Chapter 1063

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
From the Legion area to the trading area, I suddenly felt a lot of excitement. The layout of the whole trading area is no different from that of the real area. The only difference is that the things sold are completely different.

Just walk around and have a look, just like real shopping. Look here and there. Only come out of a few shops. Xiao Ran has found the difference between the trading area here and the real area. The first thing is that most shops need to emphasize universality more than the real area.

For example, the real system body uses a universal interface, which is full of unlimited transformation possibilities. Any parts, plug-ins and weapons can be equipped on the real system body through this universal interface, so that the real system body has more capabilities to transform any place of the body.

The body of the super system is more like a locked independent interface. Only components and weapons that meet the interface standard can be used on different super system bodies, and the wide variety is dazzling. It is difficult to find components and weapons that fully meet the original matching of the body, Therefore, the basic way to enhance the body is to use more universal components and weapons through plug-in.

Of course, melee weapons are basically universal, such as axes, hammers and swords, which are also sold in shops, and almost all of these melee weapons of low grade are used as consumables. Fortunately, most of these equipment have different deformation capabilities, such as a stick with a length of one, When it is used, it instantly becomes a long gun with a length of four, which is very strange to Xiao ran.

Therefore, even if such equipment takes several equipment on the body, it will not be redundant.

In addition, there are also many long-range weapons, such as boomerang and hand-held guns. Regardless of the caliber, they are basically weapons consumed by live ammunition, and energy consumption accounts for only a small number.

In addition, according to Xiao Ran's inquiry, the restoration props can be said to be the best selling. After all, the specificity of the super system body is very large. When going to different worlds for tasks, it is difficult to repair the body when its body is damaged, so it is necessary to buy recovery props to let the body repair itself.

Just like the nano repair robot Xiao ran once obtained, the props that can consume energy to repair the body when the body is damaged only become longer in the repair time, and are still one-time props. Once the body is forced to start, the repair will be interrupted, and the repair still needs certain conditions.

According to the time and degree of repair, it is also divided into several different levels. Like the body, it is classified into ordinary and elite levels. The repair time of the lowest props is very long. It takes at least two or three days to repair a certain volume of the body. If it is a large body more than 50 meters, there is no way to repair the body in five or six days.

Moreover, the ordinary level repair props can only be repaired for the ordinary level body, and the elite level can only be repaired for the elite level and below. The higher the body level, the higher the level of repair props required, and the cheapest ordinary level repair props also need one thousand merit points.

The most advanced repair prop that can be bought is only legendary, but it is 20000 points. If it is to repair the ordinary body, only such a legendary repair prop can completely repair the body in a few hours.

If the cockpit of the aircraft is damaged, no amount of use can only repair the appearance and internal structure. There is no way to repair the cockpit. Unless more advanced repair props are used for targeted repair, there is no way to use repair props of the same level.

If the energy system of the body is damaged, even if it is used in advanced repair props, there is no way, because without energy support, the repair props can not repair the body at all. To solve this problem, we can only replace the body with an energy source or find an energy source to connect.

Xiao ran only got two or three repair props like this through the mode of opening the treasure box. Although it is very different from the repair props sold in this piece, at least one thing Xiao ran can be sure is that there is no sales channel for the repair props of the body in the real area.

Unless someone opens the treasure chest and sells it, there is no way to buy this kind of restoration props from anywhere in the real area.

So Xiao ran also thought a little when he saw this kind of repair props. It doesn't mean that Xiao Ran is going to buy a lot of them and sell them in the real area. This practice is not practical at all, so Xiao ran wants to buy some to keep as inventory. Otherwise, Puente and their participants in the super area can even buy them, There is no way to hand it over to Xiao ran.

In addition to these, there are many kinds of materials and armor modules for sale in these shops. In terms of materials, just look at them and record them. At this time, there is no need to rush to buy them. After all, Prometheus has no restrictions on materials.

Luo looked at the data of several materials and nodded his head at Xiao ran several times to remind Xiao ran that these materials are also of great use to them, such as materials with stronger energy conduction ability, stronger firmness, or materials with extremely high price and self repair ability, or materials with energy absorption at the same price.

Armor module is also unique to the super area, which is not available in the real area. It is a module similar to the plug-in but separated from the plug-in, which only acts on the body's own defense ability and structural strength. For the super system body, it can also be regarded as another way to enhance the body.

After all, to some extent, the stronger the armor is, the more resistant it is. The thicker the armor is, the stronger it is. The role of the armor module is to thicken the armor and then strengthen the body. It's a bit like Xiao ran used to play game equipment + 1, + 2, + 3.

For example, there is a beam resistance armor module, + 1 beam resistance armor, which increases the beam resistance by 2%, + 2 beam resistance armor, which increases the beam resistance by 4%, + 10 beam resistance armor, which increases the beam resistance to 20%.

