Chapter 1607

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
There are several A-level pilots such as bassac, kruze, nalo and Graham, as well as liulongma and doujiaer. They don't know what level to use. They say that the outbreak will erupt. They may be able to give full play to the general strength of S-level pilots in minutes. They all take bassac as the head, The powerful attack from all aspects completely shattered the distorted at position in an instant, and countless attacks directly bombarded the thunder angel.

In that instant, the deformed special armor layer of Lei angel was completely broken and cracked, and countless gaps appeared in the blood red core. Finally, it burst with a bang, and a red light appeared from the blood red core, which immediately lit up the whole sky, A huge cross was formed and towered in the Third New Tokyo city. It spread out completely after a long time.

While Ting Shinji was still in a daze, he saw that the powerful thunder angel was quickly destroyed among the cooperation of the people. Before he had time to respond, the voice of liulongma sounded in the cockpit: "Boy, don't forget what I taught you. Focus, enter the state of battle, be calm and warm-blooded. What are you waiting for now? Why are you stunned? Your partners are still waiting for your help! Go, boy, show your achievements after learning!"

Shinji nodded a little blankly, turned his head slightly and looked at the No. 2 machine fighting with another apostle. Although the No. 2 machine pressed the Apostle as soon as it came out, the Apostle like a support pendulum could spread countless slender things like whips. It was only in such a short time that the No. 2 machine could only dodge back and forth 。

He took a deep breath, and the Chunchun teaching in liulongma's ear just before liulongma and others appeared in his mind. His eyes were suddenly full of firmness, and he wanted to learn the blood of liulongma and shouted, "Ling, let's go. This time I don't want the help of others. I want us to rely on our own strength to end the apostle."

As soon as he spoke, Kenji Shinji didn't even wait for Aya Polly's reply. Ah, he shouted. He controlled EVA to grasp the dagger and rushed to machine 2 and the apostles in the other direction.

When the first plane ran far away, Aya Polly nodded and answered gently. She also drove her own body to keep up with the first plane.

Liulongma nodded with satisfaction, said a word to the people, and flew away quickly with zhengaita: "the rest of the battle is up to you. It's rare for that boy to have such a hot blood, but I still have to watch it."

After seeing liulongma and two EVA leave, Graham thought for a moment and said, "I'll go too. Although it's a kind of exercise, it's best to avoid any accidents."

The breaking of the first apostle made xinjiong, who had just laughed wildly for a long time, seem to be strangled. The laughter was gone, and everyone felt heavy pressure in the face of the attack of the Federation and the victory fleet, but it also completely aroused their blood, completely put their lives aside, and the intensity of the attack became more terrible 。

Even if the wounded is replaced with dead, completely give up the choice of hard resistance and unavoidable attack. In order to find the best attack opportunity, the dead is replaced with wounded. Even if their own body is exploded, they have to hit the enemy when they are attacked. The dead is replaced with dead. Even if the body is completely damaged, even if the pilot himself is not injured, he does not hesitate to rush into the enemy array and directly pull off the self explosion Pull the bolt.

Suddenly, the Union army was subdued by the fierce fighting method of the jiweng army, and suffered a great loss. Even those members of the victory fleet were shocked by the brave fighting method of the jiweng army. Inadvertently, some people were attacked several times in a row and had to choose to suspend the offensive and withdraw from the battlefield.

AMRO could not help roaring because of the way the Jiong army did. Of course, he could see that the Jiong army fought so hard to drag them down and tear a channel from their defense line to give the remaining apostles final help. It was clear that everyone was human, but the new Jiong soldiers who were also human wanted to help the monster destroy the earth.

"Bastards! Do you bastards know what you're doing? Once the apostles get close to the core of the Third New Tokyo City, the earth will be directly destroyed! Aren't you human, and there's no one on the earth that you can care about and love!"

"Whether it is the Federation, whether it is xinjiong, whether we are on the earth or in the universe, we are all human beings, human beings born on the earth and growing up on the earth! I want to end all this, and I want to end the endless battle between Jiong and the Federation!"

"AMRO..." Kira heard AMRO's sobbing roar and sighed gently. As soon as she looked up, her eyes immediately turned into a dazed look, and something seemed to explode in her eyes. When the new freedom Gordon rushed into the sky, countless drops of sound also sounded in the cockpit.

At the next moment, countless bright lights will fall from the sky, like spraying countless streams of water. From the middle of the battlefield, they will bloom on all sides and fall on the head, arms, feet or any other place that can make the body lose combat ability without harming the pilot.

Seeing this scene, AMRO seemed to be reminded that GAODA, the manatee he was driving, radiated green light, pulled out a light beam saber with both hands and rushed to the ground. The flying GN dragon cavalry also flew out and surrounded the body at the same time, turning into a flying dragon that can devour everything, bringing a series of damage all the way.


Aslan also drove his new justice from the sky, hovering one or two meters away from the ground in front of countless new Jiong troops who lost their combat power. The muzzle of the gun was slightly raised, but it was not aimed at any target. It just threatened and warned the federal forces not to continue to attack those enemies who had no ability to fight back.

Aslan did so, which also brought a surge of waves in the victory fleet. One pilot gave up his battle and began to fall next to Aslan's body. Many people united and regarded themselves as a line that can separate the Federation and xinjiong into two sides, preventing xinjiong and the Federation from killing each other.