Chapter 1411

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
As he spoke, Al elf also showed you the photos taken during the investigation these days. These photos include monsters like dragons, bodies that can become small human machines like motorboats, and pictures of dragons fighting with such bodies.

At the same time, there are photos of several national leaders. These photos add up to as many as two or three hundred. Xiao ran looked at them one by one. Finally, he saw a young woman with blond hair and gorgeous clothes, but he didn't waste more time on the girl's photos.

Instead, he raised his head and asked, "is there any special situation in the investigation over there this time?"

ALF shook his head. "No, nothing special happened."

"HMM." Xiao ran nodded, handed the photos in his hand to the next person, picked up other photos and looked through them. These photos are no longer about the world using mana, but about the whirlwind Temple consortium. The photos in the front are all about the important personnel of the whirlwind Temple consortium, but then they completely changed, All of them have become some seemingly identical but completely different robots.

After a few glances, Xiao ran put the photos aside, while al elf said to everyone: "in the process of investigating the whirlwind Temple consortium, I found that the consortium has quite good industrial strength, material technology, and developed a robot series called brave and urgent."

"In terms of combat capability alone, the combat power of a single brave and urgent robot is not too high, but the hands of this consortium hold a technology that even we all need very much, advanced intelligent AI. This AI has very high intelligence, the degree of intelligence is equivalent to that of human beings, and also has feelings that ordinary AI does not have. This AI is called super AI by them."

"Under the action of super AI, all brave and urgent people have the ability to analyze the battlefield environment and use tactics. They can be regarded as a human class. This technology is exactly what we need."

"Super AI?" Leonard pondered, turned to Xiao ran and said, "I want to follow up this matter."

"Yes." Xiao ran nodded and agreed with Renard's idea of further follow-up. As for how to follow up, Xiao ran was not ready to arrange anything, but Xiao ran also reminded: "But pay attention to the means. It's best to follow up in a gentle and kind way. Maybe the other party will become a member of our forces in the future. Elf, you are responsible for assisting Renard."

"I understand."

"I see."

They nodded at the same time, and ELF said: "Finally, Congyun general manager and Ruyue qiansui were confirmed by investigation. On the same day we arrived in the world, they appeared on the coastline of nubel Tokyo. Finally, they were taken home by an old man called Shengong sichen Jin and have always lived in the old man's home. It is worth mentioning that the old man was once an employee of the heavy industry enterprise under the whirlwind Temple consortium."

"When I found them, the old man was fishing at the beach. It should be a coincidence. However, because I didn't get further orders, I didn't contact General Secretary Congyun and Ruyue qiansui. After I found them, I was also looking for the location of van grey, but it seems that even these two people don't know where the body is."

"The location of the body can't be determined." Xiao ran shook his head and smiled and said, "but since it's inappropriate not to contact them, Leonard, when you go to nubel Tokyo, you'd better contact each other. The key is to find the van grey as soon as possible. That machine is definitely not an ordinary body."

Leonard nodded, "OK."

Xiao ran looked at al elf again: "just now you said that besides you, there are other forces investigating the whirlwind Temple consortium, aren't you?"

"Yes, but it's just a group of ordinary people who don't show much special ability. It seems that they should be people in the world." El elf nodded and said: "these people have shown deep hostility to the whirlwind Temple consortium. They have been paying attention to the movements of the whirlwind Temple Consortium and also monitoring the whirlwind Temple dance, the leader of the consortium. Do you need to catch up?"

Xiao ran touched his chin: "find out where these people come from and dig out their behind the scenes."

"I know, but at present, the situation in nubel Tokyo is more complex and has been infiltrated by many organizations. According to my investigation, these people seem to be planning something."

Xiao ran turned to jigus and said, "well, jigus, you go to nubel Tokyo with Renard and Elph, take the body and ensure the safety of the two members of the whirlwind Temple consortium and the Yamato."

Jigus nodded and Xiao ran continued: "In short, you had only three purposes this time. First, to get all the information about super AI. Renard mainly depends on you. Second, to investigate who is monitoring the whirlwind Temple consortium. Al elf, you are responsible for this. Third, to protect the whirlwind Temple consortium and Congyun general department, such as the safety of the moon millennium. Jigus, you are responsible."

Renard raised his hand and said, "I need AUB's letter of introduction. It would be better if there were dawn society. I want to enter the whirlwind Temple consortium in a normal way."

"Before you leave, these things will be given to you." Xiao ran nodded and looked at the people present: "that's it first. As for other things that need to be investigated..."

Before Xiao ran finished, kruze interrupted what Xiao ran said: "don't you think al elf needs to do too much work now? Although I'm not a professional intelligence officer, I also have the skills that intelligence officers should have. It's better to leave the matter of nubel Tokyo to me and let al elf investigate other things."

Xiao ran looked at kluzer, and then looked at al elf. After the latter nodded, Xiao ran also nodded: "then according to what you said, nubel Tokyo will be handed over to you. In addition, Moses and Billy have nothing else to do except to be on duty on the Burning Legion. Kluzer takes Moses, Al elf takes Billy, that's the arrangement."

The crowd nodded and dispatched all the personnel. Now Xiao ran had only Marius, Hu, Shirley Lu, Bobby and bassac on hand.