Chapter 1426

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Seeing the attitude of Tessa and others, Xingye Liuli guessed that there may be great differences between the two sides in the information about Leonard, and the other side's alert appearance is clear, that is, the appearance of Leonard has led to the distrust of the other side, which will also affect the coordinated action of the two sides.

So after thinking about it, Xingye Liuli said, "I understand that Mr. Renard is a technician of a country called AUB in our world, and a member of the special action force led by an adult with a special identity in our world. For that country and that adult, he is a person worthy of our full trust."

"Because of some troubles in the world, we asked the adult for instructions a few days ago and specially recruited Mr. Renard to our ship as technical guidance. According to our contact for several days, Mr. Renard did not show any threat to us."

"And that adult is a hero who has saved the world from war many times. The team directly under him is also an elite and trump card in all aspects, so I can't understand what you mean by the threat."

The people behind Tessa heard Xingye Liuli's words and looked at each other. They didn't know what to say. If Leonard hadn't admitted his identity and broke all their names, these people might feel that they had recognized the wrong person. Leonard in this world is just another Leonard in a pluralistic parallel world.

Tessa showed a thoughtful expression, but soon shook her head and said, "Leonard I know is a world-class terrorist. Although I don't want to admit that we are twins, this is the fact. In my world, Leonard holds an organization called amalgam."

"The strength of this organization is very powerful, infiltrates all aspects of the world, and controls the public opinion, peace and even war in our world. They can influence the movements of various forces in the world and do not discount means for their purposes. My secret bank was originally an independent armed organization established to maintain the stability of the world situation, which can also be regarded as a close servant It can be said that the biggest enemy of the Corps like organization is the amalgam controlled by Renard. "

"This man is definitely not as friendly as you see. Although I don't know how he came to this world, he definitely has his own purpose."

Xingye Liuli looked at Tessa and could see that what Tessa said was not at all false, which made Xingye Liuli confused. After a moment of silence, Xingye Liuli said: "In this regard, I will contact the adult to confirm the real situation of Renard. However, before that, as the helper supported by the adult, we will also maintain absolute trust in Mr. Renard based on our trust in the adult."

"For this reason, we will not use captain Tessa's unilateral words to absolutely our attitude towards Mr. Renard in the next period of time. Therefore, in the next period of time, we hope captain Tessa can control his subordinates and don't happen anything like that just now."

Tessa nodded: "I see. In addition, I have another request, which may make captain Liuli difficult for you, but please ask captain Liuli to arrange a separate meeting between me and Renard."

"There's no problem with this." Liuli nodded, slightly opened his body, raised his right hand and falsely cited: "then next, I'll give you the information you need. Miss Huang, the commander of another warship Ptolemy, has arrived before you. The next conversation will be held in the conference room. Please."

In the conference room, Xingye Liuli and Miss Huang introduced to qianniao and Tessa in detail the current information about the world, the situation of the world, the forces of the country, the problems encountered at present, and the war that had happened, etc. with the help of the demonstration in the Fuzi's own database, they explained them in detail.

Although it is a very detailed introduction, compared with the complex situation of the world, an hour or so of introduction can not completely explain all the problems, but Xingye Liuli also sent more information directly to the son of dannu, so that Tessa can read it after returning to the son of dannu.

Tessa also spent almost half an hour introducing the situation of their world, but she couldn't explain it in more detail because she was on the Fuzi number.

After the information exchange, Tessa and qianniao also confirmed that they had come to another world, rather than breaking into any unknown mysterious area in their own world. At the same time, they also knew that in addition to them, there were people from another world who came to this world.

At the same time, Xingye Liuli also formally invited Tessa to cooperate in the future. After thinking for some time, Tessa nodded: "I know. I will accept captain Liuli's proposal and act with you in the future until I find a way to return to my own world."

Qianniao looked at Liuli with worry and asked Tessa, "it doesn't matter. After all, that man is also in this fleet?"

Tessa shook her head and said, "although I really want to make a decision after obtaining more information, Captain Liuli and Miss Huang should be trustworthy people, and the current situation can only allow me to make such a choice, not to mention that the secret silver is a mercenary organization, so it is also possible to accept employment."

With that, Tessa also looked at Xingye Liuli and said, "I agree to cooperate with you later, but only in exchange for the situation that Mithril accepts the employment of Fuzi troops, you need to be responsible for our supplies and ensure information and security."

Xingye Liuli nodded: "yes, then we will handle the employment procedures here. In addition, although we have explained the current situation as much as possible, I also recognize your concerns about Mr. Renard. If there is any unexpected situation and something you can't accept, please exercise the right to refuse. You don't need to be polite to us in this regard."

Tessa smiled, "thank you."

When qianniao heard Xingye Liuli's words, she whispered in Tessa's ear, "it seems that she is really a trustworthy person to be able to say such words readily."

After Tessa left the Fuzi with her people, Xingye Liuli and Miss Huang stood together. Miss Huang rubbed her head with some headache and said, "it seems that the other party still has deep concerns about us. If this problem is not solved, the son of dannu may not be completely sincere to act with us."

Liuli nodded: "so in order to avoid the other party raising other thoughts and ideas, and avoid making the other party feel that we are enemies rather than partners, and make new movements in this world, we need to really resolve our direct estrangement. In this way, it may be necessary for the adult to come and explain in person."