There are more than a dozen physical resistance armor modules, such as flame resistance, cold resistance, corrosion resistance, etc. beam and physics are basically cheaper, but the basic price has also reached the first battle merit point. For each increase of + 1 battle merit point, the price should be increased by 10000, or tens of thousands.

The basic price of resistance to attributes such as flame, ice, lightning and corrosion should be doubled, + 12000, + 24000, and so on. Each body can only choose two resistance increments at most. If it is superimposed to 100%, it will consume a lot of combat merit points.

At the same time, the physical armor module and the beam armor module can be used together, but if the two armor modules are used at the same time, they can only be increased to a maximum of 50% layer addition. Moreover, if the physical module is used first, the price of the beam module will double, and vice versa.

If only one of them is selected, the additional layer can be increased to 100%. If the attribute resistance is selected, the cold resistance will be reduced. When the fire resistance reaches 100%, the cold resistance will also become negative 50%. Therefore, we must be very careful in selecting resistance.

Moreover, this armor module only gives the body armor a buff, which does not really mean that the body armor becomes stronger. The armor is still the previous armor, and there is no change except the additional buff. Moreover, due to the armor material of the body itself, if the physical resistance is one, even if 100 physical resistance modules are used, it only improves the armor resistance to three. This kind of thing has no meaning for low-level bodies.

However, if you want to replace it with an advanced body, the role that this armor module can play is very obvious. If you replace it with the dark sky that Xiao Ran is driving now (the body, the written page will also change the drunk head image to black, which is not ugly), Xiao ran is willing to use more of this kind of thing for the body.

However, there is no way for a single armor module to strengthen the whole body. Strengthening is still related to the size, volume and armor surface area of the body. If it is similar to the Xiaoran justice GAODA, it takes about five to strengthen the whole body, otherwise it can only strengthen the arm.

However, according to Anji, Xiao ran (in the previous chapter, I was drunk and dizzy, my sister was Anji and my sister was angel, but the name was written upside down when I introduced it, and the back was right.) although the price of using armor enhancement module is very high, it is a project that many middle and senior participants must carry out, and new attributes will be added whenever it is strengthened to a fixed number of layers.

For example, if you strengthen it to 10, you may get the option that in addition to increasing physical resistance by 20%, you may also get an armor strength increase of 3% or 5%. These attributes will be added after each attribute is strengthened. However, except that it is specifically related to the category of armor module, The specific attributes appear randomly in an interval.

Even for super system participants, armor modules are very important. If a participant gets a normal level body from the beginning and cannot use or have high adaptability to other bodies for various reasons, he must find ways to strengthen his body and upgrade the body from normal level to elite level, From elite to epic.

You should know that on the super system body with only small transformation conditions, if you want to upgrade the body, it is really not as convenient and simple as the real area. It is more difficult than making a new body, and there is also the function of a real area in the super area.

Body upgrade: once the level of the body reaches certain restrictions, you can go to the industrial zone to find technicians to upgrade your body level from ordinary level to elite level. All aspects of the performance of the body will also be greatly improved, and even the appearance of some bodies will change, as will the body skills that can be used.

However, there are various restrictions. Unless you really own the body, there is no way to know the special conditions required by the body. Perhaps it needs some specified energy engine, some specified plug-in parts, or it needs to strengthen the armor module to a specified level. Even the above three conditions are combined.

Anji is not a participant. Although she knows about these things, the specific situation is not very clear. Moreover, those technicians in the industrial zone will not tell Anji about the participants' body condition. Even if Anji knows about the body condition of a participant, she will not tell Xiaoran about it, Just say the basic things.

In addition to the armor module, Xiao ran also saw something more wonderful, that is, parts, body parts.

There are also some differences between the body parts of the super system and the real area. The body parts of the real area are generally weapons, backpacks, or equipment with certain functions, such as mirage system, multiple locking system, super propeller, energy and so on.

The body parts of the super zone can really be regarded as parts. For example, something Xiao ran saw is called the right arm of unknown origin, which has the ability to turn into a drill bit during attack. Elite bodies and above are limited.

In addition, there are such parts as the head that can emit rays, the attack intensity and the level of the body, which are also stunned.

After walking around all day, Xiao ran also saw many strange things. He could tell the source of some things, but he just felt that he seemed to know some things, but he couldn't tell where he knew them at all. Even Xiao ran saw some super systems that he knew in animation or games in the trading area, I was dazzled, but I restrained myself from attacking any body.

For example, a pure white, without any painting, and an elite gaita with a price of 300000 meritorious points, and a gaita with only an elite level, but from the appearance, it is only the first version of gaita. This is bleak. Even if you only know gaita but don't know the world very well, you can see it.

However, this white gaita Xiaoran knows at a glance that it is a mass production type or a simple trial type. Xiaoran also remembers where he seems to have seen the rhythm, but it is only such an organism. Even gaita Xiaoran has no idea to start.