Chapter 1597

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
"Great evil?"

There was a puzzled expression on their faces. Miss Huang and lacs looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time, indicating that they didn't understand what Xiao ran said.

The people who accompanied the captains to the Burning Legion, such as chief mate Zhentian, xinjianxun, Tianhe Mingren, Yutong bairixiang, Kira, Aslan, Richard, tieria, and AMRO, were also confused, but attached great importance to and surprised.

Xiao ran saw everyone like this and knew in his heart that the people present might not know the so-called great evil. Even if some people present should have heard the word great evil, their understanding of the word was not as he imagined.

With a deep thought, Xiao ran said: "it seems that everyone is not clear about the great evil, and I heard the word great evil from the dancers of the broken LAN wanzhang and the whirlwind temple. They feel that there is a pure malice behind the scenes of the world controlling the world. To be precise, it may be controlling the three worlds."

"Originally, I didn't take this to heart, but after amblio was solved, I had another feeling, that is, the great evil may really exist, a very abrupt feeling. Simply put, amblio is too weak. It's not that I despise him, but that he is not enough to really direct everything."

When Xiao Ran's voice fell, the people in the conference room showed some strange expressions more or less. The expression on their faces was strange, and the look in Xiao Ran's eyes was also strange. It was true that Xiao ran was the only one who was qualified to say such words. A person killed so many anbulio and scared anbulio to death, None of them can do such a feat.

Although the people present may have different ideas, at least they can't make any Refutation in front of Xiao ran. After all, ambleo is really just a weak chicken for Xiao ran.

Lacs thought for a while and suddenly said, "if amblio is not the real behind the scenes, that means there is a stronger and unknown enemy waiting for us, don't you think so."

"That's right." Xiao ran nodded and said, "and he is still a guy who decides to destroy the three worlds together. At least one point can slightly increase the credibility of my words, that is, so many people in our three worlds will collide together because of various coincidences and form a victory fleet."

"Maybe it's fate, but such a coincidence happened incredibly, but it also seemed that everything had been arranged. If it was caused by the real behind the scenes, either we were just the war chess pieces in the hands of the behind the scenes, his recreational tools, or that guy was a good man who gathered strength for the three worlds. In short I don't think it's the latter. Otherwise, why doesn't amblio appear before us after solving the culprit? "

People look at me and I look at you. Although they all think Xiao Ran's words are far fetched, they have to admit that these words are indeed somewhat reasonable, but now no one can determine whether what Xiao ran said is true, that is, whether great evil really exists, so they actually don't have many ways to do anything in advance, The only thing we can do is to continue to improve their strength as much as possible.

Okinata 13 picked up his pipe and put it in his mouth. He also said: "Whether this is true or false, we must pay attention to it, but if there is this behind the scenes, as long as his purpose is to destroy three earths, I believe we will meet one day, but now we have more important things to do. After all, our task has not been completed. There are still too many to save the new Zhengli world and help the universe century world Things are waiting for us. "

The crowd nodded, "HMM."

Lux also said at this time, "in that case, Lord Xiao ran, if you think ambleo will be involved in great evil, I will tell you everything I know."

"Once, in order to fight ambrio, to make mankind have a better existence than those who can use Norma in the United Nations, and to stand on the side of mankind, the first adjuster appeared. The excellent ability of the adjuster made the original adjusters, that is, the members of the war of freedom, see more hope, so the group of adjusters Under various guidance, it began to expand rapidly and established plant. "

"Ambouli created the UN people, the ancestor of human beings, with God's ability, but we can rely on technology to create a powerful force on the human side. So are the adjusters, the former Mecca biochemical people, and the innovators. Except for the adjusters and heaven and man, all other preparations failed with Ambouli's intervention 。”

"Then perhaps I felt that the existence of adjusters threatened the original United Nations, so blue Persian chrysanthemum also appeared on the earth, and the logo behind blue Persian chrysanthemum firmly opposed plant and launched a war. As for the situation after the war, Xiao ran, adults should know best."

"I know about this roughly." Xiao ran nodded and said, "what about more things about amblyou, more distant things before history?"

Lachs shook her head and said: "It's not clear. There are no more materials to describe more things about amblyou, but one thing is that villkiss was once an organism robbed from amblyou. After the improvement of our ancestors, it has become what it is now. This is a special organism that transcends the times. In fact, the vast majority of MS in the Western calendar world is just because of villkiss It can be said that it was an imitation of villkiss. Until later, it gradually became another system, a new system completely dominated by science and technology. On the contrary, it now looks like the organism of the universe century and the organism of the new Zhengli world has become the product of one system. "

"And, Lord Xiao ran, don't you think the assault on freedom driven by Kira, once as high as freedom, is very similar to villkiss?"

Xiao ran paused for a moment. Kira and Aslan were also slightly stunned when they heard lacs's words. They heard lacs continue to say: "in fact, these two bodies are really imitated villkiss and exist as the strongest weapon in our regulator's hands, so they look so similar even in color."