Chapter 1315

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Xiao ran inexplicably watched the native species come and go in a hurry. Xiao ran agreed very decisively about the game request put forward by alofimi. Originally, Xiao ran thought it was what kind of combat game or what kind of difficult game to prepare. Who knows that the game item that alofimi actually said would be this, which made axelyn return to normal, Let alofimi feel the existence of feelings.

This kind of game that does not need to fight and prepare will not increase the burden on the earth defense force. It is absolutely a game that can win. Xiao ran directly agreed without thinking. Xiao ran never doubted that the steel dragon team can bring axelyn back. Isn't it that he is excluded from the game and can't participate in the game, Xiao ran didn't plan to help the steel dragon team. Now it's more suitable for Xiao ran to hone the ability of the steel dragon team.

Xiao ran feels that alofimi's proposal of this game is too in line with his mind. It's just looking for a step to deliberately send it to the door. Xiao Ran has no reason not to promise you. Although this game represents the game between humans and native species, it is also the gambling fight between the gambler with the aura of the protagonist in the South and alofimi, Who can win, Xiao ran won't doubt at all.

In short, alufimi is also satisfied to leave. She doesn't care about the win or loss of the game. It doesn't matter in alufimi's opinion. The important thing is that she thinks such a game seems very interesting and can let her get what she needs in the game.

This has the final say that the purpose of the satellite integration is to exclude the guy who is not strong enough to be human and has the ability to communicate with others and to destroy the game's balance and fun. So the goal of aropi rice has been fully achieved. As for the next game, how to carry out the game is not the case of Xiao Long, nor is the steel dragon team has the final say. But she has the final say.

After the original species left, Xiao ran returned to the Burning Legion and went directly to the bridge. When malau saw Xiao ran, he smiled and asked strangely, "I see that they came for you. I know that this battle may not start, but why did they leave without doing anything?"

The dialogue between Xiao ran and alufimi was not through communication, but through direct spiritual communication. Therefore, Maliu didn't know what they talked about. Instead, he was very curious about what Xiao ran said to alufimi.

"A game." Xiao ran smiled at Maliu and said, "a game that I can't participate in and exclude me from playing with the steel dragon team."

Under the curious eyes of malau, Xiao ran told malau all the Games put forward by alufimi. After hearing what Xiao ran said, malau shook his head and smiled helplessly, and said to Xiao ran: "You promised so decisively. You must think that the steel dragon team and Nanbu Xiangjie can awaken the girl named axelyn. Can it be said that the native species will no longer pose a threat to the earth in the future?"

"It should be so." Xiao ran shrugged his shoulders and said to Maliu with a laugh: "I really didn't expect that alufimi would put forward such a game that we must win. If we can win the game as alufimi said, we can stop the native species from taking any action on the earth and give timely help when the earth is in danger, which is really a very good thing for the earth 。”

"Another threat is about to be solved, and now the threat is left to the demon machine man, but I don't know if there will be other enemies." Maliu shook his head and said: "If we don't bring so many troops to the world, it's really not easy to complete this task. There are so many problems to be solved in such a short time, such as void Messenger, zowalker, rebel army, native species, demon machine man, shadow mirror and lone wolf. There may be more threats in the rest of the time. I just hope not in the rest of the time There's no more big trouble. "

"I think so too, but this earth is a source of chaos, a place of cause and effect entanglement. Even if I don't want any trouble, I guess it's very difficult." Xiao ran shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, and also wanted to say in his heart: "There should also be Shura people, burst and dark brain, but I don't know whether they will come to the earth. The seal gate is still in the South Pole. There are no problems like the original plot, but if it does happen, Shura people are the best to deal with, burst is the most difficult to deal with, and dark brain is OK."

Shaking his head, Xiao ran said to Maliu again: "don't worry about these now. At present, the only unresolved threats are the demon machine man and balar. As long as you can solve this threat, the rest should be OK. Contact the captain of the steel dragon team. I want to have a separate video communication with him."

Malau nodded and ordered the bridge staff to start immediately. First, he sent a letter to the iron and steel number and told big iron Xiao ran to contact him alone. After receiving this information, big iron left the bridge and went to the captain's room. After entering the captain's room, he opened the communication and began to wait for Xiao Ran's access.

In the bridge of the Burning Legion, the CIC reported loudly when the big iron entered the communication: "the captain of the big iron of iron and steel has been online."

"Connect." Maliu nodded to CIC. Big iron appeared on the big screen in the bridge. Big iron first saluted Xiao ran across the screen, and then said, "commander, do you have any new task arrangement."

Xiao ran shook his head: "no, the task of the steel dragon team is to continue to track down balar, the paradise of the demon machine man. There is another thing to contact you."

Tell the things to Maliu to Datie again. After hearing Xiao Ran's words, Datie was obviously stunned. He felt a little confused in his heart, but in some ways, he also felt that the pressure on the steel dragon team became greater.

"That's the way it is, so I won't be able to provide any direct reinforcement and help to the steel dragon team in the next time, but if you need it, I will also arrange other troops to provide support for you." Xiao ran looked at the big iron on the screen and said: "The pressure you have to face will also become greater, and the native species will pay all their attention to you. For them, this is only a game, but for us, it is about the future of the earth, so we must do everything we can to restore axelyn."