Chapter 987

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
The deformable fighter maintained the speed of sprint while falling, and the target pointed directly to the first landing site on the island. Such a move also made the unknown armed groups on the island confirm the purpose of the deformable fighter. Several as directly raised their weapons and began to attack the rapidly falling deformable fighter.

Several fire snakes flew out and directly attacked the deformable fighter in high-speed movement. From the attack mode of these as, it is clear that they have undergone long-time training and even fought together, so they have a quite good tacit understanding. The attack of several fire snakes almost formed a barrage specifically for the deformable fighter, preventing the deformable fighter from approaching, It also poses a great threat to the deformable fighter.

If it is an ordinary fighter in the world, under the high-speed operation of double thrusters, in the face of such an attack by the enemy, the relative speed of the bullet and the fighter itself has been very announced. I'm afraid any mistake will become the end of aircraft destruction and human death.

Moreover, at such a speed, if you want to change to avoid the enemy's attack again, it is not something that ordinary pilots can handle. Moreover, they still maintain a fast descending posture. More likely, if the fighter pulls up and deflects, it will hit the fire snake launched by the enemy.

But now what appears in the eyes of these as is not an ordinary fighter in the world, and the one driving this deformable fighter is not an ordinary pilot in the world, but a Xiaoran with extremely high driving technology, who can fully control the body and bring all the surrounding environment into his own control.

In the face of several fire snakes coming quickly, there was no change in Xiao Ran's face. His hands kept moving together at a very fast speed, shuttling back and forth between several fire snakes, just like a fish swimming freely in the water. There was no bullet that could touch the deformed fighter.

In Xiao Ran's eyes, the number of enemy as arranged on the island is not large. Only the first line of defense that is the easiest to land here is equipped with no less than ten as, and they are hiding behind boulders that can serve as natural bunkers. Moreover, the location of the branches is not too dense. They are separated from each other by a certain distance, so as to prevent being carried by a nest.

And as they got closer to the island, the as in the defense line all lifted up their weapons, and the original several fire snakes turned into more than ten unified barrages attacking one target in the blink of an eye.

However, it is just such a barrage. Xiao ran can come and go freely in the dense Barrage as terrible as the real fleet operation, not to mention the single firepower attack of more than a dozen as.

With the help of a firepower gap in the enemy's attack, Xiao ran instantly pushed down the operating lever of his left hand, making the deformable fighter from inclined descent to direct descent. All of a sudden, he operated the deformable fighter to rush directly towards the sea. Tessa and qianniao, who saw this scene from the screen of the bridge of dannu's son, also covered their mouths in horror.

Only ALF knew that Xiao ran was probably ready to launch an attack, and first of all, he had to release the superfluous things attached to the body.

Six ordinary missiles made by the world, after the warplane was about to burst into the sea, suddenly changed the angle parallel to the sea with the help of two instantaneous deformations, ejected from the wings of the warplane, ejected bright flames and rushed to the direction of the island with black smoke.

In Xiao Ran's eyes, six missiles have locked six different targets. Under Xiao Ran's accurate operation and computing power, as long as the target of each missile is determined first, there is no need to use fast locking at all. Once the launched missile is connected, he doesn't need to control it.

The six missiles galloped against the sea at a faster speed than the deformable fighter. Ten seconds later, they had entered the island and began to deflect and pull up. The fire snakes who had attacked the deformable fighter also put their targets on the missiles that climbed slightly after flying out of the sea.

Three of the six missiles were hit by those fire snakes and then detonated. While the huge roar sounded, three fireballs of different sizes burst out, setting off lawns and stones on the island ground. The other three missiles also hit their own targets or exploded around the targets with extremely fast speed.

At this time, the deformable fighter piloted by Xiao ran also entered the island and instantly changed into a fortress. The popped feet continued to spray bright flames. The feet were swinging, allowing the deformable fighter to maintain a high-speed sliding attitude. With the help of rolling smoke, flames and short-term chaos, it quickly rushed into the other party's defense line.

