Chapter 1433

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Suddenly, he looked at Tessa in a yellow skirt uniform in front of him. The familiar appearance made Xiao ran feel that Tessa in front of him and Tessa in his memory slowly overlapped together, which immediately made his spirit a little trance.

But just for a moment, Xiao ran returned to normal and looked at Tessa with a smile. Of course, there were Xingye Liuli and Miss Huang who came with Tessa. Behind Tessa was Andrew segovich kalilin, the operational commander of the Danu's son.

Standing up from the sitting place, Xiao ran also walked to Tessa with a kind smile. Until both sides stopped, Xiao ran said: "You must be captain Tessa of the Danu's son. I already know about you. I didn't expect Leonard to have a beautiful and capable sister like you. You are also welcome to our world here."

Xiao Ran's performance was very kind and warm, but Tessa was very polite. She first looked at Leonard sitting completely motionless with complex eyes, and then looked at Xiao ran and said: "It's a great honor to meet you, Mr. Xiao ran. I'm the captain of the Mithril Danu's son, Teresa tastarosa. Thank Mr. Xiao ran for coming thousands of miles for our business."

"Please sit down." Xiao ran smiled at Tessa, also looked at Xingye Liuli and nodded at her. After they all sat down, kalilin stood behind Tessa. Xiao ran also said, "I heard that Captain Tessa seems to have some misunderstanding with the Fuzi army because of Renard, right?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao ran, it's not a misunderstanding." Tessa shook her head after Xiao ran spoke and said seriously: "in my world, Leonard is indeed my brother. Yes, but he is also a senior cadre of an evil organization in my world and a wanted criminal pursued by our secret bank all the time."

"Although I don't know what this person is doing in this world and under your hand, Mr. Xiao ran, this person is a criminal, a villain who provoked a war and controlled the world behind the scenes, controlled an organization called amalgam and committed countless heinous things."

Xiao ran nodded gently, put on a serious expression and said, "I believe what captain Tessa said..."

As soon as Xiao Ran's words came out, not only Xingye Liuli and Miss Huang, but also Tessa and kalilin showed a surprised expression. It seemed that Xiao ran didn't give Renard an explanation at all, but agreed with Tessa's words.

But before a few people could react, Xiao ran continued: "then captain Tessa wants me to hand Renard over to you? Or give him some punishment?"

"No... that's not what I mean..." Tessa shook her head quickly, and her face became slightly flustered.

Before they came to the Fuzi, Tessa, kalilin and the first mate madgas of Danu's son had discussed how to face the problem about Renard. They all knew that Renard was an obstacle between them and the Fuzi force. How to deal with this problem also gave them a headache.

However, it is not appropriate to deal with Renard or let the Fuzi army hand Renard over to them. When the Danu son first came to the world, it really needs an ally who can believe and help them. Therefore, they prefer to convince the Fuzi army to be careful of Renard. It is best to restrict Renard's action to a certain extent Well, we can also have members of the Danu son.

But unexpectedly, Xiao ran believed what Tessa said without even thinking about it, and asked Tessa how to deal with Renard, leaving the choice to Tessa and them. If this problem was not handled well, Tessa was also worried that the initial trust and relationship established between the two sides would be affected, which would directly affect their actions and security in the world.

Therefore, Tessa showed a flustered expression in Xiao Ran's unconventional routine. After all, she was only a 16-year-old girl. Although she had good combat skills, she could not be Xiao Ran's opponent in such a conversation in the face of a person who knew her character like the back of her hand.

"Captain Tessa didn't think about it either." Xiao ran smiled and said again when he saw Tessa's slightly flustered appearance: "then you might as well listen to my opinion before Captain Tessa decides?"

"Just like you don't know what Renard is like in my world, and I don't know what Renard is like in your world, but in my world, although Renard is not a kind person, he is not a bad person. He hasn't done anything to hurt others' lives or endanger others' safety in this world, but he is a very serious and careful person Technicians have provided me with a lot of help. "

"Captain Tessa, I fully believe what you said, but after all, he didn't make mistakes in my world. For this world, he is only an important part of AUB and my important teammate. If I want to punish him because of something that didn't happen in this world, I don't know if Captain Tessa would think it's inappropriate?"

"Maybe after Leonard came to this world, different environments also made him want to change. Would it be too cruel for a new world, a person who wants to change himself to the light, to veto completely before he has made any mistakes in this world?"

"According to my personal understanding of Renard, he is indeed the kind of person who does not break the means to achieve the goal, but he is not without the bottom line and consciousness. At least now he is also contributing his strength to the peace of the world and doing what he can for the caretaker troops."

"Of course, Captain Tessa, I'm also aware of your concerns. It's true that it's not reassuring for a bad man with such a criminal record to be around, but I maintain absolute trust in him. If Leonard has done anything unforgivable because of my trust one day, I will be responsible to the end."

"As for the Fuzi force, it is indeed an official force that is acting to investigate the source of unrest in the world. It also needs more people with common aspirations to stand with them. Therefore, I don't want any misunderstanding between the dannu son and the Fuzi force, but I hope everyone can eliminate the estrangement and help each other as much as possible."

"As for Renard, from today on, I will temporarily follow you. I can be regarded as Renard's guarantor and control all his actions. What do you think?"