The black flame burning Hades shook his hand, and the undamaged body also appeared from the black smoke. The Mycenaean gods around Hades also looked ferociously at the dawn, but their huge bodies also led to the extremely conspicuous expression on their faces, anger, excitement, but also a touch of fear.

"Ambleo is dead?" Hades said in a deep, cold voice, but with a little joy. "Did you kill him?"

"Then it will be you." Xiao Ran's tone was very cold, and there was no feeling at all.

Hades frowned, looked at the threat that brought it, looked at the two demons next to dawn, finally put his eyes on the last three EVA, and suddenly said: "Unexpectedly, in thousands of years, you humans have reached such a level that you are trying to peep into the realm only belonging to God. It seems that you humans can't continue to exist this time."