Under the control of the right arm, the light beam green laser gun in his hand began to fire one by one, like flying needles, at the enemies with their backs towards the deformable fighter, but it was dense to the extreme. Just a round sweep, it turned several as into a hive, making several fireballs burst out again in the defense line.

Just when Xiao ran was solving those as who had not turned around before him, there were also as on both sides, because as, a little farther away from the explosion and chaos, launched an attack on Xiao ran. Two of the three airframes directly carried guns while shooting, rushed to the deformable fighter, and rushed to the left and right.

While the other body was flanking at an angle, continued to hide in the bunker, only exposed its upper body and fired countless bullets.

In the face of the attack of these three airframes, the deformable fighter just swung its feet forward, and immediately made the airframe slide rapidly towards the rear, allowing countless bullets to pass through the original place of the fighter. While the green machine gun in its hand continued to suppress the front, the two rotating beam guns on the wing turned one after another and fired several beams at the same time, Across the space, they accurately hit the chest of the two rushing as, dissolved a huge gap, and penetrated directly from the cockpit.

No less than ten as, so for these unidentified armed elements, it may only be a moment. Xiao ran killed as many as eight. There were two or three kittens left. There were also airframes that were not directly hit because the missiles exploded, and one of them was the as hiding behind the bunker.

When Xiao ran controlled the deformable fighter to turn around, it suddenly turned into MS shape, and then fell to the ground. He stepped on the mechanical steps and made a bang sound. When he raised his green laser gun, he began to attack the bunker used by the hidden as, and continued to suppress the attack.

The wing on the side of the waist and legs, which became an airfoil skirt after deformation, was also slightly raised. Two small rotating beam guns mounted on it also fired a fatal and accurate attack at other as.

While watching the bunker in the screen turn into rubble under their own attack and fly around, watching the as hiding behind the rubble tremble like an electric shock after countless needle beams pass through, Xiao ran pressed the communication button again after putting down the green laser gun that has begun to smoke.

With the sound of the explosion, Xiao ran said calmly: "after the cleaning of landing point a, the cleaning of landing point B will begin. Please note that the intelligence is wrong, and the number of enemies is completely inconsistent with the intelligence. Be careful to approach after landing."

"The first team understands. It is expected to land in a minute."

"The second team understands that it is expected to land in one minute and thirty seconds."

After hanging up the communication, Xiao Ran Ran Ran again operated the deformable fighter plane to rush towards the sky and began to go to the second landing point for suppression.

In fact, the two landing points are located in the same direction rather than the front and rear attack. The distance between the two sides is about a few kilometers, just because of the shape of the island.

Even if there is no Xiaoran joining, after the two teams enter the island, they can launch a fierce attack on the enemy on the island, but they will not annihilate all the enemy so easily, and they are also easy to be hit back by the enemy's concentrated fire, but there is no way.

After all, except these two places, almost all other directions are cliffs. It is impossible for as to easily enter the island, and there is another reason why it is impossible to enter the island by airborne.

Just as Xiao ran was flying the deformable fighter again, the sound of dense artillery suddenly sounded in his ears. Shells and missiles came from a distance with a roaring sound, and the target pointed directly at the deformable fighter that had just flown into the sky.

"Air defense firepower in the base." Xiao ran took a look at the enlarged picture on the screen, and a rotation rushed down to the ground again. When the deformable fighter was about to hit the ground, it was transformed into a fortress again, dominated by the weapons in hand and supplemented by the rotating beam guns on both sides. In an instant, it began to move towards those except the exploding shells, The same missile that followed the attack began to fire.

The arm of the deformable fighter firmly held the green laser gun and swept from the left to the right. The muzzle was stable without a little fluctuation. The dense light beam bullets flew into the sky and collided with those incoming missiles. In an instant, the light from the missile and light beam seemed to dye the sky of the deformable fighter black.

Countless fireballs and thick smoke make up for the whole sky, and support the black armor and golden lines of the deformable fighter to be more powerful and mysterious.

When Tessa saw all this through the satellite, qianniao was only shocked. Not only the two of them, but also everyone in the whole Danu's son bridge. After seeing the scenes from the beginning to the present, everyone could not say a word.