Chapter 863

Name:Unlimited Machine War Author:yi zui
Med is just a space weapon. It is not a real black hole weapon. It does not have the terrorist power of black hole weapons that really attract and devour everything. It can not pull all the things around. Even the full version of dimension devourer in vf-25 can get out of its influence with its own power, Not to mention just a large Med warhead with unknown power reduced.

Although like the dimension devourer, the large Med warhead will continue to expand after detonation, and has a strong involvement force within the scope of influence, attracting and swallowing everything. Once it is involved in the scope of influence, there is basically no possibility of escape, However, although it has influence beyond the scope of action, it is not as strong as a black hole. If it is a real black hole weapon, everything around it will be sucked in at the moment of detonation, and there is no possibility of escape. In short, once the Med warhead is detonated, it is like a slowly expanding and restricted black hole.

However, even in this way, as long as a large Med warhead is used, it will still have a certain impact on the surrounding environment. It's hard to say how much such impact will be before it is really used. If the Med warhead explodes close to the moon, the impact will be even more terrible.

Xiao ran doesn't want to reduce the quality of the moon because he casually put a med bomb, which will eventually lead to the imbalance of the earth circle. The consequences will be too serious. Maybe the earth will follow various natural disasters, such as tsunami and earthquake. Of course, this possibility is not high, and no one can ignore even the lowest possibility.

Maliu nodded slightly when he heard the conversation between the two, but he had a different view from Luo: "although it is said that after detailed calculation, using a large Med warhead can minimize the impact, in addition to using a large Med warhead, we also have other options, that is, a small Med warhead."

There are not many large Med warheads on the archangel, so large reaction warheads must be used to end the battle as soon as possible, so they are not considered at all. Even if large Med warheads are not used, large reaction warheads will still be released. Now what is left for reference is small Med warheads, which attack in quantity, It is suitable for micro missiles used in conventional operations of deformable fighters and warships.

Although there are not many large Med bombs and large reaction bombs, the number of standard missiles for Xiaoran is very large, which is completely enough for the archangel to release continuously in this battle until the end of the battle. At this time, all these missiles are placed in Xiaoran's storage column in unit quantity, After entering the world, he has never taken it out until now. In addition, at the beginning, the archangel did not need real combat, and the archangel is not the ship that fully meets the missile use of the galaxy singer, so Xiao ran didn't realize or forgot that he was still carrying the normal supplies of the galaxy singer.

At the same time, malau smiled at Xiao ran and said, "don't forget that the archangel has also been transformed. Even if the number of missiles launched at the same time is small due to the limitation of the warship itself, it is more than (the world) It's also good for other warships. When there is no defense, those things have a great effect on the battlefield. "

At this point, Marius lowered his voice and said in a voice that only Xiao ran and Luo could hear, "but the problem now is how to take out those missiles."

Nowadays, many of the members of the main angel have reached the basic staffing. Each department has corresponding personnel, and it is difficult to find a place where no one can take the missile out of the storage bar. It is natural to doubt that so many things appear inexplicably. Therefore, those originally belonging to the galaxy singer should appear on the main angel, There must be the most appropriate reason.

"How long is it before we reach the battlefield?" Xiao ran frowned and asked. After looking at the front panel, malau said to Xiao ran, "one hour at most."

Xiao ran looked at Luo again: "can you contact any nearby ship belonging to the waste merchant union or other ships?"

Xiao Ran's words and eyes showed that Luo and Maliu understood what Xiao ran was up to. Since they could not appear on the Lord angel in vain, if they appeared on another ship and no one knew, the supplies belonging to the galaxy Geji taken from Xiao Ran's storage column would not exist. They appeared out of thin air, and now they are far from the Lord angel, The Minerva and this part of the fleet still have one hour to arrive in the battlefield. As long as they can be arranged within one hour, the next battle will indeed be much easier as Marius said.

Although the archangel can't release countless missiles at one time, the archangel has been transformed in the ship regiment, and can release dozens of hundreds of missiles at one time. It's not just that there are only 12 missile launch ports like the archangel, but if all these launched missiles are high explosive bombs and small Med bombs, That's equivalent to fire propulsion.

"I'll try." Luo quickly nodded, directly replaced a correspondent on the CIC seat, and began to contact nearby to see if there was a ship that could be borrowed. According to the action practice of the waste merchants' Association, the closer it is to the battlefield, the easier it is for them to haunt. Based on the relationship between orb and the waste merchants' Association, it is also quite simple to borrow a ship.

In less than a few minutes, Luo seemed to have settled the matter. He stood up from his position and nodded to Xiao ran: "there is a ship of waste trade and Industry Association nearby, which can arrive at the speed of MS in ten minutes at most."

"Let's go." Xiao ran nodded and left the bridge with Luo. Because justice GAODA was still recovering, Xiao ran simply boarded Luo's red dragon GAODA and let Luo control the red dragon GAODA to leave the main angel and go to the direction of the ship.

In about ten minutes, Xiao ran saw the stopped yellow spaceship from the screen all over the week. This ship is not a warship type ship used by United, AUB or ZAFT, but a small transport ship, which just meets Xiao Ran's needs, The ship is painted with the standard yellow of the waste trade association, which is also very conspicuous in the Dark Universe.

