Chapter 899

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
The last twenty days can be said that every day passed quite quickly. Countless technicians were recruited from the earth to the universe as logistics and maintenance personnel. Even the former industrial robots installed various weapons to join the final defense line of the earth without changing their main functions.

In such a time of final preparation, a ship carrying five bodies went deep into the universe in the direction of els.

Unlike the situation in the original plot where the Federation once sent a leading force to test els, the Federation under Xiao Ran's rule began to prepare against els six months ago, and directly treated els as an aggressor. The step of testing was also completely omitted, so as not to completely analyze its own MS and warships before the formal war, After all, in Xiao Ran's understanding, the key point of this task is not to eliminate all the els of the solar system, but to persist in the real awakening of the moment and reach peace with els. When pig teammates make God assisted attack, they will not do it.

Moreover, since els has the same characteristics as insects, it shows that els does not exist only in the solar system in the whole universe. If this wave is eliminated, there will be another wave. If we can not become a real pioneer and integrate with els in an instant, the earth will never be safe, Therefore, in Xiao Ran's idea, from the beginning, he planned to use the defense line as the basis to suppress the ELS with unlimited firepower and delay the time as much as possible.

However, heaven and man, who uphold the core task of dialogue, took the initiative to drive Ptolemy II to contact els. In this process, they did not have any contact with Xiao ran until Graham, who remained in heaven and man for a long time when Ptolemy II left the earth, reflected that heaven and man were ready to make early contact with els, However, it has been completely out of the effective range of the team communicator and can't contact Xiao ran.

From the very beginning, when the position in heaven and man gradually became more important, he proposed to contact els first. After all, when the brain wavelet power from els swept the earth, he was acutely aware that els was expressing an idea that he could not analyze to them.

Without knowing the real purpose of els, Xiao ran treated els as an aggressor from the beginning. At that moment, he wanted to personally understand the idea of els, and finally complete this dialogue, so that the war between the two races that had not yet started could be calmed down directly. Because he was GAODA, he felt that he had the responsibility to complete the things planned by iolia for 200 years, Miss Huang, tieria, who has always been in contact with Veda, agreed to the instant proposal.

Graham didn't know this until the next day, but torremi II had left the earth a long distance on this day. The reason why he didn't tell Graham at the first time was because Miss Huang and Tyria knew that Graham was a Xiao ran person. If they told Graham at that time, Then Graham will definitely tell Xiao ran at the first time, and Xiao ran will certainly prohibit all their actions in the end.

After Graham knew this, he looked at the three people who came to him together, Miss Huang with an apologetic face, tyelia with a calm face and a silent face. After a moment, he was also quite helpless to spread his hands to the three people: "You should know that the main reason why I joined the gods was for the next dialogue, so no matter how you choose to be the first test, I don't have to oppose you."

"But you are well aware of the huge number of els. Only a few of us have no role in the huge number of els. The adult has his own plan, and he has never regarded els as a real enemy. Even now he integrates the power of the whole Federation to defend els, it is only for protection, and his real idea is to fight against els Words. "

"If our mission fails and els integrates our body, you may imagine how much loss will be brought to the final defense line of mankind after els simulation becomes our body?"

Graham's words made the three people don't know how to reply. Looking at a touch of embarrassment on his originally calm face, Graham also sighed slightly: "In fact, adults have always put the real core of the dialogue on the moment, because only the moment, the purest reformer in thought, can complete the dialogue in adults' heart. All arrangements are prepared around being able to awaken and become a real pioneer in the moment, but now you leave without saying goodbye and take away the core of the adult plan, you What should adults do now? "

Suddenly, she was stunned when she heard Graham's words, and Miss Huang paid more attention to Xiao Ran's real plan. What is a plan that actually takes the moment as the real core? But tyelia keenly noticed the three words Graham said and couldn't help frowning and asked, "pioneer, what does this mean?"

"In my understanding, it should mean literally, the pioneer of mankind, the pioneer of change, but I'm afraid you still have to ask adults for the specific meaning. I suggest you'd better contact adults immediately. As the core of the whole dialogue, there must be no problem at all."

Speaking of this, Graham spread his hand and said with a smile: "To tell you the truth, I'd like to have a personal contact with els to see how powerful the enemy that adults have prepared for such a long time is. Therefore, even if you don't hide it from me, I will support your actions. As a soldier, anyway, I want to witness the strength of the enemy with my own hands to prove myself, but I have to say that I take torremi as an example The number of bodies carried is not a test at all, but just to die. "

There was a moment of silence and said, "I see. I will learn about his plan from him myself."

After saying that, he turned his head and looked at Miss Huang. The latter was also very curious about Xiao Ran's plan. After nodding, he turned and left Graham's room to the bridge, followed by Graham with a helpless face. In the past four years, his expression has become more and more rich. Now there are some slightly embarrassed thielia and the three people who still have no expression.

