Chapter 1232

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
(yesterday, I had a bad time pulling my stomach, and everyone was dizzy. Hahaha, I haven't had any problems today. I feel refreshed after taking a rest for a while, but I'm still drunk. I have to say sorry here.)

When Xiao ran appeared on the Burning Legion, the grand show in the presidential palace was over, and all the guests who left the presidential palace lived in the satellite integration. I'm afraid there is no safer place for them than satellite integration in this sensitive period.

Frey directly transferred the whole fortress from the moon and suddenly appeared next to the satellite integration. A huge ship looked gorgeous and looked like an art. Then one body flew out of the huge ship. Knight aircraft, forbidden aircraft and ordinary bodies soon filled the defense forces, This has raised the satellite integrated defense force to another level.

When Frey's huge spaceship appeared near the satellite integration, it also caused a small disturbance, but fortunately, all the ships were notified in advance, and Kane directly entered the Frey spaceship for general command, and the small disturbance was soon calmed down.

The Burning Legion, originally the flagship, was worried because of another task. Many elite personnel began to leave the satellite integration slowly. As the support force of the FRI side, isalda was also the only fri who boarded the Burning Legion except shanamia.

A fleet with unknown origin appeared near the earth. Although Xiao ran knew that the fleet should be the monitoring army, he couldn't say it clearly. What's more, such a fleet inexplicably appeared near the earth, and the situation of the earth at this time was somewhat complex. How could he choose to ignore it after knowing about the fleet.

Although we can't send too many forces, it's enough to send only the Burning Legion. Xiao Ran's real purpose is not to use a warship to fight the fleet. Although he is not afraid to fight, he still has to show his strength to the fleet in person. As a warning or exchange, It's impossible to let the other party run near the earth circle so easily.

On the Burning Legion at this time, in addition to Xiaoran and isalda, Graham, jigus, liumu Yehe, Luo, bassac, nalo, elf, Billy and Moses can be said to arrive in full. In addition to the super humanoid buff, Shirley Lu, Aslan, Kira and AUB's ace, Barry, Stella, oru and sting, plus the available unmanned combat aircraft, The deformable fighter and MS formation of the Burning Legion are actually very powerful in terms of comprehensive combat effectiveness alone. It is not a problem to kill the current steel dragon team. In this way, it does have the strength to fight a fleet of the monitoring army.

After determining the goal of this mission, everyone boarded the airframe and began the final pre war inspection of their airframe. The airframe Xiao ran was driving was also the dark sky. In a few months, the new airframe had not been manufactured. It was naturally simple in design, but once the construction was really started, there were also many problems, It will take at least some time to complete this machine.

However, it is not a difficult problem to add t-link to the body and replace it with a weapon. Although the new body can not be manufactured, Luo has also made some additions and modifications to the dark sky.

Shanamia was also embarrassed after seeing Shirley Lu. After all, before today's wedding, shanamia already knew the relationship between Shirley Lu and Xiao ran. Especially after today's wedding, seeing Shirley Lu is like a little three seeing his wife. The atmosphere is somewhat subtle.

However, Shirley shows that she is not unreasonable. Although she is a little angry and Xiaoran in her heart, she has been looking down on it for so long after determining the marriage. After all, there are Maliu and Youyi around Xiaoran. Now she is just one more shanamia who can't work with Xiaoran. Shirley Lu also chooses to accept it.

As the Queen's temperament, Shirley Lu smiled magnanimously after seeing shanamia. She didn't have too much entanglement between Xiao ran and shanamia at all, but admitted it magnanimously.

It didn't take long for the Burning Legion to enter the jump channel. Because it was close to the earth, it didn't take much time to fly out of the jump channel, and everyone of the Burning Legion changed into their own combat clothes and ejected from the Burning Legion at the first time after flying out of the jump channel.

Elf, Moses and Billy are driving a guardian fighter formation. Usually they are not real combat forces, but just as a force to focus on protecting Shirley Lu and the galaxy singer. Originally, they were driving a deformable fighter, but after they got the Gaeta and created their own Gaeta like guardian, The three changed into this new fighter that can be transformed into MS in fighter form and combined at the same time.

Although personal combat power is not strong, it is enough to use only the most defensive force once combined.

The sudden appearance of the Burning Legion also stopped the fleet going to the earth. When many fighters and MS flew out of the Burning Legion, the fleet here also responded and responded. Some MS, which are completely different from the earth and have a strong alien style, but belong to humanoid machinery, flew out of the fleet, Soon he flew to the middle of the two sides, made a full fighting posture, and wanted to surround the Burning Legion.

Among all the bodies, the most conspicuous one is the large half MS and half Ma body with a height of nearly 100 meters and no legs.

After the Burning Legion flew out, Xiao ran took the lead in flying his own dark sky. At the same time, several bodies like the dark sky also flew out and surrounded the body Xiao ran was driving. With Xiao Ran's dark sky, countless GN particles were ejected, and a pair of light wings were formed at the fastest speed, Other dark skies also released dense particles, and there were only tens of meters long wings of light behind them.

Reach out and directly turn on the full frequency communication. A golden light spreads out from the eyes, and the indifferent expression also appears on the face. The voice without any emotion immediately spreads outward through the communication channel and GN particles: "This is the burning legion of the earth defense force. I am Xiao ran, the president of the satellite integration. You have stepped into the defense range of the earth circle. Please stop moving immediately and explain your intention and the reason for your presence here. Otherwise, we will attack you as an aggressor."