Chapter 1467

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
It was also interesting to see the sudden emergence of blue heresy and gold heresy, as well as the gray ship obviously transformed from a general transport ship.

Obviously, after transformation, the blue heresy with strengthened armor thickness, equipped with all weapon iwsp equipment, armed the body up and down into a firepower fort with high mobility. Medium missile launchers are mounted on the arms and legs, with a shield in the left hand. There are two beam live green machine guns on the shield, and a beam cannon is in the middle of the shield.

Holding a double barreled weapon in the right hand and a combined weapon with a beam rifle and a beam gun, two cannon doors are stretched out on the shoulders. With two backpack attached shields and the laser green under the shield, it has become a king of destruction dedicated to killing.

The other golden heresy was originally the body used by Mina Lund. After more than three times of transformation, it was given the code of "heaven". Although it was the body two years ago, it is also a good body today in terms of its various properties and special abilities, I just don't know who is driving this body.

As for the last transformed warship, the blue lightning badge painted on the outside of the ship shows that the ship belongs to the carrier ship of the tail of the giant snake. It seems that the whole tail of the giant snake sent out for reinforcements.

Originally, Xiao ran guessed whether the help that Mina said would be the mercenary regiment of the tail of the giant snake. After all, Xiao ran was not sure whether the tail of the giant snake really existed in the world at the beginning. Unexpectedly, it was really this team with good combat ability. Speaking, Mina has always maintained a good relationship with the tail of the giant snake.

But if the tail of the giant snake exists, maybe another team may also exist, but it is not very useful in combat. It is only useful for technical logistics and recycling troops, and this team is the recycling house where Luo was originally located.

Now that Luo has appeared in this world, there are also Congyun impeachment. There is no reason why there is no world in the mountain blowing tree, but if it does appear in the mountain blowing tree, it is better for Luo to deal with this painful thing by himself.

Originally, a new communication window suddenly appeared on the communication screen with only two frames on the three ships of the Burning Legion, Ptolemy and Danu's son. A strong sweat with a beard appeared on the screen. With a serious face, he said, "we are the tail of the mercenary giant snake. We accepted AUB's entrustment and sent you reinforcements."

The two people on the screen looked at the chat window on Xiao Ran's side at the same time. After seeing Xiao ran nodding, Miss Huang replied: "thank you for your support. Please join our ship."

As soon as Miss Huang finished speaking, the strong man shook his head: "this ship is not suitable to join the next battle, so I'll leave."

After launching several Yang electron artillery to destroy the carrier ships of many Martian successor bodies, and cooperating with the blue heresy and the gold heresy, the two bodies rushed into the enemy array, they turned around and fled quickly. They were so decisive that Xiao ran couldn't help blinking when he saw this scene.

The blue heresy and the golden heresy who have joined the battle seem to care nothing about the carrier ship that transported them to flee the battlefield. Even the bodies of six or seven Mars successors behind the warship don't see the same. They continue their battle regardless, trying to break through the enemy's siege and merge with the body in the middle.

But before long, a series of small explosions occurred one after another in the bodies of the giant snake tail carrier ship. One body exploded at least ten times. In an instant, countless flames came out and completely shrouded the bodies.

Look carefully, it turns out that when the giant snake tail carrier ship fled, countless small bombs were released along the way, which looked like small balls. When those bodies flew by, they were adsorbed on those bodies like remote control. Countless small bombs directly ignored the body shield and swallowed those bodies.

The emergence and escape of this ship, including the dazzling cosmic tail flick, come and go with destruction from beginning to end. It is clearly not a special combat ship, or a thing transformed from a brittle transport ship.

However, this appearance destroyed the bodies of many Martian successors. Whether it was a sneak attack or playing Yin moves, it also set a record that was even more outrageous than the MS present in just a minute or two. Many people were stunned. It seemed that the ship had the stimulation of running in B.

However, when the combat power of other Mars successors reacts, the ship has run far and can't catch up. We can only give up the warship that runs with B and put all our anger on the team that is still fighting.

"What an interesting team." Xiao ran smiled dumbly when he saw the action of the warship, but he never thought that ten minutes later, the warship ran back, fired several guns, destroyed several bodies, turned and ran again, and sprinkled countless small bombs all the way until the ship shadow completely disappeared in the picture broadcast on the battlefield.

This move made malau sitting beside Xiao ran shake his head and smile: "this is really a special mercenary war method, but the ship really attracted a lot of attention and disrupted the enemy's combat deployment twice in a row."

Xiao ran also smiled and said: "In fact, the ship really doesn't have the ability to fight with this number of enemies. Leaving is also the most appropriate choice. Look at the current situation, Tianzhao's defense forces have begun to be fully pressed, and we should almost take action. Otherwise, once Fuzi starts to take action, it may be completely surrounded by Martian successors."

"Even if you are not ready to join the battle, you must do the necessary precautions."

"HMM." Maliu smiled and turned to look at the front of the bridge, showing a serious expression: "the Burning Legion is ready to sail, the space jumping device is ready, the energy output power is increased, and the propeller is started."

"The energy output power is increased, the anti gravity system power is increased, the propeller is started, the shield is turned on, all self inspections of the ship have been completed, no special circumstances have been found, the space jumping device is slowly charging, and the jumping place has been locked."

"The Burning Legion took off, gradually accelerated and slowly separated from the atmosphere. Take my order to make a space jump and start."