Chapter 1213

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Before leaving the Institute, Xiao ran didn't forget to remind Luo again that the new body must have real explosive ability this time, which is enough to determine the decisive armed force of the battlefield. Xiao ran doesn't want the problems encountered against judica to happen again.

Luo expressed his understanding that the A-class airframe created again after the real confrontation with the A-class pilot and with the actual combat data will not be made only with the speculative data at that time.

Today, however, it is only a record of the direction and general of the body. Even if it is only the appearance design drawing and structure drawing, it is really not something that can be done in a day or two. Therefore, although Xiao Ran is anxious about the new body, he can only hold his mind and wait slowly. This time, Xiao Ran is ready to join the manufacturing team of the new machine, Instead of being completely in the charge of Luo like that, you only need to test, put forward opinions and then modify.

When Xiao ran came out of Luo's Research Institute, he did not leave "home" in a hurry, but went to another place in "home", another research department with a more calm atmosphere and a clean and spotless environment.

Before entering the white building with clean and thorough exterior wall painting, Xiao ran saw dilandal standing in front of the building in a white coat and making a welcome gesture towards himself. When Xiao ran walked to dilandal a few steps, they walked into the building together.

Dilandal smiled in a surprised tone, "I didn't expect you to have time to come to me."

Xiao ran shook his head and smiled. He also showed an apologetic expression for dilandar's deliberate teasing attitude: "although I don't understand technical things, I can at least explore them, but I really don't understand anything about genes. Why bother your work."

"Although I don't come much, it doesn't mean I don't support your work." Xiao ran looked at dilandal with a smile and said: "what have you gained recently."

Dilandal smiled. Of course, he knew that Xiao ran was a complete layman about his work direction. He teased Xiao ran only casually. When he heard Xiao Ran's question, he answered Xiao ran: "Gene technology is not like mechanical technology. It develops from one point and then spreads to one area. Gene technology can only develop from one area and then extend different lines. There should be enough samples for comparison. Each item takes a lot of time. It is a very boring work. There is not much harvest yet."

"At least the only gain in this world at present is that we have found that the human genes in this world are exactly the same as ours, including those who read motivation." dilandar spread his hand and said with a smile: "If we really want to harvest, there are some. At least in the treatment of newborns, we can start genetic modification from the time of embryo, so that newborns can obtain the learning ability of adjusters and the special physical quality of magic envoys at the same time. In this regard, we can achieve 100% success. In addition, we can deliberately increase newborns to become new humans, innovators and motivation At present, all the achievements can only focus on the embryonic direction. For the time being, there are no more ways for mature bodies like us to make harmless modifications and supplements at the genetic level. "

Xiao ran stopped slowly. Dilandal's words were telling him that he had made great achievements in genetics, but they could only be used for the next generation, but it was indeed a perfect technology. In the cultivation of the next generation, it could definitely make the next generation's qualification explode by leaps and bounds.

"The next generation, if it develops normally, I don't know how many worlds it will have to go through before it can be converted into the combat power of the Legion. Look at this part yourself." he shook his head and asked Xiaoran, "is the serum in the direction of blood ability the same?"

"The same." dilandal also showed a helpless expression and said: "There is no great achievement in the same direction. Of course, if we ignore the consequences, it is not impossible to succeed, but the probability of success is very small. After all, the things produced in that place are not so easy to analyze, and the things we developed by ourselves do not have much effect on the premise of ensuring safety, that is, if we carry out destructive reinforcement It is likely to lead to the problem of gene collapse, and no effective solution has been found. "

"But I think there should be several problems. The first is the stable element, the second is the coverage and reconstruction element, and the third is the fusion element. If you can solve these three problems, there will be no problem."

Xiao ran frowned slightly: "in general, it is the lack of a neutralizer, right?"

Dilandal nodded: "if you are right, after all, the genes of the mature body have been formed and have unique characteristics belonging to the individual. Forced fusion will lead to gene conflict. Of course, the final result will not be very good."

They talked all the way to dilandal's office. It was very clean and bright. It was a simple big table. Until they sat on the chair in the office, Xiao ran kept thinking about the three elements dilandal said, or the neutralizer he understood.

"The neutralizer that can perfectly integrate the two genes, of course, the first thought is the perfect blood, but it's not something in the machine warfare world. If you can't get the advantages and disadvantages, you don't have to think about it. The second is the primary cells of Naruto. Hehe, what else can be used as a neutralizer? Hiss, is there such a thing in the machine warfare world?"

Xiao ran thought in his heart and finally shook his head. If he could get perfect blood or primary cells, even if he didn't use these two things just for research, it might make a great breakthrough in the ongoing project of dilandar. However, Xiao ran really doesn't know whether there is such a similar thing in the world of aircraft warfare.

Dilandal looked at Xiao Ran's thinking appearance and smiled. After sitting in his position, he said: "You don't have to think too much. Although there is no way now, the more you experience the world, sooner or later you will find more ways to solve these problems. The development of blood serum has come to a standstill, but the direction of life extension has achieved some results. After the experiment, I will inform you of the effectiveness."

"Well." Xiao ran recovered from his meditation, nodded and said to dilandal, "I can only ask you in this regard, but if I meet a suitable sample in other worlds, I will try my best to bring it back to you."

"Well, is there anything else you want to do this time? If you're normal, you won't come to me." dilandal gently clicked on the desktop, several projection screens popped up, knocked on the virtual buttons on the desktop and said at the same time: "You know I have a lot of work here. It's better to find someone else to take charge of the satellite integration. Otherwise, I'm really lack of skills."

Dylan Dahl is telling Xiao ran not to find something for him. Now we have to take care that both sides are too busy. Hearing what Dylan Dahl means, Xiao ran also laughed: "this time I'm not looking for something for you. It's my blood to strengthen the motivation. Just good. You can let you collect some data, can't you?"