Chapter 1168

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Leibil gave the Federation three hours to choose to surrender or fight for the enemy completely until they were completely destroyed. In Xiao Ran's opinion, three hours is really too long. Although there is no difference between 30 minutes and three hours, when the magic envoy team led by Al elf has infiltrated the Federation, It's better to cut through the mess and get rid of the Federation.

With the ability of ELF and those magic envoys, maybe they have controlled some important rights in the Federation at this time. Who can imagine that Xiao Ran's men will have life that can be possessed. With the promotion of these magic envoys, 30 minutes is actually impossible.

Moreover, three hours is enough for the old guys of the Federation to mobilize a lot of troops. Maybe some big killers will be released. Xiao ran doesn't want to take over the scattered troops after fighting with the Federation, so as to consume the unnecessary troops, Pressing down directly also saves the senior level of the Federation from making any crooked brain Sutra in these three hours.

But three hours turned into thirty minutes. Not only did killiam show a stunned expression on his face, but Jeffrey also frowned slightly: "will it look too urgent, maybe it will force the other party to die."

"It's urgent." Xiao ran sighed slightly when he heard captain Jeffrey's words and said, "I'm afraid that the federal guys should make some wrong ideas. Forget it. Anyway, they stare at al elf. Al elf won't sit idly by and let leibil do it by himself."

Jeffrey nodded when he heard Xiao Ran's words. Indeed, as Xiao ran said, the Federation of the world has a very rich heritage. Three hours is neither long nor short. If you can't do it well, you can make a great change in a minute. Xiao Ran's worry is not unreasonable.

However, Jeffrey also knew that Xiao ran didn't really want to flatten the Federation, create countless contradictions, and then completely oppose. More importantly, he still had to give some psychological pressure to those who could make a decision so that they had no time. He took care to make a decision as soon as possible and calm the situation at one fell swoop while the Federation was in the most serious situation. Otherwise, once the Federation calmed down, it would be a real war.

Even Xiao Ran is not afraid to launch a war, but as he said, it is a great good thing to ensure some skilled arms in the future.

"Speed up and return. There are still guests waiting over the satellite integration. Killiam and vireta, you come with me to ask you something."

Xiaoran waved his head and decided not to take care of the affairs of the Federation. With the old qualification of leibil cooperating with Al elf, it should also be a matter of time to win the Federation. In addition, there is no need to worry about Pluto island.

Don't say that Xiao ran sent so many people down, that is, Bai hechou, who is still hiding his strength. If you really want to be serious, I'm afraid you can cooperate with Zeng Jia, Bi'An and Zhengshu to kill the third meteorite.

When Xiao ran didn't know it, the federal headquarters was also in chaos. No matter the high-level political and military leaders gathered in the military headquarters in Paris, there were tense meetings around the huge round table. Outside the conference room, there were more officers and senior officials who were not qualified to enter, and all stood anxiously outside the conference room waiting for the final result of the meeting.

But the people who can stand here are not all the people in the whole Federation who are qualified to come here. Excluding those who are far away from Paris, there should be more people who should really stand here in Paris, the federal capital. However, under the abnormal raid of the empty Messenger, many people have left the world forever.

Among these people, a young man with silver hair in a captain's uniform was much more conspicuous. Standing alone, there was no one to communicate with him. It was like an entourage brought by a senior official. He stood in the nearest place to the gate and looked at the disordered crowd without saying a word.

In the conference room, the table that could have sat more than a dozen people was also not full. Although a few people joined the conference in the form of projection, there were also three or five less.

The person sitting in the first place was not the president of the Federation, but an elderly man wearing a military uniform with a strong military flavor. He looked about 50 years old, but he looked healthy and energetic. At the beginning of the meeting, he scanned all the people or projections on the tables and chairs, and then slowly shook his head.

"It seems that we are the only people who can come, and those who haven't come will never come." the elder in the first seat sighed, patted the table gently, and said in an angry voice: "DC, the messenger of the void, as well as the satellite integration and immigration fleet, an attack and a chaotic war have put the Federation in such a situation. The sky of the headquarters has been occupied by the enemy, and now we can only hide in the ground and wait for the last time. This is an insult. Have they forgotten where they would be today without the Federation?"

After saying that, the elder looked at the other silent faces. The people with all kinds of expressions just squeezed their fists, but finally sighed and said: "It is now clear to everyone that all the dragon teams with high hopes have been suppressed. Even the Federation can't cope with the strength shown by the empty Messenger, as well as the abnormal situation on Pluto island."

"There is a meteorite III on Pluto Island, but there are meteorite I and meteorite II in the territory of the Federation. Even now, these two meteorites have not had any abnormal conditions, but no one can guarantee whether these two meteorites will become the same thing as meteorite III. without high-end power, we can't resist that kind of thing."

"The other party's request has told us to surrender and dissolve the current government, re-establish a new government and hand over all military power, which is not enough insult to those of us who have fought for the Federation all our lives. Moreover, once a new government is established, everyone knows that the new government will inevitably fall under the control of satellite integration. What should we do then?"

A middle-aged man in a suit lowered his head slightly and flashed a green light in his eyes. After the elder said that, he raised his head and said seriously: "the current meeting is not to discuss where we should go, but whether to accept the other party's request within a limited time, dissolve the current government, establish a new government and hand over all military power."

"According to the other party's intention, even after the dissolution of the government, we will have our own position. Except for military power, government affairs related matters will not be inserted, but we only need to maintain necessary support and help. Moreover, in terms of the other party's strength, it is easy to kill the empty messenger and give us three hours It can be regarded as an expression of sincerity. "