Chapter 1206

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
The whole conference room was silent after shanamia finished. It can be said that except for Xiao ran and shanamia, the rest of the people were here to join in the fun. They had no chance and qualification to speak, because this was bound to be a negotiation that would be reached, The difference lies only in how the terms proposed by both parties can be accepted by both parties in a more reasonable way.

Other details are the things that these people participating in the meeting have to deal with. Once Xiao ran and shanamia have determined the general direction, it will be time for others to start arguing about the game.

After nodding, Xiao ran opened his hand to shanamia: "Five hundred, I can give you the limit of the number of five hundred knights, and officially recognize the establishment of the Frey Royal Saint knights. Of course, the number of five hundred is only for the number of airframes. I think five hundred airframes are enough to ensure the safety of Frey. For others, I believe the earth defense force to be established will have the strength to ensure your safety."

"Not enough." shanamia shook her head gently, with a gentle and gentle attitude: "only 500 is not enough. The strength of the whole earth defense force is not counted. The armed forces maintained by the Federation and DC are not only 500, but several times that of us. If everyone is treated the same, it is not fair for Frey."

"I can promise the president to disband the conventional military forces, but the Knights are the face and persistence of the Frey royal family, and may also become the guardian force of the whole Frey in the future. In addition to the knights, as the direct escort of the royal family, the missionaries also need to exist. The amount of 500 can not surround the security of the whole Frey and the royal family."

"This problem can be discussed slowly. What about the others?" Xiao ran looked at shanamia with a weak face but firm eyes, and didn't want to continue to struggle on this issue. Speaking of the local guard force reserved by the Federation, the self-protection force reserved by DC is really not only 500, so Xiao ran can make a little concession on this point. After all, Xiao ran also promised isalda that he can deal with it according to the Federation and DC Qi, as for how to align, we can discuss it slowly.

"We need a piece of fertile land belonging to Frey to establish our own country. At the same time, the earth should recognize Frey's sovereign independence, free from the interference of any other person and other forces, and no military organization is allowed to enter Frey's territory at will. The rest of the economy is equal and free from material and economic blockade. This is our detailed entry 。”

After shanamia finished, Xiao ran got a detailed item introduction in his hand. Not only Xiao ran, but everyone present got the same thing.

When Xiao ran opened it and looked, the requirements, conditions or cooperation related things were all on this document. Although he didn't look carefully, he only looked at a small part, which made Xiao ran feel that these things brought out by Frey really took into account all aspects. It seems that he had made such preparations very early, and in terms of conscience, these items The things sorted out in the are indeed full of sincerity, and there are basically no excessive requirements.

It was not until more than ten minutes later that Xiao ran glanced at the people sent by the Federation and DC to attend the meeting and was also asking what their views were. As for satellite integration, it would be good if he agreed anyway.

The people in DC didn't have too many opinions. They nodded their heads gently as recognition, while the people sent by the Federation were not so easy to deal with. Perhaps it was because of the bleak permission, or maybe they really read the item data taken out by Frey, grabbed several of them and began to oppose them, and then opposed them one by one. It took almost five minutes to stop Drank some water.

The reason for the federal official's objection is also reasonable, and he has grasped the really important place. Xiao ran compares it while listening. Finally, he has to admit that he can be regarded as an expert in this field as long as he brings the word "Federation" in the piece of wrangling.

For example, whether Frey's technical problems can be shared, or whether it can ensure that there is no threat to mankind and the earth. For example, in Frey's land location, where to choose, how to exchange interests, how large the land area can be, and how to limit the allocation of military forces, Frey, the garrison of the earth defense force, asked Questions and so on are more critical and important, and there are more less important items.

What responsibilities Frey needs to undertake, how many Frey soldiers need to join in the earth defense force, whether Cruze machinery is divided into Royal assets, whether it has the right to enter the arms industry, etc.

As soon as the czars on Fri's side saw that there was an opportunity to publish, they stood up one by one and began to chatter. Basically, they focused on a core. Fri was very weak, Fri had no threat, Fri was very friendly, Fri needed help, Fri needed guarantee, Fri needed to make money

After almost half an hour's quarrel, Xiao ran listened at ease. He just felt that the quarrel between the two sides was getting more and more outrageous. He couldn't help but frown and gently knocked on the table. As soon as Xiao Ran's action came out, the whole conference room was quiet again.

"Some things here are acceptable, some things need to be changed, and some things I will choose to refuse. That's all for today. Later, I'll ask someone to give you a specific item. The two sides will renegotiate according to the two items and have a second meeting the day after tomorrow."

Shanamia sighed gently when she heard Xiao Ran's words, and the weak and gentle taste became strong again. However, it was only a short time that shanamia raised her head again and looked at Xiao ran. Her weakness revealed her determination not to give in: "Mr. President, Frey is really willing to integrate into the earth. We can't make concessions on some issues that don't involve sovereignty and security, but what we lack is the most firm guarantee."

"If Lord Xiao Ran is willing to give us such assurances as Frey, I can also give way to the problems mentioned by the gentleman just now, including taking out the technology belonging to Frey and allowing Frey's soldiers to join the earth defense force."

Xiao ran eyebrows slightly picked, feel shy in front of this princess's heart seems to be very disturbed, and even that white Chee's face also more than a ruddy and embarrassed look, the puzzled way: "please say, Princess Royal need what kind of guarantee."

"Marriage!" Princess shanamia lowered her head as soon as she said these two words, so that people could not see her expression, but heard her firmly say in a slightly trembling voice: "Only marriage is the best guarantee. Your marriage between me and Lord Xiao ran will make us a family, and Frey will naturally become a real person with the earth. Only in this way can I rest assured to hand over Frey's unique technology, let Frey's soldiers join the Earth Defense Army, and let the earth defense army stay in Frey's territory."

All of a sudden, everyone turned in amazement and looked at Xiao ran. Liumuye, standing behind Xiao ran, immediately looked at Xia namia with malicious eyes, snorted, and then turned his head away.

And Xiao ran, the whole person became dull because of shanamia's bold words, not only dull, but completely stiff, and even breathing seemed to become rapid. At this time, many people laughed with different expressions and actions in several different places far away from the satellite integration.

Cruze looked at his rare expression on the screen in front of him. He drank the red wine in his hand with a smile and said to himself: "do you think it's good not to let us be responsible and not to let us participate? It's really naive."