When Honglong GAODA entered the ship, several members of the waste trade and Industry Association who had changed into cosmic clothes were waiting inside. After seeing Xiao ran, they also looked quite stunned. After quickly and politely saluting, they introduced the ship to Luo and Xiao ran, and drove the small shuttle in the cabin to leave.

If the other party lends Xiaoran their ship so generously, Xiaoran will also give a certain return. Anyway, once the battle is over, it will certainly receive many joint warships. It will be a thick reward to take a warship out and send several MSS at that time.

After the people on the original ship left, there were only Xiao ran and Luo on the whole ship. Luo didn't waste time and went directly to the bridge to start the ship and rush to the direction of the Lord angel, while Xiao ran stayed in the cabin and began to take out the things in his storage column one by one.

Because the mission started too suddenly, in addition to the galaxy singer's supplies that have been prepared all the time, there is no suitable deformable fighter in the bleak storage column. Otherwise, it is more appropriate to directly drive the deformable fighter into the lunar surface to bomb the ballad than the battle mode that can only break through directly now.

It didn't take much time at all. Xiao ran piled the whole cabin full. All these sudden things were micro missiles that could be used by the archangel, almost all of which were high explosive bombs and med bombs. Even so, there were still a lot of missiles in the Xiao ran storage column, If you really want to take them all out, the space of this ship can't hold so many, and these missiles can't be put into the bleak storage column.

In Xiao Ran's eyes, this launch missile is full of combat merit points. In order to win the battle and finally complete the task, such investment is necessary and worthwhile. The battle of participants is like this. After completing the task and breaking the enemy, they get combat merit points, combat readiness, combat process, and repair and maintenance after the battle are also inseparable from combat merit points, Most participants can maintain a balance of payments and have some savings, which is also a normal situation.

When Xiao ran finished these and went to the bridge, Luo was sitting in front of the rudder and controlling the warship. When he found Xiao ran coming in, he also turned and asked, "are they all ready?"

"Well, it won't take much time to take things out. Seize the time to join the archangel and get ready for the transfer."

"I see."

It was almost 20 minutes after the rendezvous with the archangel again. This was when the archangel slowed down a little and waited for the two. After all, the transport ship they are currently in is not a high-speed ship. It can't be compared with the high-speed ship like the archangel in a lifetime. After the two ships leaned together, The staff on the archangel, together with Luo and some ms of ZAFT, began to transfer the things on the transport ship to the archangel at the fastest speed.

In addition to the archangel, the ZAFT warship team led by the Minerva also got a lot of missiles, but all the missiles they got were high explosive bombs, not even a med bomb, and Xiao ran could not give the Med bomb to ZAFT. Although both sides are in a cooperative alliance, who can guarantee that the ZAFT army will have any other ideas after getting the Med warhead, For example, leave one or two to crack the Med bomb and so on.

Xiao ran doesn't believe that ZAFT can copy the Med bomb without even knowing what the key materials of the missile are, but there's nothing wrong with being careful. Moreover, even if it's only a high explosive bomb, it's also very useful for the next battle. The high explosive bomb produced by the ship regiment is very powerful and has a large range, Once the high explosion effect caused by the explosion can completely dissolve the enemy within the explosion range without residue. In the past, the overwhelming launch did not care whether it could directly hit the enemy. The picture of countless missiles will be very good.

In the process of handling, the maintenance team members of the Lord Angel did not put down the correction of Justice Gundam. GN dragon cavalry were re mounted on Justice Gundam. It didn't take much time to replenish all the lost GN dragon cavalry. Xiao ran jumped directly into the cockpit of the Lord Angel after returning to the Lord angel, Start debugging these new GN dragoons.

Finally, when it can be clearly seen with the naked eye that the battlefield has appeared in front of the fleet, all missiles have been transported and installed at the designated position of the warship. On the Minerva, the four airframes of Zhen, Lei, Heine and Luna Maria also took the lead to attack the joint Ms.

Xiao ran also finished adjusting the body, and Luo's red dragon, up to one left and one right, flew directly out of the two launch ports of the Lord angel.

As the two airframes came out of the Lord angel, the fleet's MS also flew out of different warships one after another, and quickly crossed the Justice Gundam and the red dragon, crossed all warships, followed behind the four aircraft of the Minerva, and began to attack more and more joint MS transferred for interception.

Before the two sides really began to approach the war, under the leadership of the Lord angel, all warships successively launched missiles that were handed over to them in the direction of the joint interceptors in less than a few seconds. The Lord Angel directly launched dozens of missiles at one time, along with the missiles launched by many other warships, With a long wake, the overwhelming missiles crossed the MS fleet with faster speed and flexibility than MS and flew directly into the United Front.

Such a large number of missiles are extremely conspicuous and can not be ignored by the United side. However, even if a large number of missiles are shot down by the attack of the United Army, the remaining missiles also rush into the united front and are detonated directly.

The brightness and power of high explosive missiles are completely different from those seen by the size of missiles. This kind of missile originally used in Legion scale combat shows its powerful power beyond the limits of the times as soon as it appears. Countless huge fireballs appeared in the outer layer of the moon with the explosion of one missile. These fireballs looked like the sun in an instant. Although it was only a moment, the light emitted by so many missiles also shone on the surface of the moon like day.