Chapter 958

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
The Mithril base of the Western Pacific team is built on an island in the sea. In fact, except for a cleared training site, the whole base is almost completely built under the ground and covered with thick camouflage layer and vegetation.

There are not a few people living in this base, and there are countless rooms. For this reason, the ventilation duct of the whole base is actually made very complex, which just gives elf an excellent sneaking path.

Although Mithril also placed a lot of equipment in the ventilation duct to place the enemy's invasion or the animals on the island accidentally drilled in, these simple equipment similar to infrared detection could not be difficult. He had kept the plan of the whole Mithril base in mind long before the sneaking operation began.

Where there is something in the ventilation pipe and in which direction to enter at which corner, you don't need to think about it at all. It's just a little troublesome when passing through those infrared devices. Elf and xiangliangzongjie were so quiet one after another, moving carefully in the pipe only half a person high.

Until he crawled to a vent, elf stopped, turned his head, made a gesture to Xiang liangzongjie, slightly hooked up and began to observe the outside environment through the vent pipe. He waved to Xiang liangzongjie only two minutes later.

Xiang liangzongjie took a deep breath, nodded and climbed over from the position where al elf gave way. After simply opening the vent fence, he jumped down directly and easily, while al elf restored the vent fence again after Xiang liangzongjie left, and then began to move forward.

After jumping out of the vent, Xiang liangzongjie rolled around, took off his strength and tried to keep the sound to the lowest level. After taking a complex look at the left and right of the corridor, he took out a pistol and put a piece of thin as a cicada wing given to him by Al elf at the electronic switch of Yishan gate.

In less than three seconds, the tightly closed door suddenly opened, and Xiang liangzongjie also instantly got into the room. The sudden opening of the door made the people inside a little dizzy. As soon as they turned around, they were directly fired by the pistol in Xiang liangzongjie's hand and directly announced their elimination.

This room is the general control room in the base. Generally speaking, no less than five people will be on duty in it. Except those with authority password, other members can't enter it at all. There is a row of neat electronic equipment in this room, which is responsible for controlling all measures, circuits, water sources, gates, etc. in the base.

However, due to the breakfast time, only two people were left to guard inside. Therefore, when Xiang liangzong entered the room, the two guys thought that their peers brought breakfast or shift change. They were eliminated at once.

The two eliminated Mithril members glanced at Xiang liangzongjie, looked at each other, and then stood up speechless and walked to one side. Xiang liangzongjie also whispered sorry to them, then walked back to the door, tore off the patch as thin as cicada wings and came in again.

Then, by following the instructions from ELF's headphones, he turned off the base's alarm system step by step. After Xiang liangzongjie shut down the alarm system and got rid of Xiang liangzongjie's follower, Al elf moved more than twice as fast as before.

Every step of Al ELF's action is very purposeful. The purpose of letting Xiang liangzongjie control the general control room of the base to turn off the alarm is to speed up the subsequent action. After this step, Al elf also completely let go of his hands and feet. The first choice target is gnaku in the base.

Listening to Xiang liangzongjie's report in the earphone, elf came out of a ground vent in the corner of gnaku, and then quickly hid in the shadow. Using his strong physical quality and skills, he passed behind each as without looking for traces. In addition, he pasted a small bag representing small C4 explosives behind the as chair and then disappeared in gnaku.

Because it was the relationship of sneaking into action, elf also carefully restrained his behavior and let all his actions hide in the shadow. But when the base general control room fell into his control, it can also be said that everything in the base also fell into his hands.

The existence of C4 is to solve the external resistance forces in the base, that is, to solve those as and pilots operating as. The rest is to solve the effective forces in the base, which is to reduce resistance and sacrifice when friendly forces break through the base.

Elf once said that it only takes an hour to occupy the base, which is not a joke. For ordinary humans in the world, with the help of the complex environment inside the base, elf can completely eliminate all the people in the base without the help of as and large firepower.

However, the first target selected by Al elf after completing these as is not the canteen with the largest number of personnel and the weakest defense force. He directly focused on the middle and senior commanders of the capture base. Long before the operation began, Alf found out the location of Tessa, Kalinin and Richard's room.

As long as the three men can be captured, the sneaking operation can be said to be half successful. When the Danu son is fully controlled, the operation can be said to be successfully completed and achieve the purpose of destroying the Western Pacific base. To enter the Danu son, you need to use the login system of physical isolation control, that is, Tessa's nameplate, So controlling Tessa is a top priority.

However, in order not to attract more vigilance and attention, according to the plan of the exercise and the help given by Xiang liangzongjie through monitoring in the general control room, there is no need for elf to find the location of the three in person. The first target is Tessa's room, which usually gets up a little later.

In fact, although Tessa already knew the beginning of the exercise, she still abided by the rules of the exercise and stayed in her room. Even in Tessa's room, she was not alone. Jerome and Al were also waiting for ELF's arrival in this room.