Xiao ran didn't know that the torremi had quietly left and moved forward at the highest speed for more than a day. Graham didn't expect that Miss Huang and tyelia would do such a thing in a moment. They stayed in the lounge of the ship and didn't notice that the torremi had been moving for so long under the action of GN particles, but as long as they didn't drive with els At the beginning of contact, Graham didn't feel any worry about whether he could catch up with els. He also wanted to have a real war with els.

When the toremir's communication came back, Xiao ran was still resting. Al elf woke him up when he knew the seriousness of the matter, and then hurried to the border to reconnect with the toremir. Although the Burning Legion can also contact each other, some words are inconvenient. The Burning Legion is now the flagship of the Federation Say it from the ship.

Xiao ran, who hurried to the border, saw the embarrassed man on the ship from the big screen in front. He was so angry that he almost patted the table. However, there was no table in the bridge of the border to pat Xiao ran. Finally, he could only line up heavily on the armrest of Captain Jeffrey's chair and said angrily: "What are you doing? Why don't you tell me in advance about such a big thing? Can you resist els on that scale? Don't you know the characteristics of ELS that can swallow changes? I never thought that once your body data are obtained by els, the Federation will face GAODA with a solar oven!"

After hearing Xiao Ran's angry and low voice, the people on the torremi were also quite embarrassed. Ian, an old man, turned his head away and grinned silently. Many others looked at each other and lowered their heads. Xiao Ran's identity was different from them when he joined heaven and man, especially the boss of the God, a support organization for heaven and man. It can be said that in a certain way To a greater extent, it is higher than their identity. Besides, Xiao Ran is still the president of the Federation. No one dares to refute when he scolds them.

But for a moment, the boy didn't take these into account. His purity of GAODA's task made him don't care about the difference in identity. After a moment of silence, he looked up and asked, "we did it wrong, but I want to know your plan."

Seeing the expression of the moment, Xiao ran also understood the character of the moment, and was able to tell himself that he had made a decision. Xiao ran didn't know how to go on. After sighing, he said: "My plan is very simple. It is to make you a bridge between the two races and let the two races live together. Before that, I will create all conditions for you to communicate with els. You are the top priority of this plan. If you have problems, where do you want me to go to find the second bridge?"

In a flash, he asked, "why can't others?"

"Because it is not pure enough, the existence as a bridge must be a pure person, and must be a pure innovator with sufficient ability." Xiaoran looked at the screen and said: "If people live in this world, they will be affected by this world. As a bridge, people are the most important channel for els to understand this world. The beauty and kindness of this world, the persistence of human beings to live and the desire to coexist peacefully with els must be transmitted through you."

"Other people can't, including me, a purebred reformer. That's because we have selfishness and desire. We can't be as pure as you. Our selfishness and desire will be infinitely amplified by els. At that time, it will bring no benefits to mankind and the earth, but all disadvantages. But you are different. You are very pure, have no selfishness and desire. You just want to complete this Dialogue makes the world truly peaceful, but you also have shortcomings, because now you don't understand the beauty of the world. "

"Therefore, in my plan, you will have a preliminary contact with els under my protection, then understand the beauty of the world, and finally complete the dialogue between the two races. There are few pure innovators, and there are fewer pure innovators like you. You are the only one in the whole world. All the chips are placed on you. You want to hide it from me If you contact els first, do you know how serious the consequences are? "

After hearing Xiao Ran's words, everyone across the screen showed a stunned expression. Everyone looked at the moment with unbelievable eyes. They didn't expect that in Xiao Ran's plan, the importance of the moment was so great, and the world could only find a pure innovator with the kind of simplicity and pure mind. Now the person on the torremi I also found out how serious the consequences of what I did were.

Miss Huang bit her teeth and asked in a low voice, "why didn't you tell us before?"

"Because I don't want to make too many changes in a moment. Only when he is aware of these can he really evolve." Xiao ran shook his head and sighed and said: "However, it doesn't matter to tell him now. Only when there is pressure can there be motivation. Since you want to contact els first, it is also a kind of maturity and change. At your current coordinate position, I will leave and arrange personnel to support you."

Tyelia suddenly broke into the conversation: "wait a minute, what is the pioneer?"

"Pioneer?" Xiao ran was stunned for a moment, and understood what tyelia was asking, and then said: "literally, it means the guide, the person who guides the peaceful coexistence of the two races, but another meaning is that the pure race reformer has evolved again, the guide of human evolution is the bridge between the two races."

"People who want to promote peace between the two races and have this awareness can also be regarded as pioneers. However, in my opinion, pioneers are the people who have completed this dialogue. There is no great meaning to talk about these now. Sooner or later, you will understand that in my opinion, those who can become pioneers can only complete this dialogue in an instant, and only in an instant."

Tieria nodded knowingly, and Miss Huang also told Xiao ran their current coordinates. Captain Jeffrey nodded to the bridge trio after hearing the coordinates. At this point, Captain Jeffrey also knew that the support mission would be carried out by the border.

After the communication hung up, Xiao ran shook his head and said to captain Jeffrey, "let kluzer, bassac, Luo and liumu come with their own body immediately and send my body."